Here It Is! Live Coverage Of the 2012 Republican National Convention archived

KTrama said:

dave said:

Mormonism = Christian fan fiction

What does that make Christianity?

The equivalent of the Star Wars Extended Universe novels?

So, to sum up the RNC:

* Isaac managed to wipe out the first day and no one missed anything.
* Ann Romney is a sympathetic but somewhat clueless speaker who is yards more inspiring than her husband.
* Paul Ryan thinks the truth is a fungible commodity (or is that fudgible?).
* The vast majority of the speakers had next to nothing to say about Mitt Romney.
* More people seemed to be concerned with the 2016 campaign than the 2012 campaign.
* John McCain has lost all touch with reality and thinks he is starring in a remake of the Kubrick classic, Dr. Strangelove.
* Clint Eastwood has lost all touch with reality and thinks he is starring in a remake of the Jimmy Stewart classic, Harvey.
* The vaunted GOP ability to stay on message took some serious damage as the major topics of discussion were Lyin' Ryan, All Chris All The Time, and an Empty Chair. Somewhere down the list was that wild and crazy guy, Mitt Romney.

BHO on a roll: voting rights in OH; increased bucks (exec order) for military mental health.

I have to say that the amount of buzz on Clint Eastwood today has been crazy. Mitt can't be happy. Two weeks ago he spent his time having to defend his party for Akin's stupidity. Now he's forced to explain last night.

What an awful campaign they are running.

It'll blow over, but a total loss to leave an actor's rambling as the main takeaway from the whole production. And here I was thinking that they couldn't top the bizarre timing of announcing Ryan joining the ticket.

Maybe they *should* have gone with hologram Reagan after all...

sbenois, will you be changing thread title to Dem convention?

sbenois said:

I have to say that the amount of buzz on Clint Eastwood today has been crazy. Mitt can't be happy. Two weeks ago he spent his time having to defend his party for Akin's stupidity. Now he's forced to explain last night.

What an awful campaign they are running.

One look at Ann's response to the presentation...

GL2 said:

sbenois, will you be changing thread title to Dem convention?
I vote for a new thread.

Is this an example of how businessmen do it? How they organize? Relate a message? Vet their frontmen/women?

New thread. Definitely.

GL2 said:

Is this an example of how businessmen do it? How they organize? Relate a message? Vet their frontmen/women?

Rent out arenas seating 70k for a thousand people (which included like 500 that they had to bus in to fill the chairs on the field). You're correct. For a guy who is such a great businessman he sure has surrounded himself with a bunch of knuckleheads, no?

I liked the photo of the black guy they hired--after the convention he was seen holding up a sign saying, this space for rent.

GL2 - love your new avatar!

ajc said:

Speech rating is A+, and I'm raising my cup to Mitt Romoney, the next President of the United States of America!!!

Didn't you at one point predict that Sarah you know who would be the next Vice President of these United States.

angelak said:

GL2 - love your new avatar!

Why thank you. Got tired of Eugene and just picked a random movie star.

After all Clint's rambling in his comedy bit (which I actually thought was kind of fun, aside from the disrespect to the president with going blue) he said something serious to effect of "we own this country"... and "we're the best"... and "when someone's not doing the job, we've got to let them go"... and when Clint says that, folks listen.

We listened... and let Clint go.

Maybe we should be running America like a business....

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