Did Volkswagen Stock Bottom Out Yet?

So when should I buy Volkswagen stock? Do you think it has hit bottom yet? It did jump up a little today on the news that the CEO quit.

Don't look for the absolute bottom.

If you see the company's securities coming back to recent, pre-debacle, levels; place the order.

I'm not seeing this problem as a significant impact on the company's fundamentals.

The reason is that I'm looking at whether most people buy cars based on their neighbors' raves about gas mileage; or upon the EPA mileage estimates.

I'm going with the EPA mileage estimates, and the concomitant emission levels. (Did you ever hear a neighbor rave about their actual emission levels? I never have. How would they measure it)?

VW will pay through the nose for the deception; it'l stop the game of jiggering with the vehicles' software; the vehicles will conform to the EPA standards, and life will go on.

Good luck and remember; don't look for the absolute bottom. (Or the top). Bulls make money; bears make money; but pigs get slaughtered.


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