Parent Poll archived

Notehead and I started looking at baby gear....there is an overwhelming selection of toys/gadgets/crap available for infants today, much of it I am sure unnecessary. (A wipes warmer???? I don't think so)

We have polled some friends and asked "What's the one item/gadget you couldn't live without?" The unanimous response has been "Exersaucer". So, that's on the list.

MOL parents, tell new parents/parents-to-be: "What's the one item/gadget you couldn't live without?"
(Please don't say Exersaucer. We already know how indispensible it is!)


That diaper genie thing.

A good diaper bag in a neutral color just the right size with the right compartments. That, and Xanax. Lots of it.

I have a few:

+A lambswool throw (my child napped on that on the floor until able to crawl)
+A comfortable snuggly (I was able to function, write thank yous, etc. and had my hands free and a happier baby - besides in the early months that was the only way he would fall asleep, by walking around quickly with him attached to one of us in it sucking his thumb - then we would transfer him to cradle or crib)
+A swing - allowed us to eat dinner without holding him - only lasted a few months but it was worth it and I probably got it as a hand-me-down anyway.

You can see the connection with all of my suggestions: baby's sleep and comfort equals parents' sleep and comfort.

Bouncy Seat and Baby Bjorn.

Walls between the bedrooms. That's another way of saying I hated the baby monitor and realized that it was worse than useless.

I guess the most useful things are the obvious, unquestioned things, such as clothes, diapers, car seats, and a crib. But you didn't really ask about those, did you?

Um, how about a mother in law who comes to help?

Bouncy seat. Pacifiers. Sense of Humor. Trust in yourself and your own instincts.

Pack and Play. We had it set up downstairs so our baby could sleep in that when we were downstairs, and in his crib upstairs. It's also great as a travel crib for when he gets older.

You won't need the exersaucer until little pipnotehead is 6+months, so don't spend $$ on it now.

Our baby didn't love the swing. If I think of more I'll post again. But the most important things are the last two in my first sentence.

Swing (preferably not crank - battery or electric)
Soothing music/sound machine or similar
Diaper genie

Trusted babysitter at least once per month!

Tom - I have a mother in law who will come to help! Aren't I lucky! In fact, she will be watching the baby one day a week after Notehead and I both go back to work. I feel so lucky -- 4 days a week day care, grandma one day a week.

Diaper bag - check
Pack n Play - check
Baby Bjorn - check
Swing - check
Bouncy seat - check
pacifiers - check
sense of humor - check and double check!

soparents - we aren't sure about the diaper genie yet, since we haven't fully figred out if we are going the cloth route.

don't stop! more!

cyn - is your daughter going to be baby sitting soon?:wink:

On the diaper genie front, we used it for the first year (maybe less) and then it got nasty so now we just throw diapers in the trash.

Oh. Major thing. Burp rags for spit up etc. Cloth diapers make the best ones, although you will certainly get some fancy ones as gifts. Indispensible.

Laundry detergent. Little clothes, but tons of laundry in the beginning.

If you're going to breastfeed, you'll need a pump. Don't waste your time with any of the hand held gadgets. You really have to go for the electric double pump. Otherwise you'll never get anything else done. I had a Medela double pump which was about 75 million times better than the hand-held single pump I started out with.

Also, the Boppy. Makes nursing SO much more comfortable for you. Get a couple of covers for the Boppy so that if the baby spits up or leaks on it you can just change the cover and don't have to throw the whole thing in the wash.

Ditto on the Baby Bjorn, cloth diapers for burp cloths, diaper genie - if you go the disposable diaper route. Eventually when the kid moves to solids the poop diapers get too stinky for even the diaper genie, but at the beginning when they are pooping all.the.time., the diaper genie is great.

kriss - I do plan to breastfeed, not sure for how long. I am not that thrilled with the idea of pumping. Ideally, after I go back to work I'd like to only produce enough milk to breastfeed when I am home, bt I know this may not be possible. I heard that it is possible to rent pumps. Anyone have any experience with renting versus purchasing a pump?

Meant to add the boppy to the list. thanks!

Let's see. During the past two weeks we've needed the following:

Lots of onesies
Lots of diapers/wipes
Diaper genie
lots of blankets - receiving type
Pack 'n play for upstairs - bassinet for downstairs very helpful
a vibrating bouncy seat (has been invaluable)
extra base for the infant seat
a good diaper bag
a mother in law for at least six months (Yea!) its so nice to have an extra set of hands around the house and she's a good cook. Although she constantly thinks the baby is too cold. Could be an environmental thing since she's from the Philippines where the weather never really dips below 65 degrees.

For our older son we loved the swing and believe it or not we received a wipe warmer as a gift and it was kind of comforting for him (I think). He loved the aforementioned exersaucer thing. We're going to try the baby bjorn thing this time after forgoing it the first time around.

Best of all congratulations! Babies are awesome. They smell so good, you just can't help falling head over heals for them.

I liked our play pen, fill it with toys and they are in a safe place if you have to be a little distracted sometimes, also good for outdoor activities and you don't want baby on the grass.

sportsnut - thanks for the long list! congrats to you too!

"extra base for the infant seat" --> brilliant. probably wouldn't have thought of it!
receiving blankets - my MIL is making about 100 flannel and cotton receiving blankets and burp cloths. we will not be wanting!

flying - I think the Pack N Play is basically a fancy playpen, because it also turns into a bassinet and (in some cases) a changing table

pippi, while I think of it, and it may sound silly, get yourself a few really loose nightdresses that have buttons right the way down the front. If you are planning on breastfeeding, these are a godsend, as particulary in hospital and home night-time feeds, unbutton the first 6 or so, and attached the baby. The ones that have just three buttons are no good as you will end up having to hitch up the nightdress.. is a great site. Yes, it's in England, but I order a lot of stuff here for friends expecting. Oh, and another thing, look there too for disposable panties. Ask a friend what for/why if you like or I can whisper it to you but i'm not posting it online...!!

I "whispered" a long list your way

many of you have reminded me that that are things that I will need for me, not just for the baby.


soparents - I can imagine why I might need disposable panties
:cry: :shamed:

no no no.
as they say "It's all good"

When my daughter was born my mom gave me a pack of about 50 really cheap terrycloth face cloths. She said I would use them constantly and thank her every time I did - and she was right. I still use them a lot, 9 years later. Many have ended up in the trash from over-use.

If you end up bottle feeding (you may recall I had no choice), get one of those bottle chiller/warmer things to keep in baby's room. It keeps the bottle cold until you need it, then you warm it up in like 30 seconds by pushing a button.

My baby liked to hold something while he slept in the crib. For a long time, this was a cloth diaper. Later, a very soft cuddly animal.

A-hem: he still likes this, and he's 10. Good boy.:wink:

Second that vibrating bouncy chair- mine loved it. Plus when he was congested, he slept in that b/c it kept him more upright. Which reminds me, you should add a vaporizer to the list. You probably won't use it often, but nothing's worse than needing it in the middle of the night and not having it on hand.
Also, I've posted it before and I'll post it again... the Miracle Blanket. The swaddling thing just never worked for me- he somehow always wiggled out of it. This blanket definitly helped him (and in turn me!) sleep better.
I'll try to think of any other things!

My oldest was colicky and very much a spitter upper. I went through dozens of those little terry feeding bibs. And lots of cloth diapers as burp cloths. The other two, not so much.

My oldest also really liked the swing. He liked it so much that I had an upstairs swing and a downstairs swing. He spent a lot of time in it the first 6 months or so of his life. The other two enjoyed the swing too, but didn't NEED it as much.

What you will NEED will very much depend on your baby.

A note about colicky babies: first, I hope you don't have one, but if you do, try to keep in mind the baby will cry NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. I wish I had understood that. We paced the floor with him for hours each night, never got to sit down long for dinner. It was stressful. But, of course, the inclination is to hold them and soothe them. Had I known what I know now, I might just put the little guy IN HIS ROOM, in his crib (or the swing) for the 15-20 minutes it took to sit and eat a meal (and give myself a break), close his door, turn off the monitor and put on some music to tune out the crying.

And I beg to differ with Tom about the monitor. I couldn't have lived without mine. If I needed to be in the basement doing laundry, or wanted to be outside, or anyplace where I might not hear the baby when he woke up, I'd use the monitor. I used it consistently, and for a long time, with each kid.

As far as the diaper pail is concerned, I've used a basic one by Fisher Price that utilizes tall kitchen garbage bags from the grocery store, and have been completely satisfied. Still using it to this day with child #3 (although I keep hoping my diaper days--after 8 years--will be over SOON). I understand people really like the Diaper Genie, but it only uses bags specifically designed for it, and I'm fairly certain they can't be bought at the grocery store or CVS. And I have no doubt the refills are much more expensive than a bag of tall kitchen garbage bags.

I've always been big on not wasting money on silly, expensive baby gadgets (I totally agree about the wipe warmer--all three of mine have had room temperature wipes and never complained) and it just seems to me the Diaper Genie itself is more expensive than a basic diaper pail, and the refills seem like a complete waste of money. Just my 2 cents.

A further note about the swing: get the motorized one. We had the wind up kind at my mother's when we visited and it didn't work because the mechanism wasn't as smooth, and because, obviously, it would wind down and stop and he would wake up!

Vaporizor - excellent reco!

Note to self - check out the Miracle Blanket

CLK - bottles and warmers haven't been investigated yet. Even though I hope to breastfeed, I know we'll need bottles for pumping, formula supplementing, or for all the feedings if that's how things turn out....
which brings me to my next question:

how on EARTH do you choose from the 8 bazillion bottles available????
we were so overwhelmed, we just walked away in a daze, shaking out heads and muttering "another day, not today, can't decide today"

another vote for "What you will NEED will very much depend on your baby."

Don't over do it before the babe is born. I bought and washed tons of baby clothes which my 10 pounder NEVER wore. I stocked up on Balmex b/c the lady at BabysR Us told me I needed it -- never used it. I used the bottle warmer a few times but often just ran the bottle under hot tap water. Take it slow, there's always time to buy more stuff.

Pippi, as far as bottles are concerned, I asked lots and lots of people who were in a position to know, and they said basic bottles are just fine. Seems there's just no proof that any of these fancy, expensive, "new fangled" bottles make any difference. I know lots of people who swore by the bottles with all the bells and whistles, but their babies seemed no more or less happy or satisfied than mine.

For my third, I chose the Playtex with the drop in liner, because I liked the idea of limiting the air inside the bottle, and I felt the nipple was more naturally shaped, and it made all the difference when it came to washing bottles. You just throw the liners away and rinse the bottle.

Then again, I guess the plastic liners may be against your environmental concerns. In that case, basic bottles with basic nipples should do the trick.


Considering I had two kids in the last 2.5 years, I think I may be able to add some things to this list but I am only going to promote a couple items:

Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn
Baby Bjorn

Whoever invented this thing should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Having your hands free is awesomes and the babies dig it too (they love falling asleep against momma and poppa). I can do everything from posting on MOL to mow the lawn/clean/cook with this thing.

IMPORTANT: You should buy one for yourself and one for Notey. You don't want to have to keep adjusting the straps betweenn you two. If it is too expensive you can always get used ones on e-bay.

A good supply of pacifiers are good to (if you decide you want to use them and your child actually likes them). I always carry an extra one in whatever pants I am never know when you are going to need it....

Also, one of those thingofamajig that latches the pacifier on your babies shirt via a clip and long string(?). Babies like to spit out pacifiers all the time and it is nice to know they will not be landing on the dirty, germ ridden floor and you don't have to constantly bend down to retrieve it....


I highly recommend a book called "Baby Bargains". It is essentially a consumer-reports type of book, based on real-parental input and zero commercialization.

They also have a wonderful message board where parents ask questions and talk about everything baby-related you can even imagine. Check it out at

You can also order one of their books directly from their site, but I think you could possibly get it cheaper at a bookstore.

Good luck, and congratulations!!! :bigsmile:

PS. Sleep, and do lots of spur-of-the-moment things before the baby comes! You don't quite fully appreciate the meaning of the words "freedom"and "care-free" before you have a child!

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