Long day schedule at CHS LOL

Wondering if some people get out a period earlier if they have an early start at CHS, and some others don't? My daughter starts at 7:30 and gets out at 3, which is the full extent of the day. They gave her a study hall. I guess that's a good thing, but she's realllly tired when she gets home. Does everyone get out at 3?

This year my kid is getting out at 3 most days with a 7:30 am start. Last year he got out at 2:15. It depends on the classes you need and how they fall in the schedule. If she can get some homework done in study hall, it can make the long day a little easier to deal with.

Both kids had schedules like that for 3 out of 4 years. In addition, both had Marching Band at 3:30 until 6 pm several days a week and private music lessons that required practice everyday. The autumn was always brutal. But, you know, they managed their time better than later in the year when they didn't have after school activities or weekend football games and night Marching Band competitions.

My sophomore goes 7:30 - 3 with no study hall. Brutal.

About half the school starts at 7:30 with period 1 and about 90 percent have a period 9 class. So about45 percent of the students do have a nine period day

My 9th grader is also at CHS from 7:30-3. And then he walks the 1.5 mile home - so far he is handling this okay.

My freshman is in the same boat, plus marching band (hi, @musicmz!). He's tired and he's cut back on extracurriculars other than band for the rest of this season (through October), but so far he is hanging in.

ETA: The broken arm doesn't help.

My younger kid had 9-period days three out of four years. And the other year, she started 2nd period, but had no lunch. Never a study hall during that time. I didn't envy her but it was her choice to be able to take both art and music in addition to all her core subjects and she made it work. There was quite a bit of caffeine involved at times.

(Older kid started at CHS before they went to the current schedule. They switched to the 9-period day when she was a Junior but I don't think she ever had a period 1 after that.)

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