People who refuse to leash their dogs in Maplewood/S.O. parks archived

Defcon-Thanks for proving my point.

If you bothered to read my posts, instead of coming back with your macho man posts (I'm sorry you got bit, get over it and stop the gleeful kicking dog comments. I would expect anyone to protect themselves), you would know I only unleash my dog when there's no one around and if someone happened to come by who was afraid, I'd leash him.

Never went over the speed limit or jaywalked ?, those are laws also.
If I need advice on hot sauce, you'd be the guy, leave the legal advice to proffesionals.

4strings...I'm pretty bored by the "steel-tipped boots" comment myself....

4 strings, you play the bass also?

I have a small dog. He doesn't like other dogs very much, so I keep him on a leash. He does like children, but I don't let him go up to kids we don't know since I realize many kids (and adults) don't feel comfortable with dogs or may be allergic.

I've had loose dogs run up to my dog (usually while the owner is 50 feet away, chatting, occasionally saying "Oh, he's friendly") and start to scrap with him.

We live in a fairly densely-occupied suburb. Dogs should be leashed for their safety and the safety and comfort of others. When I lived in Manhattan, dogs were not loping around off-leash (except in Central Park, at certain times, and in certain places).

I've known of so many dogs that are injured, or killed, when they dart out into traffic. I'd hate to have that happen and I'd hate to be the driver who injured or killed someone's beloved pet when it ran in front of my car.

There are many very good reasons for keeping our dogs leashed here in town.

And, please, if you want to introduce your child to strange dogs, please, please teach them not to scream at them, yell at them or grab them. I love to have my dog say hi to your child, but I don't want him hurt and I don't want your child scared if my dog jumps at him or her out of fear because of what the child might unknowingly do.

If you bothered to read my posts, instead of coming back with your macho man posts (I'm sorry you got bit, get over it and stop the gleeful kicking dog comments. I would expect anyone to protect themselves)

It's not wrong to tell people how to defend themselves against an illegally roaming mongrel. Macho man comments? Not at all, it's EXACTLY what I would do. Nothing wrong with that.

You would know I only unleash my dog when there's no one around and if someone happened to come by who was afraid, I'd leash him.

OK, when there's nobody around it's ok to break the law. Got it. Also, how do you know someone is afraid from a distance, do you have the ability for a Vulcan Mind Meld? Pretty cool.

Never went over the speed limit or jaywalked ?, those are laws also.

There it is again, the infamous meaningless attempt of self-justification. I'd imagine you have gone over the speed limit and jaywalked as well, so you are worse than me, because you let your dog run free illegally as well, I don't own one. Give it up, you know it's illegal, you know it upsets people, yet you still do it. Like I said, I would LOVE to see animal control come down and impound EVERY loose mongrel one morning, I'd bring my video camera for that one!

If I need advice on hot sauce, you'd be the guy, leave the legal advice to proffesionals.

Legal advice? Don't speed, don't jaywalk, and keep your mongrel on a leash. See, good advice and it didn't cost anything.

What a guy.Endlessly bragging about kicking mongrels and happy to videotape dogs getting impounded.

Too bad Roy Cohn's not around, you two would have a lot in common.

What a guy.Endlessly bragging about kicking mongrels and happy to videotape dogs getting impounded.

Too bad Roy Cohn's not around, you two would have a lot in common.

"What a guy.Endlessly bragging about kicking mongrels and happy to videotape dogs getting impounded."

Nope, just teaching self-defense and public viewing of a crime being stopped. Nothin' wrong with that. :thumbup:

Crime huh? You know I am very sympathetic to anyone who gets bit by a dog, it's a traumatic experience. That being said, I'm getting the impression that the dog that bit YOU was not a vicious mongrel but may have just had a good judge of charactergrin

Nope, just another loose mongrel, where the owner THOUGHT he could read the mongrel's mind, and THOUGHT nothing was wrong with letting it run around without a leash. Kinda sounds like your self-justified reasoning, besides speeding and jay walking. :rolling:

Oh, by the way, it IS a crime to let it run around without a leash. You seem a bit confused with the simplicities of it. It's ok, just ask a cop, he'll explain it to you in low-count syllable words. You know what you do, get a cop, and release your mongrel in front of him, he might even give you a slip of paper explaining it as well, he'll even autograph it for you with the date. Make sure he checks off the little red box "court appearance required", as yet another person in a tall chair will explain it to you in further depth, just to make sure you understand.

I agree with DEF, gotta use self-defense. A few years ago, I was roller-blading through the park with my hockey stick, just to use as balance, etc. And some kid was walking a mean looking pit-mix, kept running after me. I stopped and told the kid to leash up that dog, he said ok, but couldn't get a handle on his dog. He kept running after me at full speed and was on the verge of catching me. I stopped with my hockey stick cocked, lock n loaded, and told the kid, get control of your dog right now or I'm gonna unload on it. I yelled at the dog, he finally backed off and ran back to the kid. I then unleashed a lot of obscenities to the kid, basically, told him to f----- leash your dog in this park, you understand me kid? He wasn't that young, maybe 17. And I skated off. Was kinda scarey, but I was in full control with that hockey stick.

you two are perfect for each other.

both of your frequent macho man posts remind me of the guy that drives a corvette to compensate, if you catch my drift.

Hate to disappoint Oldstone, but T-Bergs doesn't have any problems in that dept.

Actually Def, I did have a conversation with one of Maplewood's finest when the woman whose son was breaking the rules by riding his bike in the park called the cops. The cop was very apologetic about asking me to leash my dog and said,"Some people have too much time on their hands, I hate to do this" The policeman saw the absurdity and waste of time of this situation, sorry you can't comprehend that. Then again the policeman is a law professional and you appear to be a legal, "wanna-be". I just hope there is enough cops on the force when there is a real crime being commited and there not all at Memorial Park rounding up all those dangerous pup's. They may be tempted by stardom in Cecil B Defcons latest film,"Rounding up the Neigbors Dogs".

Between DEFCON's steel toes and my hockey sticks, I think we could do a nice K-9 round-up if needed.

We get it. You practice a sort of Chinese menu compliance with the laws. You get to pick and choose those that apply to you. Fine. You are smarter, better, and more entitled than the rest of us.
What is the universal thread killer?
That's what Hitler thought , too.


Posted By: T-Berger33Between DEFCON's steel toes and my hockey sticks, I think we could do a nice K-9 round-up if needed.

I played hockey for a while, but I think I'd be more accurate with a slap shot when wearing steel-toed combat boots. Perfect together.

Sorry to hear the officer you spoke to was non-chalant (sp?) about the loose mongrels, but perhaps when your mongrel leaps on a mall child, bites someone, or attacks another mongrel, he'll be more receptive to the posted rules and regs of the park. Just because he didn't take it seriously, doesn't mean he's not supposed to ignore the posted LAWS. But of course these rules don't apply to YOU do they? What a self-serving attitude.

"We get it. You practice a sort of Chinese menu compliance with the laws. You get to pick and choose those that apply to you. Fine. You are smarter, better, and more entitled than the rest of us.
What is the universal thread killer?
That's what Hitler thought , too."
Holy you REALLY think that 4Strings sounds like that? Calli...are you really that black and white?

Posted By: Oldstoneyou two are perfect for each other.

both of your frequent macho man posts remind me of the guy that drives a corvette to compensate, if you catch my drift.

Sometimes I think that T-Berger33 and DEFCON Creator are the same person.

Posted By: lara
Posted By: Oldstoneyou two are perfect for each other.

both of your frequent macho man posts remind me of the guy that drives a corvette to compensate, if you catch my drift.

Sometimes I think that T-Berger33 and DEFCON Creator are the same person.

Eeek! :shocked:

"That's what Hitler thought too".

Calliope-Get some help. I don't appreciate the Hitler reference and neither do my relatives who had to leave Austria or were killed by him.That was a callous,ignorant comment.

I'm really out.

No, I don't even know DEFCON, but he seems like a good guy, and I will probably go to his next wing ding.

DEF, what's up with the Eeek! comment?

No love for the Berger?

Posted By: 4strings"That's what Hitler thought too".

Calliope-Get some help. I don't appreciate the Hitler reference and neither do my relatives who had to leave Austria or were killed by him.That was a callous,ignorant comment.

I'm really out.

I think the Hitler thing is an attempt to "kill" the thread. I don't think Calliope is really comparing you to Hitler. I could be mistaken...don't want to speak for you, Calli?

4strings, the Hitler reference was an attempt to kill this thread which is basically people saying the same things over and over with both "sides" not really hearing what the other side has to say. It's an old MOL joke that the best way to kill a thread is to invoke Hitler or Nazism. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Rather than get caught up in the laudatory attempt by Calli to kill this thread (my family is Jewish and I have some relatives who perished in the Holocaust as well), I would advise you to read the initial part of that post again, repeated for your convenience:

We get it. You practice a sort of Chinese menu compliance with the laws. You get to pick and choose those that apply to you. Fine. You are smarter, better, and more entitled than the rest of us.

Why don't people speak in english and stop saying stuff like trolling, hitler, sink. So us newbies know wtf people are talking about. We aren't all MOL geeks. We do like things to be translated into english.

Posted By: T-Berger33No, I don't even know DEFCON, but he seems like a good guy, and I will probably go to his next wing ding.

DEF, what's up with the Eeek! comment?

No love for the Berger?


T-Berger33, it was quite clear from Calli's post that she was trying to kill the thread. You don't even read/comprehend the current posts so why bother with you. Trolling and sink are terms that have been around forever. Perhaps you missed message board 101 or failed it miserably. Summer session is about to begin.

No offense Mr. Berger, but if you're waiting for the world to bend over backwards to accommodate itself to your lack of knowledge and experience, better take a good book with ya...cause you're gonna be waitin' a while.

Wow, you gals just destroyed me there. Man, that was brutal. I don't know what to do or say. I'll be in therapy for years now, maybe Dr. Melfi can help me out?

Maybe you just need a break from this message board particularly since you now admit you don't know what to do or say.

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