Hillary at Benghazi Hearings

I hope someone has a drink or 3 ready for HRC at the end of the day.

Chairman Gowdy says it's not political and then Republican Committee Members make political statements.

The last one before the recess had nothing to do with Benghazi.

Presumably, the Republicans understand that they are preaching to the choir and are unlikely to convince any independents to vote against HRC on the strength of the Benghazi hearings.

Lots of questions taken from her emails, but nothing about her server yet.

Gowdy better have something major about Sidney Blumenthal for his second round, because it looks like his cliffhanger before lunch ended with a fizzle.

Gowdy referred to the 50 or so witnesses as "half a hundred?"

Remember that the request for increased funding for embassy security was denied by the Republican controlled Congress.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
Remember that the request for increased funding for embassy security was denied by the Republican controlled Congress.

Which had nothing to do with what happened in Benghazi.

It's funny, the camera and sound are still on the NYT feed and one guy knows he on camera and is just loving it. Texting and calling his friends like it's a ballgame!

tjohn said:
Presumably, the Republicans understand that they are preaching to the choir and are unlikely to convince any independents to vote against HRC on the strength of the Benghazi hearings.

They're just dying to get a :10 sound bite that they can use against her in the next 12 months.

Where's ajc? Maybe he knows what's going to happen. This has been such a witch hunt from the start - what a sad waste of time.

If you have something - SHOW IT! It shouldn't be this difficult. And Smith nailed it - this is truly a prosecution of Hillary and not a true investigation.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
Remember that the request for increased funding for embassy security was denied by the Republican controlled Congress.

Exactly, because it was not designated an official embassy or consulate. As an "outpost" it had an ambiguous objective and was overseen by two SD agencies. So funding for security had no official budgeting channel. That part was a mess from the start.

If you haven't seen any of the hearings - here's a decent summary:


ridski said:

mumstheword said:
I want to know who is the Black woman in the pink jacket behind Hillary with the huge smile every time Hillary zings one of them!!!
Cheryl Mills.

Thanks @ridski! That explains her huge smiles -- especially when they're talking about her.

Benghazi Committee Instructs Hillary Clinton To Limit Answers To ‘I Failed The American People’


Love the tweets cited in this:


I just sent Gowdy an e-mail thanking him for the Benghazi hearings today. I told him that I started out not being a big fan of Hillary (which is true) and based on these hearings, I am now thoroughly convinced that she will make an excellent POTUS and I'd be proud to vote for her. So kudos, Mr. Chairman!

Are the Republicans not aware that public opinion is now weighed against them on this "witch hunt?" I know that Benghazi was a terrible tragedy, but I am truly sick to the death of it in the manner in which the GOP has attempted to make it about Hillary Clinton. If anything, today's endless hearing will garner more sympathy for Hillary Clinton. They have now gone on longer than the Watergate hearings.

Old cartoon. Amazingly appropriate.

I can't believe this is still going on. Hillary must be wearing Depends!

Impressive stamina and self control.

Why does it look like Trey Gowdy is covered in lube?

He's very shiny.

Absolutely nuts. 11 hours.

jeffhandy said:
Why does it look like Trey Gowdy is covered in lube?

He's very shiny.



You have to give Hillary credit. The GOPers tried to get under her skin so she would either loose her temper or make a major mistake. In the end she took everything and had the Republican committee members losing their cool and accusing her of all sorts of things.

While minor, towards the end Hillary had a coughing fit, not unexpected after talking for ten hours or so, and the Committee Chairman offered to recess the hearing for thirty seconds or a minute while she regained her voice. Really a kind guy.

noo2wood said:
It's funny that Gowdy's opening remarks were about justifying the committee's existence based on the fact that they've done a lot of work. He didn't open the hearing by outlining any NEW information that might have been produced from all that work, in order to justify the purpose or need for this hearing. It's like the guy in the office who is always running around all day, and when you ask him if he got anything accomplished today, his answer is "No."

I love this prediction! That's exactly what Gowdy said when they asked if he learned anything new today. OK, actually, he said "Uh, well, I'll have to check the transcripts."

jamie said:
Where's ajc? Maybe he knows what's going to happen. This has been such a witch hunt from the start - what a sad waste of time.

If you have something - SHOW IT! It shouldn't be this difficult. And Smith nailed it - this is truly a prosecution of Hillary and not a true investigation.

Smith and Cummings was on target and Hillary stood her ground. The Republicans on that committee are an embarrassment to the party. No wonder Trump and Carson are leading in the Republican polls. Total waste of time.

Ahhh...ajc is probably overdosing on his pancakes after that performance by his party.

Very disappointing. I learned nothing new. It's time we established a new House committee to get to the bottom of this mess.

phenixrising said:

jamie said:
Where's ajc? Maybe he knows what's going to happen. This has been such a witch hunt from the start - what a sad waste of time.

If you have something - SHOW IT! It shouldn't be this difficult. And Smith nailed it - this is truly a prosecution of Hillary and not a true investigation.
Smith and Cummings was on target and Hillary stood her ground. The Republicans on that committee are an embarrassment to the COUNTRY. No wonder Trump and Carson are leading in the Republican polls. Total waste of time.
Ahhh...ajc is probably overdosing on his pancakes after that performance by his party.


This backfired. They've given Hillary free media exposure which worked so very well to her advantage. You can't buy this kind of positive exposure.

The republicans are really not the sharpest knifes in the drawer.

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