Help Center and Contact Support for the message board

We now have a Help Center that I hope will answer many questions:

Also underneath your name there a link to Contact Support - so if you're having any issues you can submit it there - it's much easier for us to keep track of things:

Thanks, jamie. I've bookmarked the thread. Know I'll need it at some point.

When you use it, Pavel emails you to let you know what's happening. Lovely feature all round.

Pic uploaded - but you may not be able to see it yet.

ok then.  so far so good....

What an amazing pic!

alright, clever clogs, I'll try too:

Nope, emoticons still not working for me. 'S OK. 

I'm testing IE9 at the moment, but haven't looked at emoticons.   

joanne said:

alright, clever clogs, I'll try too:

Nope, emoticons still not working for me. 'S OK. 

This is still in our list - the issue we have resolved with ctrzaska was that no images or style sheets where loading on his browser at work - which makes that site practically unusable - so this has been a big fix.

Here's a screenshot of how the page was loading:

I'm glad for any progress for others: really, this is an exciting project! Please don't think I was being impatient. Just thought, as I had time on my hands, and those pix are so crisp and artwork so good, that I'd try. 

Am happy to wait. Really!

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