High School Shooting in Texas

This is from February:

Four Truths About the Florida School Shooting

Onto the continuing tragedy of American gun violence are now piled many kinds of grotesquerie, not least the e-mails, sure to come to any parent with kids still in school anywhere in the country, offering “tips on talking to children about violence” and promising that your child’s school “has been performing lockdown drill protocols that our security team and consultants have recommended to ensure that we are prepared in the unlikely event that an incident occurs.” We have normalized gun killings to the point that we must now be reassured that, when the person with the AR-15 comes to your kid’s school, there’s a plan to cope with him. (That the planning is almost worthless is proved by the killings in Florida, where the murderer may have taken advantage of his knowledge of the lockdown protocols in order to kill more students.) Here, though, are four simple truths worth saying again, in the aftermath of the Florida massacre, about gun control and gun violence.

Please read the rest of the piece!

This can only be solved through the ballot box. To quote Charles Blow in New York Times today: "People seeking common sense gun control must become single-issue voters on gun control. Support for more restrictions may not be the only reason to vote for a candidate, but it must be sufficient to vote against one."

Please read full article here: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/20/opinion/santa-fe-school-shooting.html

There is a lot of commentary in overseas media (letters to editor, comments) that US citizens and youth are safer in the military than at school or in church or at concerts or sport; and that the USA would be better to first ‘disarm its own backyard before preaching to other nations’. 

There are also very frank and confronting articles (perhaps you’ve read them?) that list the many weird ‘causes’ of mass shootings, gun violence, rising anger, lack of community safety (whatever euphemism you want for too many loaded guns close-to-hand).

This will surely play havoc with Someone’s dreams of a Peace Prize and universal acclaim. 

And once the House & Senate are Blue...


I just can’t read that text, it needs proper contrast. Sigh. 

People really need to learn proper design rules when they do these clever things.

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