Kimmel/Christie fat jokes crossed the line. archived

johnlockedema said:

Are you kidding? What would you be paying now if Corzine had been re-elected?


Didn't you just chide someone on another thread for saying that "it could have been worse" is a *****ty campaign slogan?

Oh, sorry it was "think how worse it could be"...

johnlockedema said:

Here you go Ridski, 100 million saved under Christie. Wonder why no other Governor went after these cheats? Maybe they were constituents?

Obviously then there were less of them in 2009 than in 2005 or Corzine would have won based on that logic.

So anyway, great. 100 million down, only a budget shortfall of 325 million to go. THEN do I get my property tax cuts?

ridski said:

johnlockedema said:

Are you kidding? What would you be paying now if Corzine had been re-elected?


Didn't you just chide someone on another thread for saying that "it could have been worse" is a *****ty campaign slogan?

Oh, sorry it was "think how worse it could be"...

Big difference between coming in as a reformer and doing it, vs coming in as a reformer and making things worse.

National debt, risen under Obama from 10 trillion to 15.6 trillion
Federal spending risen under Obama from 3 trillion to 3.8 trillion
Government bloat risen under Obama from 4.2 million employees to 4.44 million.
Jobless rate grown from 7.8% to 8.2% (and much higher, given that the number of 'jobs' have evaporated-all those airport ATM's you know.
Gas up from $2.50/gal to $3.81/gal.
Americans on food stamps from 28.22 million to 46.2 million.

For Christie, look at the numbers below.
Go look up the rates for Maplewood, and see them rise from the low 3% area, up to the high 4%'s-until 2100, when it dropped back down MUCH lower to 3.1% in 2011. Note it had risen to a 4.87% rate rise the year before.

Would you rather go back to the 'good old days'?

I'm still waiting for my GM dividend check. grin)

notupset said:

I doubt NJ will be fair or balanced in my lifetime, but hopefully we can stay out of bankruptcy.

States cannot go into bankruptcy.

You're right, look at California.

johnlockedema said:

Would you rather go back to the 'good old days'?

What good old days? I'm asking what great things Christie has done for me and you're still blathering on about a guy who was kicked out over 2 years ago. So my taxes aren't going up as much as they used to? Wow. That's some hot ***** right there.

Christie hasn't done anything as governor but open his mouth to talk smack and to let in cheese steaks.

ktc said:

Christie hasn't done anything as governor but open his mouth to talk smack and to let in cheese steaks.

What a silly statement. I suppose bipartisan pension and healthcare reform, not to mention the savings mentioned today in the Star Ledger, mean nothing. Well it may mean nothing to a know nothing.

This type of government attack on corruption and wasteful spending, which benefits all, along with bipartisan movement on bloated entitlements that are unaffordable today-well, it's what our POTUS should have tried to accomplish.

Face it-the Fat Man rocks!

He's impressive in size, unimpressive in accomplishments.

ktc said:

He's impressive in size, unimpressive in accomplishments.

Hey, your NJ state Democrats agree with Christie! Bipartisan, baby! Does it get better than that? Nope! Reform we can believe in! Saneness returns to Trenton! A model for the country! And the fact he loves a little Taylor ham once in a while makes him as real as Springsteen!

johnlockedema said:

ktc said:

He's impressive in size, unimpressive in accomplishments.

Hey, your NJ state Democrats agree with Christie! Bipartisan, baby! Does it get better than that? Nope! Reform we can believe in! Saneness returns to Trenton! A model for the country! And the fact he loves a little Taylor ham once in a while makes him as real as Springsteen!

Then we should have voted for Springsteen.

I don't like Christie, but I like those of you who are making fun of his weight even less. It is not OK to mock someone because of his appearance. You would not dare to mock him if he were gay, or African American, or Jewish or one-legged or tall. Fat people are the only ones whom you vilify because of their appearance, and that is NOT OKAY.

johnlockedema said:

How bitter! You must be so upset your man, the billion dollar plus thief, lost! grin)
I guess that it is too complicated a concept for you to grasp, but it is possible to object to Christie without supporting Corzine.

I don't know Strawberry well enough to know whether he was taking the piss when he started this thread....It is funny that Obama and Christie knew the format of the event and the host and knew there would be politically incorrect jokes and yet were happy to participate. So its ok for politicians to participate, but I am not sure everyone else gets off the hook for going along with this stuff.

notupset said:

I don't know Strawberry well enough to know whether he was taking the piss when he started this thread....It is funny that Obama and Christie knew the format of the event and the host and knew there would be politically incorrect jokes and yet were happy to participate. So its ok for politicians to participate, but I am not sure everyone else gets off the hook for going along with this stuff.

Strawberry is a very cool guy. Handsome too. Sexy wife, amazing son!

I don't understand the acceptance of fat jokes. The assumption appears to be that obesity is the result of gluttony, laziness, and stupidity. In the case of the governor, none of those conditions could come into the picture! He was an extremely successful attorney and has become a governor with national name recognition.
Frankly, I would have not been able to eat a bite of food after our president's "joke" that pit bulls are delicious! :0& How many Yorkies are needed for a kabob? Not funny, but pit bulls can get thrown under the bus!

Any casual observation of "roast humor" will yield a quick conclusion that fat people are not the only ones who are made fun of for their appearance or anything else that the jokesters can think of.

Big body parts, little body parts, height, skin color, hair, no hair, religion, gender, sexual orientation, fashion choices, political beliefs, drinking habits and various other proclivities are fair game. As always it is the venue and perceived spirit given that either causes mutual laughs, lonely tears or bitter fights. -and that was just at our last family reunion!

whether or not the jokes were appropriate, I'd just like to add that the starry-eyed man crushes that certain MOLers have for the Guv are totally creeping me out.

ml1 said:

whether or not the jokes were appropriate, I'd just like to add that the starry-eyed man crushes that certain MOLers have for the Guv are totally creeping me out.

Well, we're outnumbered en masse by the starry-eyed, man crushing Obama can do no wrong MOL'ers, lol.

He can sing Al Green! (Did that creep you out too?) Or did you get a stiffy?

you can search my posts. I'm one of the people who criticizes him.

ml1 said:

you can search my posts. I'm one of the people who criticizes him.

So you poke fun at Christie admirers, but don't note the love fest that many men here have with Obama? Odd.

sorry, man. your bromance with the big guy is way creepier.

ml1 said:

sorry, man. your bromance with the big guy is way creepier.

Creepy has an implication that offends me, mostly because it's a silly charge. I worked for his election, support almost all of his policies, if that creeps you out you've got an issue, not me-because you probably have an issue with Christie. You'll have to deal with your own problems, he's not going anywhere, either in NJ or nationally.

In the video, Christie seems to accept and enjoy the fat jokes about him. He's a good sport about it, so there's not much reason for the rest of us to take offense on his behalf.

Tom, Christie takes it in stride, and I thought the jokes were funny. The issue on MOL is that some people deride Christie's weight problem because they want to demean him because they oppose his politics. Come to think of it, isn't that what many on the left accuse their opponents about our President's race? That some oppose Obama because he's bi-racial?

Both have no place in my view.

johnlockedema said:

ml1 said:

sorry, man. your bromance with the big guy is way creepier.

Creepy has an implication that offends me, mostly because it's a silly charge. I worked for his election, support almost all of his policies, if that creeps you out you've got an issue, not me-because you probably have an issue with Christie. You'll have to deal with your own problems, he's not going anywhere, either in NJ or nationally.

I think you need to lighten up.

Sofia Vergara! Wow!!!!! :X

Sorry, what were you all talking about? :/

johnlockedema said:

Tom, Christie takes it in stride, and I thought the jokes were funny. The issue on MOL is that some people deride Christie's weight problem because they want to demean him because they oppose his politics. Come to think of it, isn't that what many on the left accuse their opponents about our President's race? That some oppose Obama because he's bi-racial?

Both have no place in my view.

You mean the same Christie who demeans his critics in public? Calls them names and suggest reporters in taking a bat to a female senator/grandmother.

” The entire nation recoiled when Christie recommended that reporters “take the bat out on” state Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Teaneck) — a 77-year-old grandmother. While that was the most incendiary remark he’s directed toward a female legislator, it certainly wasn’t the first — or the last. Christie also called Assemblywoman Valerie Huttle (D-Englewood) “a jerk” for daring to criticize him for using the State Police helicopter for personal reasons (to watch his son play baseball and to meet with fund raisers from Iowa). On more than one occasion, Christie called Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (D-East Orange) a liar despite clear evidence that backed up her side of the story. And Christie accused Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-Trenton) of being responsible for two murders allegedly perpetrated by two people who had been released from prison under an early release bill she had sponsored."

uh huh… Mr. Congeniality.

ktc said:

Christie must've been exhausted from having to walk all the way from the parking lot to his seat.

Yeah, he usually helicopters in. grrr

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