Jared Kushner's "To do" list

If tjohn had been a mench tjohn would have said I am sorry if my comment could be construed that way. But instead tjohn kept digging.

Gilgul said:

If tjohn had been a mench tjohn would have said I am sorry if my comment could be construed that way. But instead tjohn kept digging.

Saying "if he had been a mench" is an anti-gentile slur.

Huh? Catholics are not supposed to work on their sabbath either hence the 7th day reference. The Jewish Sabbath is technically the 6th day of the week, right? LOL

Whatever religion he is (and completely independent from it), Jared Kushner doesn't strike me as capable of accomplishing even one task on his list. Spoiled rich kid who thinks he's a lot smarter than he is is my take.

Gilgul said:

Oh yeh, you just happen to bring that up with regard to a person who is a Orthodox Jew and is well known to not work on Shabbat

. Maybe it is so ingrained you are not even fully conscious of your antisemitism. It is like making a gratuitous reference to watermelon in a thread about an African American then claiming well I just like watermelon

You know, given the giant agenda laid out for JK, it's really not gratuitous. It is a fairly common joke about huge tasks and/or peak achievements, so lmgtfy:  https://www.google.com/search?q=on+th+eseventh+day&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=on+the+seventh+day+jokes&*

Note that a lot of these have a Christian focus; not all Jewish. We do all read Genesis, y'know.

Note to conandrob, actually, Sunday is traditionally the first day of the week, Saturday the seventh day/sabbath, though (most) Christians celebrate Sunday because of Easter, and treat it as the sabbath.

Huh. I always thought Monday was the first day of the week.

"According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and final day."

Or the extended version:

Monday is the first day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601, but in the US, Canada, and Japan it's counted as the second day of the week. Monday comes after Sunday and before Tuesday in our modern day Gregorian Calendar.

A discussion that relies on the participants never having seen a standard calendar. oh oh


I'd like to point out that tjohn's comment was not at all anti-semitic. It was horribly blasphemous.

The Hebrew name for Sunday is Yom Rishon, day one. And so on through the week. Pretty clear if not very imaginative.

The shift of the Christian sabbath to Sunday was in itself an antisemitic act, one of the first. 

Maybe you'd admit that it was reasonable for Christians to make a big deal of Sunday/first day, given, you know, Easter, which by the accounts took place on "the first day." The drift of "sabbath" is another question, and I don't know when or how it happened.

Apparently early on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbath_in_Christianity

On Sunday being known as "the Lord's day" while Saturday was sabbath, note the Spanish domingo for Sunday and sabado for Saturday....

imo nobody (or anyhow, nobody here) defends the extensive and centuries-long awfulness visited on Jews by Christians in the past, but on the whole I think we're reformed. In modern Sunday schools, Jewish practices are introduced (eg, seder, sukkot) and Jews are described as "older brothers in the faith" (I hope that's not offensive), not to mention joint charitable and civic projects of all kinds. Lots of progress in the past 50 years. And goodness knows some of the fundamentalists are Israel's biggest fans.

seriously. a smart person would realize that joke wasn't making sport of Kushner's religion. it was comparing him to God. I'm appalled at the blasphemy.

Yale: "We're just people! ... You think you're God!"
Isaac: "I have to model myself after someone!"

- Manhattan (1979)

This whole thing is ridiculous. It was FUNNY. I thought it was very clever. I laughed when I read it. It was not anti-semitic.

And, yes, Sunday is the first day of the week on the Hebrew calendar (yom rishon, first day). It's the first day of the work week, no different from Monday here. The weekend is Friday afternoon and Saturday.

Gilgul said:

If tjohn had been a mench tjohn would have said I am sorry if my comment could be construed that way. But instead tjohn kept digging.

Dude, get professional help now. I am an avid viewer of Criminal Minds and I can tell when a person is devolving. Get help before it is too late.

You are still digging.

Indeed, I am. I am digging desperately to see if I can catch up with you and extract you from the rather deep well you have dug. I'm starting to think I should just fly to China and meet you on the other side of the world.

Here's a clue. If you are the only one of about 15 people who thought my comment was even obliquely anti-Semitic, don't rule out the possibility that you are unhinged.

WAIT.  Stop digging.  You won't come out in China.  You'll drown in the Indian Ocean.  I just checked.

Gilgul said:

You are still digging.

Gilgul said:

The shift of the Christian sabbath to Sunday was in itself an antisemitic act, one of the first.

As was switching New Year's Day to January 1st and moving to a Solar Calendar. Screw you, Jewish people, we're gonna worship the sun!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'll cop to being pretty anti-troll.

Not the "Son"? cheese.  (Merely wordplay, not meant to cause further offense)

Can we get back to Jared? That was an unnecessary tangent.

jamie said:

Can we get back to Jared? That was an unnecessary tangent.

I think the list of assignments that Trump has given Kushner is further indication that Trump has no idea that running a government and working with other nations is rather more complicated than running a family real estate business.

apparently just published in Haaretz...

Apparently fixing the Israeli-Palestine situation is no longer a core task.


you're such a clown. I thought of Genesis when he made that comment too. Pretty much no one who hears "resting on the seventh day" will think of Judaism.

Gilgul said:

tjohn, you made a comment that can only be seen as designed to highlight that Kushner is an Orthodox Jew in a discussion where that is not relevant. There is no other way to see it than as antisemitic. And your subsequent attempts to justify the comment are all of the pattern that make it even more clear that that was indeed the original intent.

jamie said:

Can we get back to Jared? That was an unnecessary tangent.

I can dig it.

tjohn said:

jamie said:

Can we get back to Jared? That was an unnecessary tangent.

I think the list of assignments that Trump has given Kushner is further indication that Trump has no idea that running a government and working with other nations is rather more complicated than running a family real estate business.

actually, more complicated than running a family money laundering business.

maybe Trump can delegate throwing out the Opening Day first pitch to Jared.

Has Jared ever spoken publicly? It seems like I've only seen him lingering in the background.

jamie said:

Has Jared ever spoken publicly? It seems like I've only seen him lingering in the background.

I've never heard his voice. Ever.

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