Hand drawn 1931 map of Maplewood

Has anyone seen this awesome map in Matters magazine this month?? I was going to tear it out and try to frame it but I was really happy to see that Durand Hedden is selling prints of it (to raise money for a new roof). I just thought I'd mention it here since I know not everyone peruses their Matters magazine each month...

I'm not sure where I'm going to put it yet. I'm thinking the powder room. This seems like a powder room thing.

Very cool, love that sort of stuff. I think the Durrand Hedden store is open Sunday afternoons, gonna head over and get one of these.
Thanks for posting it.

Neat! I'm going to leaf through Matters Mag shortly and check it out. We have a spectacular book of old Maplewood postcards and photos I bought the huz for Christmas and I *think* this map may be in there as well. If you're into seeing Maplewood of yesteryear, check out the book.

A worthy cause, Durrand Hedden House, cool map!

I think someone's getting murdered outside my house. Hard to tell, it's sideways and low-res.

Apparently, that was a bad part of town then!!!

Don't forget you can view all of Matters on MOL. Just look at first page and click.

So cool!! I wonder if one exists for South Orange

I noticed they are for sale at the Durand Hedden House to help fund a new roof for the house. I'm going to stop by tomorrow (3/22) to buy one since they will be open for an event. What a treasure!

Love it! Looks a lot like the map of Cape May that the Mad Batter has on it's place mats.

This is the map that used to hang on the wall in VFW Hall on Marie Place, before the VFW Hall was torn down several years ago. My husband is the veteran referred to in the article who donated the map to Durand Hedden.

Does anyone know the price at Duran Hedden? I think it would make a nice gift

joan_crystal said:

This is the map that used to hang on the wall in VFW Hall on Marie Place, before the VFW Hall was torn down several years ago. My husband is the veteran referred to in the article who donated the map to Durand Hedden.

What a wonderful donation. Thanks to you and your husband, Joan.

IndaSechzer said:

Does anyone know the price at Duran Hedden? I think it would make a nice gift

The article in Matters mag says $35 and$45 for the print.

That is awesome, @joancrystal and Mr. Joancrystal!

The sales information is available on this page of the latest Matters Magazine:


I noticed that part of the Hilton section is not on the map, presumably before the merger of that section (orchard?).

knak -- Could you elaborate? I don't understand what you are referring to.

ridski said:

I think someone's getting murdered outside my house. Hard to tell, it's sideways and low-res.

Looks like it's characters playing tennis

lord_pabulum said:

ridski said:

I think someone's getting murdered outside my house. Hard to tell, it's sideways and low-res.

Looks like it's characters playing tennis

No, those guys are on Golf Island. The murderers are smaller and next to Valley and Millburn.

Oh, that's a drawing of a tug of war match

lord_pabulum said:

Oh, that's a drawing of a tug of war match

It IS the tug of war district after all.

You know son, I remember when all this were fields.

What, the curtains?

Didn't Jefferson Village start as an anarchosyndicalist commune?

Am I not playing along by pointing out those are two Native Americans on the way home from a less than successful fishing trip? If you look on Ridgewood Rd they are starting out. Both streets are labelled as "Old Indian Trail".

Has anyone else noticed the coon caricature peering out from Fielding School, now the Board of Ed offices, exclaiming "Why worry suh". I realize this was accepted imagery at the time, and Colby was just throwing in what was then a stock comedic character, along with the Native fishermen. Still a little jarring. Ah yes, the "good old days".

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