Lilly update

News for those who have followed the story of Lilly, forsaken cat: she has settled in well, is little trouble, purrs readily and has taken to sleeping nights on the sofa or living room chair, often after enjoying t.v.!

She looks so healthy and content in that pic. grin Was she the cat left at the train station?

Oh so wonderful MFF! Lilly lived in a cage over a year at ValleyVet... until some MOL heros stepped up to the plate to help this senior!

CompassRose said:

She looks so healthy and content in that pic. grin Was she the cat left at the train station?

As softparade says, she was the 15-yr old given up to be left in a cage (or worse).

I haven't heard any further about the cat left at SO station--but I hope to.

Wow, that is a long time! No wonder Lilly looks so content. A model lap cat.

@mff You are definitely a hero!

mff this made my day. She looks wonderful.

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