um.... er...... HHHEEEELLLPPP!!!!!!!

It's huge. Like really huge. It's lapping the ceiling at approximately 862 mph. ctrzwife may be hiding under the couch. My glasses are on the other side of the bed. Tried three times to get them so I can see. Got dive-bombed by some shadowy flying 862 mph rodent. Cat is LOSING his mind. Can turn his neck around fast enough as he spins across the floor (after this he will likely sleep for three months straight.) HELPPP!!!!

Call South Orange Police 973.763.3000 ex 2 Tell them. They got the bat out of our house. Just make sure they don't spray mace

Get your animals and family members out of the room with the bat and shut the door to the room to contain it. If you can open windows in the room do so. Keep the lights on. While waiting for the police get a shoe box, can of hair spray and if you have one tennis racket. Then wait for the police to arrive.


My wife has disappeared... probably heading west. Like Pittsburgh. If she rememberd to put her sneakers on, she may have reached Fargo by now.

ctrzson: What's going on?
ctrzaska: (From the floor) Nothing to see here. Go back to bed.
ctrzdaughter: Zzzzzzzzzz.
ctrzson: Why did mommy scream something about a bat?
ctrzaska: You left your baseball bat inside. She tripped over it. Go back to bed.
ctrzson: No I didn't... I put it in the garage.
ctrzaska: Yes you did. Go back to bed.

What the hell am I supposed to do with HAIRSPRAY? Give the damn thing a perm?!? (I have visions of Bugs Bunny giving Gossamer a manicure right now.) And a tennis racket? I have a wicked topspin forehand, but I really don't need bat guts all over the bedroom....

AAAUUUUGGGHHHH. And I stilll can't see a damn thing!!

dude, just put on a pair of gloves, grab it and throw it outside. What's the big deal? I've done it many times. Close of whatever room it's in, get a blanket, wait for it to stop somewhere, move towards it while holding the blanket open. Either throw the blanket on it while it is hanging on something or keep the blanket up high as it takes off, you'll catch it and be able to throw it out.

There`s a bat in me kitchen what am I gonna do?
There`s a bat in me kitchen what am I gonna go?
I`m gonna fix that bat that's what I`m gonna do,
I`m gonna fix that bat.


Maplewood 5-0 says to hold tight. Open up the windows and he should/could/might fly out. If not, call animal control in the morning.

I think my cat may sleep for 126 straight hours after this is over. That, of course, after a good 56-hour long bath.

I need my glasses. And I think the bedroom windows are actually CLOSED. It is the hall windows I opened. Immediately after screaming out of the bedroom and slamming the door.

If anything, at least we are getting a nice cross-breeze right now.

I TRIED to catch the thing... recall my snaring a blackbird formerly caught in my flue and releasing him barehanded. Problem is now, the last two times he roosted above the door and dove over my head the minute I walked in the door. Bastard. The other thing hampering my environmentally/ecologically/vampirically-correct catch-and-release activity is the fact that we are both flying blind right now, so to speak, BUT AT LEAST HE'S GOT SONAR!

I'm heading in to get my glasses.

And pants. I just realized I'm not wearing pants. Pants would be good right about now.


Have no clue why this works but -spray the thing with the hair spray. At the same time whack it with the tennis racket. When it his the floor spray it some more. Then wearing gloved (heavy ones like you garden with) scoop the thing up, put it in the shoe box, duck tape it shut, and toss outside.

It is so much more fun to watch the South Orange Police chase it with a can of hair spray. Especially the really tall dude that looks like the Army Sergeant from An Officer and a Gentleman! And the shorter one follow with the tennis racket!!!

How to Catch a Bat in Your House.

Bat headed for snug house with open eaves...Bats should not be flying through your house, and the animal may be sick. If the bat has had contact with a person or pet, or if the bat was present in the room of a sleeping person, the bat should be captured and given to government officials for rabies testing. If you choose to let the bat escape, you may need post exposure rabies treatment.

In the case that there is no possibility that the bat was in contact with humans or pets, it is your responsibility to help the bats escape safely..


Take care using your hands directly. Wear leather gloves to protect against rabies. Open your door or window. The bat is looking for a way out. Open a door and leave it open to give the flying bat a clear path. The bat may sense the fresh air and fly out of your house. .

Allow the bat to land. Stay out of its way and watch for it to land. .

Pick up the bat if necessary. If the bat lands low, toss a towel carefully over the bat. It will not be able to take off again. The towel should cover the bat without causing injury. .

Scoop up the towel. Keep the bat wrapped inside. You should expect to hear clicking noises when the bat is frightened. It is best to presume that the bat might try to bite through the towel, so put on gloves or oven mitts to be safe. .

Coax the bat down from high places. If the bat lands high on your wall or ceiling, place a coffee can or plastic container over the bat. Slide the lid of the container cautiously between the bat and wall. Keep the container as close to the wall as possible. Do not pinch the bat. .

Carry the towel or container outside. Set the trapped bat on the ground some distance from your house. Close your door so that the bat does not accidentally fly inside again.

Remove the towel or container carefully, so that you can see the bat on the ground. Walk away and watch. The bat will attempt a few hops, then become airborne. Bats have some difficulty taking off from the ground. .

Help the bat if it seems fatigued. If the bat is too tired or scared to take off, you may want to place it near a tree. The bat will climb the tree where it can drop into flight. .

Take care using your hands directly. You should wear a leather glove. Do not squeeze too tightly. Place the bat on the trunk of a tree. It will grip the bark and climb away. .


You may want to wet the towel before throwing it over the bat. .

A fishing net is inappropriate to trap a bat. The bat can fit through the large webbing. A butterfly net is a good choice. .

Bats do not build nests in your hair. A sick or confused bat may accidentally bump into your head. This is undesirable to you and the bat. .

Bats can enter your house through very, very small cracks in your roof, chimney, fireplace, furnace, attic, vents or windows. The most likely entry is through loose areas in your soffit, the edge of your roof. Once a bat is in your house, it is unlikely they will find that tiny crack again to exit. .

Most house bats are brown. They have extremely sharp little teeth. They use their teeth to eat insects. Bats in your neighborhood will reduce the insect population. Build bat houses nearby. .

Remove any pets to reduce the chance of them coming into contact with the bat, or causing more stress to the bat. .

When you're trying to catch it, a good solution is to get it into one area. If you know the bat isn't in a bedroom, lock the door so it cant fly there. By doing this, You can get the bat in one room where it can't fly away to other parts of the house.

Posted By: ctrzaskaAnd pants. I just realized I'm not wearing pants. Pants would be good right about now.

Things You’ll Need:

Thick wool or leather gloves :

Plastic bucket :

Flat piece of cardboard :

Towel or blanket :

Broom :

Step1 Locate the bat. If possible, isolate the bat in one room or section of the house by closing doors. Get all pets or other people out of that room, and open up all doors and windows to the outside of the house so that the bat can escape. :

Step2If the bat doesn’t sense that the doors and windows are open and escape, attempt to trap it. If the bat is up high, coax it lower by slowly moving the end of the broom toward it. Do not swing at the bat, and be careful when you spook it and get it to move. :

Step3If the bat lands on the wall at a comfortable height, trap the bat by placing the bucket over it. Gently slide the cardboard between the bucket and the wall to secure the bat inside the bucket, then take it outside. :

Step4If the bat lands on the floor, throw the towel or blanket over it. Gently pick up the towel or blanket and loosely wrap the bat to take it outside. :

Step5When you get the bat outside, close the doors and windows so that it doesn’t go back in. Remove the cardboard or unwrap the towel or blanket to free the bat. Step back. :

Step6If the bat doesn’t crawl or fly away within a few minutes, consider calling animal control. :

Tips & Warnings:

If you feel that you cannot handle catching the bat in your home, pest control centers and your local animal control workers may be able to humanely catch and release the bat.:

Bats can carry and transmit rabies, which can be fatal to humans. If you, anyone else in your home or any of your pets have been exposed to the bat while sleeping or have been bitten, get rabies testing right away

Don't forget to film trying to catch it to post on youtube.

this one is funnier. warning there is some pretty bad lanuage.

Will assume that you or some authority captured that bat.

Step 2: How did Mr/s. Bat get into your house? If you don't find the access - which could be a very small hole - s/he or other family members will come back to visit.

Hope things worked out OK ctrzaska. I'm surprised Maplewood police didn't advise you to call the Fire department. That's what we've done the last two times a bat got in our house and they successfully removed it by stunning it with dry ice or whatever is in the fire extinguishers they have. Of course they wouldn't have come if there were multi-alarm fires going but there wasn't.

On our old block Mr. Shh was known for his bat capturing skills. And he grew up on SI too.

Have to say this is one of the funniest threads I've read in a while. Hope the bat was caught and ctrzaska found pants and ctrzaska wife has returned from the hinterlands. If the bat had showed up earlier and I had read about it, I would have happily come over to help. Bats don't freak me out in the least. I actually quite like them and wouldn't mind having one as a pet! (O.K. that last was an exaggeration. It would be silly to have a bat as a pet. Still.......)

Be glad you dont' live in Africa or Asia. They have bats the size of small foxes. How cool is that! :wink:

That second video is HILARIOUS. It's amazing to me how so many grown, otherwise rational, human beings completely lose their minds over a poor little critter that couldn't weigh more than two ounces, fer God's sake!

OMG Ctrzaska you have me laughing so hard right now! :rolling:

Let us know the turn out, so sorry!!

JTA Do you Ever sleep????????
ctrzaska- You can't see a bat; but you can type! I'm impressed
Hope you are asleep now

Oh just hit the effing thing with a broom already and be done with it....


This thread is hilarious! I am wondering if the bat got him or maybe just his pants since he has not posted in a long time. I really hope you caught the thing.

What SLK said, whack the sucker with a broom and scoop it up with a dust pan and throw it outside already.

Thank you for a good laugh. I really needed it today! And I am in amazed that depite the events at your home during the wee hours you took the time to post on MOL. Too funny!

Also posting to verify that Mr. Shh is very adept at home bat removal (using a net and a blanket - not tennis rackets or hairspray required). We still talk about our bat incident of a couple of years ago.

Good to know that MATB is available for home bat removal as well! When we had a bat in our home Maplewood PD told us that animal control would be available at 8:30 the next morning!

Does anyone have a bat box? I have often considered buying one, as bats love to eat mosquitos!

Awwwwww, come ON. The suspense is killing me! What happened. Inquiring minds want to know.

Did ctrzaska ever get his glasses or his pants?
Did ctrzaska wife make it to Pittsburgh?
Did ctrzaska daughter ever wake up?
Did ctrzaska son go back to bed?
Did everyone in the ctrzaska household survive their close encounter with the big, bad bat?
Did the bat survive it's encounter with a blind and pants-less ctrzaska?
Did the authorities intervene?
Did the cavalry arrive in time?
Who was MOST scared: the bat, ctrzaska, or ctrzaska wife?

Posted By: cppkqpDoes anyone have a bat box? I have often considered buying one, as bats love to eat mosquitos!

I've often thought I'd like to have one too. But, considering the way the general population in these here parts seems to react to the poor little critters, I'm afraid I'd be lynched if I invited them to come live here!

Yes we are all waiting for the answer to the those questions.

My bet is that the cat caught the bat.

This is why they made shot guns and plaster repair material.


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