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I heard it said that this Bryson Stott guy is the first player to ever reach base four times in the same game against Max Scherzer.

Train_of_Thought said:

I heard it said that this Bryson Stott guy is the first player to ever reach base four times in the same game against Max Scherzer.

I was going to keep this thread's guarantee and Like your comment even though I didn't believe it. But, wow. You'd have thought a fielder's choice or two would have helped some previous contenders.

I hate MLB's exclusive streaming deals.

ETA: I suppose it’s possible that those who are saying “reached base” mean it more restrictively and aren’t really counting fielder’s choices.

DanDietrich said:

Oh man, Tatis busted for PEDs two years into his $340 million contract. 80 game suspension. The Padres are just screwed.

Their offense will keep missing him. It's been barely a week, but still: Since the Soto trade, the Padres' team wRC+ is 94, which is 6 percent below the MLB average and ranks 19th among the 30 teams during that time.

DaveSchmidt said:

Train_of_Thought said:

I heard it said that this Bryson Stott guy is the first player to ever reach base four times in the same game against Max Scherzer.

I was going to keep this thread's guarantee and Like your comment even though I didn't believe it. But, wow. You'd have thought a fielder's choice or two would have helped some previous contenders.

I hate MLB's exclusive streaming deals.

ETA: I suppose it’s possible that those who are saying “reached base” are using it loosely and aren’t really counting fielder’s choices.

I honestly don't even know for sure if it's true or what applies. I saw some random person say it on the Twittersphere.

I found it on a Phillies blog after reading your comment, so it must be true.

ETA: From the Inquirer: “Stott has hit well against Scherzer all season; he’s now 6-for-8 against the three-time Cy Young award winner for his career. Stott — who has a grand total of 83 big league games under his belt — is the first player to reach base four times in the same game against Scherzer.”

That's something.  He should be proud of that.

I turned the game off right away when they lost, but I heard the announcers were trying to get Stott to badmouth Keith and he wouldn't take the bait. I can't imagine Apple TV thinks people are going to subscribe for their baseball package with these announcers they have.

Overall that was a good game.  I wish the Mets had won, but I can't fault Marte for trying to score in the 9th.  Even with that good throw he almost made it.

DanDietrich said:

Overall that was a good game. I wish the Mets had won, but I can't fault Marte for trying to score in the 9th. Even with that good throw he almost made it.

When I watched the highlights, his left hand looked awfully close.

Marte’s throw in the 10th was good enough, too. Short hop, but I think Nido should have handled it. Since the Kid, Mets catchers have always been just, you know …

DaveSchmidt said:

I was going to keep this thread's guarantee and Like your comment even though I didn't believe it. But, wow. You'd have thought a fielder's choice or two would have helped some previous contenders.

I hate MLB's exclusive streaming deals.

ETA: I suppose it’s possible that those who are saying “reached base” mean it more restrictively and aren’t really counting fielder’s choices.

If it doesn't count in a player's OBP, I don't think it can be considered reaching base. 

My son lives in Philly too. Just moved there.

Unfortunately he abhors baseball.

I don't know what I did wrong.

ml1 said:

If it doesn't count in a player's OBP, I don't think it can be considered reaching base.

Fans who consider the plain-language meaning of “reach base” excepted. Yeah, I’ve come to terms (!) with accepting that Elias was tallying times on base. Confoundment overcome.

Other than the result, tonight’s Phillies-Mets duel was my kind of game.

Twenty minutes ago I thought this would be a 2-1 game, one way or another.  Now I'm thinking 6-5, one way or another.

Here’s hoping that if the weekend accomplished anything, it at least partly alleviated the inferiorty complex of Mets nation.

DanDietrich said:

That's a big ask.  

You’re wondering how the weekend would’ve played out if Harper and Schwarber had been healthy, too, eh? cheese

No, I actually  think that the Mets are good.  We are going to Atlanta up.a bunch.  Its on them to beat us. But some of the things that show up in my FB account are pretty amazing. "Clinging to first", etc.

The Mets have good hitters, 5 good starters, the best closer in the game, and their middle relief is better than it looks.  

DaveSchmidt said:

You’re wondering how the weekend would’ve played out if Harper and Schwarber had been healthy, too, eh? 

Mets might have swept the series if Schwarber was out there. Vierling got to a couple of balls I doubt Schwarber would have gotten to. I think yesterday's game was the Phillies team that Keith was referring to. That Marsh to Segura play shouldn't be happening. That said their infield defense looked a lot better than earlier in the year. 

jfinnegan said:

That Marsh to Segura play shouldn't be happening. 

Inexcusable, especially from a player who was picked up mainly for his defense. Here’s hoping at least one veteran on the team disabused Marsh of any notion that it would be tolerated.

Yeah, a playoff team cannot make mental mistakes like that.  Physical mistakes are no big deal, IMO.

Three players who began their pro careers in the Phillies farm system pitched for the Mets last night. If you sound it out, all three had rough outings.

The Yankees hate their fans.  Worst broadcaster (and broadcasting team) in the Majors.  Perhaps ever. 

Awful Stadium.  Wildly overpriced seats and food (and parking).  Randomly throw their games, usually Friday, on Amazon without giving a **** about whether fans have Prime.

Habitually bad GM (trades viable starter for a guy in a walking boot prob as a favor to his neighbor and thought Joey Gallo and Aaron Hicks were diamonds in the rough), lousy yes man manager whose prior bad decisions btw were the sole reason we got stuck with ARod, Chintzy ownership.

Worst First place team possibly ever and no way they win a playoff series this year.  Fans hate this team.

In sum, the Yankees have become the Mets of New York.

eta: I should say the pre-insider trading owner Mets of New York.

DaveSchmidt said:

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

Of course, there's plenty of time for a late-season Mets collapse - I carry years of Mets frustration with me. But let's hope this is for real.

The Mets are for real.

of course, there’s plenty of time…..

BarneyGumble said:

Habitually bad GM (trades viable starter for a guy in a walking boot prob as a favor to his neighbor and thought Joey Gallo and Aaron Hicks were diamonds in the rough), lousy yes man manager whose prior bad decisions btw were the sole reason we got stuck with ARod, Chintzy ownership.

Only a Yankees fan could complain that his team acquired a player (Hicks) who has accumulated 9.8 fWAR since the trade for a player (John Ryan Murphy) who has been worth 0.4 and hasn’t appeared in the majors since 2020. Or could describe a player with six-plus MLB seasons under his belt (Gallo) as anything in the rough.

And the “stuck with ARod” Yankees were good enough to prevent the 2009 Phillies from repeating as world champs, so hopefully it’s understandable why it’s hard for me to shed a tear for Bronx boo-hooers.

DaveSchmidt said:

Only a Yankees fan could complain that his team acquired a player (Hicks) who has accumulated 9.8 fWAR since the trade for a player (John Ryan Murphy) who has been worth 0.4 and hasn’t appeared in the majors since 2020. Or could describe a player with six-plus MLB seasons under his belt (Gallo) as anything in the rough.

And the “stuck with ARod” Yankees were good enough to prevent the 2009 Phillies from repeating as world champs, so hopefully it’s understandable why it’s hard for me to shed a tear for Bronx boo-hooers.

Many Yanks fans are incredibly entitled.  Even my good Yankee fan friend agrees grin

Seriously, I don't know how fun it can be if any year your team doesn't make the World Series is a failure. 

To this day my favorite Mets team was 1999. Such a fun season and postseason, even if they fell short of the WS. 

“Worst first place team possibly ever.”

It’s classics like that, which can hardly be topped, that make Yankees fans as welcome in this thread as any.

DaveSchmidt said:

“Worst first place team possibly ever.”

It’s classics like that, which can hardly be topped, that make Yankees fans as welcome in this thread as any.

I wonder if BarneyGumble is the "Dave from Maplewood" I heard ranting about the Yanks on the FAN back in April. I think the team's record was 5-5 at the time, and he was angry about having to put up with "12 years of lousy baseball."  The radio hosts and the fans go on and on about how they don't care if their team wins 95+ games a year (really?) if they don't get to the World Series. And they slam Cashman for putting together a team that "can't win in the postseason." Maybe those fans should look at the Dodgers, who have been the class of the NL for many years, and had a hard time getting to the WS. It's just what can happen in a short series -- anything.

I do agree with a couple of BG's points though. Yankees' announcers in both booths are terrible. I've always wondered why a such a franchise would ever have hired a clown like John Sterling to call their games. And Beltran and Maybin might be the most banal commentators I've heard in any sport. When David Cone's vanilla competence is the class of your booth, you know it's pretty bad.

And yes, the ballpark is a monstrosity. Even with it's over-the-top monument park, it's more a shrine to money than Yankee history.

Been tuning in the Reds’ TV announcers this week. Barry Larkin does an excellent job, a case in point being his exchanges with Eric Davis when Davis visited the booth for a couple of innings. Their banter was easygoing and unintrusive, as Larkin asked Davis about his observations of the farm system and other on-topic questions.

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