Deafening you-know-what about the "Debate"

Christie does not get overwhelming audience response.

Crowd gives humane statements from Kasich (of Ohio) major applause, in response to Megan's nasty question.

LL_ said:
Anyone is welcome to come by and watch on N Wyoming in So Orange. PM me

Wish I could. My husband isn't sufficiently incensed. And, he's not drinking.

I'm calling bs on the argument that people are frustrated with immigration. This is a "trumped up" issue that been fomented by the GOP. People aren't fridtrated when they can buy cheap domestic food. People aren't frustrated when affordable homes are built by day-labor.

Did Christie just insult Paul for being from Kentucky.

Hahaha said:
I'm calling bs on the argument that people are frustrated with immigration. This is a "trumped up" issue that been fomented by the GOP. People aren't fridtrated when they can buy cheap domestic food. People aren't frustrated when affordable homes are built by day-labor.

People don't see the connection.

Hahaha said:
Please, does anyone have the popcorn head injury photo!!!!

I have the little popcorn emoticon. I call him "pipcorn."

This one seems strangely appropriate.

You can watch it on the internet. Fox News.

At least Christie's not for taking away our

Christie's yelling about being "stolen from" when he takes money from pension funds!! downer

This is just all so surreal! I'm starting to build a bunker....or getting my passport updated! question

These people are going to blow up the universe.

I've had to mute these guys, and retreat to my own private reality -- my retrospective reality of 52 years ago ... JFK's "Peace" speech at American University, June 3, 1963.

The best segment begins about 5 to 6 minutes in.....

Almost 6 months later he was dead. But oh, to be 7 years old again, with a chance to start over and change history, and listen to someone speak so eloquently about how to AVOID WAR!

"The pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war ... but we have no more urgent task."

@juniemoon, Wasn't it grand? Kennedy gave us our lifetime with his 100 days and his intelligence. No one's saving our kids if this crowd comes to power.

How could this be a debate when they each get a different question?? It's not a debate. It's a series of personal statements and one-liners.

How can you have a real debate with 10 people?

Throw out a question to all ten!

You don't. We should go back to party bosses hand-picking a candidate. I'm not being sarcastic.

The problem with these people is that they can't calm down long enough to be analytical enough to solve any of the problems, from illegal immigration to poverty to women's issues to Iran to ISIS. Each of these takes the will to investigate as well as the demeanor to get information to make intelligent decisions.

I was actually favorably impressed with Kasich. I don't agree with his positions on many issues, but he struck me as sane and balanced and not at all a "crazy". I suppose that means that he doesn't stand a chance.

Will Kaisch be the "John Huntsman" of this election cycle?

I like Dr. Carson, would like to know more of his views.

emmie said:
I like Dr. Carson, would like to know more of his views.

He thinks going to prison makes you gay.

emmie said:
I like Dr. Carson, wqould like to know more of his views.

He wants a flat tax (which is says is based on tithing, but misunderstands tithing) of 15%. He believes being gay is a choice and prisoners often go in straight and come out gay. He wants to wage a proxy war with Russia by shipping arms to the Ukraine. He thinks the Baltic States should "get involved in NATO." (Being members, they are already "involved.") He wants to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid.

He was really nervous last night. Not remotely ready for prime time.

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