If you have AARP Medicare Complete through United Healthcare

Take a look at their Over the Counter Essentials

$50 a quarter worth of toothpaste, brushes, vitamins. bandages, allergy meds, scales, and a wide variety of other stuff.  Yours for the asking.  

$50 per quarter...

Take a look.... Sign up!


You've paid for it!

-Best Regards,

Ron Carter

is that a part C plan or a supplemental plan?  if it is supplemental how much does it cost?  when I looked at them about 10 years ago, they were an additional 250/month for the plan....and with average expenses (copays) of $100/month, not worth the expense.

Also, at that time all of the part C plans were HMOs.  Last I had an HMO, the alleged primary care doc got annoyed and wouldn't take the the time to discuss referrals....the whole referral system is a joke.  The office staff just handed them out like candy without the primary care doing any type of assessment to see if you needed a specialist.  When I checked more recently they did have other options though.

jmitw said:
is that a part C plan or a supplemental plan?  if it is supplemental how much does it cost?  when I looked at them about 10 years ago, they were an additional 250/month for the plan....and with average expenses (copays) of $100/month, not worth the expense.

Also, at that time all of the part C plans were HMOs.  Last I had an HMO, the alleged primary care doc got annoyed and wouldn't take the the time to discuss referrals....the whole referral system is a joke.  The office staff just handed them out like candy without the primary care doing any type of assessment to see if you needed a specialist.  When I checked more recently they did have other options though.

 Sorry for your experiences.  

We've been very pleased with this plan.  All of our docs are Summit Medical Group people about whom we are very, very pleased...  This is not a supplemental but serves as what my wife and I get as Medicare.  Called AARP Medicare Complete, we have  plan 2...There are no monthly fees.

I pay $5 to see primary and $20 to see specialists.  Drugs seem to not be too bad.  a BP med comes to about $90 a month and a statin is free.

I really can't say enough positive about the doctors, staff and services at Summit Medical Group.  They have gotten the plan to approve everything we've asked for...

Best Regard,

Ron Carter

i can't say enough about the nonsense I experienced at SMG.  specialists didn't treat my condition at all.  PCP couldn't get a simple thyroid Rx right.

is the AARP plan an HMO or PPO, etc.

And I couldn't have had better experiences, PCP, Urologist, Neurologist, Dermatologist, lab, ct scan, lumbar puncture and a variety of other all SMG people and facilities...

our plan is an HMO.

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

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