OT - knitting groups? archived

Are there any knitting groups (that welcome beginners) meeting at either the SOPL or MML? I seem to recall old notices in print, but haven't seen any in a while.....


Not sure about thr library, but there is an informal group meeting at Cafe Meow on Wed. afternoons around 1:30. KnitKnack has a Friday evening group.

We have an informal group that meets on Saturdays at Netnomads. We meet about 11-11:30 until the the early afternoon. We would love to have new people join us. The members tend to work outside the home and not locally so that is why we picked Saturdays. NetNomads is across from the Bank of America at the corner of Springfield and Prospect. Please think about joining us. cecilia

Maplewood Library had a group a couple of years ago until the librarian Becky Raines moved to Holland. She had an interesting blog going about her life abroad which I had enjoyed. Anybody know how she is - or where she is?

Love the Friday knit at KK. Will check out Saturday at NNs.

Does anyone have any suggestions for mirror-image knitting books? Grandma taught me to knit backwards, but I only really learned knit and purl. I've tried looking at books, but since everything is "backwards" for me, it's hard to figure out. I did finally get the whole K2TOG and YO thing. I really don't have it in me to re-learn to knit "normal" and I figure I could probably learn the other stitches more quickly if the images and directions fit what I was doing.

Going back to Grandma to learn more stitches isn't an option. She's still alive, but she drives me insane when I'm over there.


How do you knit backwards?

spontaneous - are you a leftie? I am, and it does make working from most instructions a little more challenging. I don't have any suggestions for left-handed patterns (I translate in my head), but whisper if you'd like some help figuring things out.

Yes, I knit backwards. I'm a leftie and so is Grandma C. She taught me how to knit. My Grandma S. once tried to show me a new stitch (she was [i]very[/i] gifted at knitting, sewing, crochet, needlepoint, etc), she looked at how I was knitting, and finally gave up saying "I have no idea of what you are doing." When you knit normally, you cast on to the left needle, and the stitches are moved over to the right. I cast onto the right needle and the stitches are moved to the left.

Mergele, I'm not even sure if I'm up to patterns yet, I just want to learn more stitches. It would be nice to learn how to work off of a pattern though, and make something besides just a scarf or a potholder.:shamed:

I knit continental style or also known as left handed knitting even though I am right-handed. I find it easier. I thought maybe that's what you meant. Here's a video of different ways to do stitches. If you scroll all the way down, there's something about backwards knitting and using a mirror. But if you are a leftie, then try it continental style, it might be less trouble. On the site, there are other videos of how to increase and decrease, too.


Good luck!

Actually, I do knit continental style, which for backwards knitting means that I hold the yarn in my right hand. If I was knitting normal, then continental would have the yarn in my left hand (I think:shamedoh oh

I've seen "normal" knitters go crazy watching me work left-handed continental, so I can just imagine your grandmother's reaction :rolling:

Got it and replied :bigsmile:

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