Dead squirrel in yard, how to dispose/what to do? archived

lisat, you're superwoman. I wouldn't touch that carcass.

At our old house, a HUGE rat ran out our of our garage. The mice and rats were coming from everywhere because Montrose was under heavy construction for street, sidewalk and I believe sewer renovations. Our street ran parallel to Montose and our backyards abutted. The construction must have shaken them from their lair. It was 100 degrees out and this thing ran out of the garage. I froze in fear. I have never seen a rat that big before. Of course Mr. Kibbegirl was traveling and I was solo with this damn thing. I called a neighbor to see if he'd come to help but he was out on a job. He told me that if I saw it, it must have been poisoned because normally, rats/mice don't venture out in the day. He told me to get a garbage can and put over it to smother it in the heat. I was TOTALLY FREAKED OUT! I didn't want to go near it. The dogs were barking at it, this thing was as big as a man's shoe and really not moving, but the whole scene was a horror movie. I finally got the nerve to put the garbage can over it and left it under there for a few hours. I called my neighbor back and he said since Mr. Kibbegirl wasn't home, he'd come by later to dispose of it for me. What a sweet man! I still shudder when I think of that episode.

I only saw a rat once, in NYC, near the NYU dorms off Bleecker St. Crawled out from under a bush, the size of a frickin' raccoon.

I don't quite understand the abject fear of fuzzy little critters.

thanks, Lars and Kibbewoman for your kind words. Defcon, I don't understand the fear
either. All I know is that I was living in a studio apartment in NYC and when confronted with a
quite small mouse, I found myself jumping from kitchen chair to the top of the table
shrieking like Lucille Ball might have in an I Heart Lucy episode. I found my reaction
completely over the top, but real. Since then I've awakened with mice in my hair, had dreams
of being run over by a charging army of mice (and awakened to find droppings all over the couch
I was sleeping on), and listening to a mouse family throw a party every night in my
living room. Ah, the joys of living in NYC.
On another topic, Lars, KW, Shh, DC and anyone else... Here is info about my latest
children's/preteen book, which I would love for you to have. If you want the audiobook
version, just whisper me. It's narrated by a wonderful professional voice-over artist
who lives in Maplewood and there's original music, too. It's 5 hours long and I have
had wonderful reports of children listening for hours at a time, and adults have liked it
too. I think you'll like it Lars. It's a bit dark, but still optimistic and hopefully somewhat lyrical.

The book is Tyger Lilly, a novel for tweens of all stripes.
To enjoy a complimentary download of Tyger Lilly, use coupon CR97B.
Sharing this link and coupon is encouraged by the author.
Happy eReading!

You did NOT wake up with a mouse in your hair??!!! I feel a shriek bubbling up just thinking about it ((shuddder)))

I could have lived forever without reading that phrase! And what is seen cannot be unseen.

Well, yes I did, DT. It happened like this. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking, 'What is that in my hair?' I grabbed whatever it was, and without thinking at all threw it across the room. A moment later it registered that what I'd felt in that very instinctive moment was a tiny furry creature. I have to say though, waking up with mouse (hopefully mouse not rat) droppings on the hostess' couch after dreaming about being run over by mice, was more horrifying to me.

Posted By: lisatA moment later it registered that what I'd felt in that very instinctive moment was a tiny furry creature.

Awww c'mon, he was just trying to be friendly. :rainbow:

I have found that over the years, the only critters that cause me any second thought are ones with heads bigger than mine.

It was funny a couple months ago. The Wife Unit is scared to death about spiders. I don't mind them in the least (was even bit by a Brown Recluse a few years ago, necrotic bites are pretty cool actually, thank God St. Barnabas happened to have the anti-venin at the time, though). Anyway, there was a large spider (about 2 inches long) crawling across the bedroom wall. She shrieked, and I told her to calm down, "As he only takes small bites". I HATE killing spiders, so I told her to calm down, and I went to sleep. I woke up about an hour later, not sure why, and there was The Wife Unit, with the covers up to her eyes, staring wide-eyed at the spider, still taking a stroll across the wall and ceiling. I stifled a laugh, got a plastic cup, scooped the little guy up, and let him go outside. Even now, when I think about the look on her face, I crack up laughing.

Finally figured out what to do with it.

shh, you want me to pick it up and toss it in the trash for you? I plan to be in your area today. I'll really do it if you want.

Posted By: DEFCON CreatorI have found that over the years, the only critters that cause me any second thought are ones with heads bigger than mine.

Horses and cows included? How about a big box turtle? They have small heads but are very dangerous.

Mr. Shh did it this morning Tom. Thanks for the offer though! The flies were nasty!!!

Posted By: Tom ReingoldHorses and cows included? How about a big box turtle? They have small heads but are very dangerous.

I've ridden horses for years in Montana, they are quite strong and can knock you on your *ss quite easily. I give them respect.

As for cows, they aren't animals, they are merely steaks with legs.

Turtles? If I can find one that can run as fast as me, I might consider it harmful. All animals can bite, the object is not to get your appendages near their mouths.

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