Inconsequential Chat

It won't take long. I'm sure that, as our new lords and masters have decided that global warming isn't anything to worry about, and that any science that contradicts their point of view is bunk, it won't take long before they realise the error of previous (their) ways and stop the release of the rabbit-killing calici virus.

When that happens, rabbits will flourish again and we'll be able to get plenty of skins for our iconic hat. Oh, and rabbit meat will become cheap again, which will be a good thing, because it'll be the only meat our pensioners, students and the unemployed will be able to afford.

You mean, once they're all 'on the wallaby' again, coz they can't afford rent??

Something like that, yes.

Gotta love our lingo ;-)

These pesky birds are very intelligent. When they've eradicated them from the Cook Islands, can we start removing them from Australia?

I believe there was a campaign at one stage to get rid if them around Canberra, but haven't heard anything about it lately.

Some time ago we had a discussion in which Dave said they were a pest in Hong Kong, too, I think...

Just came back from seeing this ...

It was defintely worth going to see it.

Now, that's a pig!

Our friend RG needs to see that!!!

I dunno marksierra - dream job?? Paid in pizza:

Alright for a while, I suppose, but you wouldn't want it to be the only way of earning a crust.


Did you catch up with Sandra the goat?

Yes. Isn't it lovely to see a different name rather than the usual Wilhelmina.

Was she searching for a romantic interest, I wonder? "Hi, I'm Sandra. I'm a goat with a view to ..."

She made me think of that lovely wild goat they had trouble evicting from her cliff-face near the Lighthouse at the Byron Bay cliffs...I wonder if Sandra was trying to make some musical point, or perhaps hoped to catch a glimpse or 'vibe' of her cousin on the other coast?

It's only 7:00pm where I am (south-eastern Australia), but this is too good to wait for midnight before posting it.

Shemademedothis loves this, says riiiiiiight!

Solstice!!! :-D

More Solstice stuff from down here:

There's some great pics of wintery beaches, coastlines, family groups that you'd swear were taken mid-Spring or late summer, early Autumn. Apparently this coming week will be cold and wet but it sure doesn't seem it right now.

joanne said:

Apparently this coming week will be cold and wet but it sure doesn't seem it right now.
That's because we've passed Winter, so now it must be Spring!

Is it cold enough for you, down south in Melbourne??

That Glen Innes temperature works out to 12 degrees F, for our MOL friends; and Thredbo, which was warmer, is one of the ski resorts but Glen Innes isn't.

Yes, we had our coldest day of the year, so far, on Wednesday.

(posted above reply twice)

I haven't seen anything so far, but here's an ad for McDonalds .. where hungry camels choose to eat.

I'm wondering if this could generate a challenge for, or from, MOLers or USians, generally ...

Wanted: 1353 or more people to be dressed in cow onesies. There's an Australian record waiting to be broken ...

Calling Jonesy, Ridski and Daisy the Cow...!!

Aww. Cute.

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