Need local gutter company ideas to fix gutter

Hello - Looking for Recommendations for a local reputable Gutter company to fix gutter  pulling wood away from house. Gutter is loose and pulling the wood away from house, probably rotted out wood... would need to be replaced also.  Thank you

Ticos Carpentry rebuilt our old decaying box gutters.  We used composite wood because We don’t want to have to redo the job 5-10 years from now. jorge owns the company.  He and his team are a pleasure to work with. 

Kosh the cheapest, but I have issues after using him.  Workmen did a quick job at the agreed price, leaving a problem, and after several attempts to refix, he tried to raise the price.  To his benefit, they finally fixed the problem and he accepted the original agreed price.  I don't think he will want my business going forward, and vice versa.

Other people tend to rate highly.

mrmaplewood said:
Kosh the cheapest, but I have issues after using him.  Workmen did a quick job at the agreed price, leaving a problem, and after several attempts to refix, he tried to raise the price.  To his benefit, they finally fixed the problem and he accepted the original agreed price.  I don't think he will want my business going forward, and vice versa.
Other people tend to rate highly.

 I've heard lots of complaints about Kosh and we didn't like the fact that, after the first cleaning, they doubled the price on us.  We don't use them any more.  

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