Clinton v. Obama archived

If Obama taps Hillary as his Veep he's a total moron. Not only does he have Hillary's ego and ambition to contend with, but he's got Bill Clinton in his various orbits. Plus, he's got a very dispirited Republican base, and what better way to fire them up than by putting Hillary on the ticket along with her 49% negatives with Bill horning into the picture.

cjc - from your perspective how would you react to an Obama presidency? Would you be upset because the administration has taken a liberal turn or are you going to wait to see what policies are implemented?

Posted By: cjcIf Obama taps Hillary as his Veep he's a total moron. Not only does he have Hillary's ego and ambition to contend with, but he's got Bill Clinton in his various orbits. Plus, he's got a very dispirited Republican base, and what better way to fire them up than by putting Hillary on the ticket along with her 49% negatives with Bill horning into the picture.
He could have Bill "eliminated." :wink:

Look at McCains website..he copied Baracks lawyers are gonna go after them.

Anyone else hear Jimmy Carter's comments on a Hillary VP bid? He thinks it would be the worst thing Obama could do. I am now very curious to find what else he had to say about that. I know respect for Carter doesn't run very high in many places, but I think he's got a darned good brain for a peanut farmer.

Isn't it time to close this discussion down and have a McCain vs Obama (or Obama vs McCain) discussion instead?

Posted By: sacIsn't it time to close this discussion down and have a McCain vs Obama (or Obama vs McCain) discussion instead?

Not until Saturday I guess. Or perhaps even not until we actually lose interest in what Hillary's going to do next in this campaign.

Or maybe in addition to this. Yes, a thread on Obama and McCain is clearly in order, now that the nominees are set.

But there's still room to run with the Obama/Clinton thread, because she has not withdrawn formally YET, and they might have some negotiating to do if he wants to offer her the Veep post. This thread will die when it becomes totally irrelevant, all of its own accord.

Posted By: noo2wood
Posted By: sacIsn't it time to close this discussion down and have a McCain vs Obama (or Obama vs McCain) discussion instead?
Not until Saturday I guess. Or perhaps even not until we actually lose interest in what Hillary's going to do next in this campaign.

And THAT is exactly why BO cannot have Her Royal Clinton on the ticket with him. She (and Bill) will muscle him off the stage even without meaning to.

Posted By: mfparkAnd THAT is exactly why BO cannot have Her Royal Clinton on the ticket with him. She (and Bill) will muscle him off the stage even without meaning to.

That's what I was trying to say earlier, but you put it better. They steal the show wherever they go. Obama should be wary of that... and I'm sure he is.

Posted By: PeggyCThey steal the show wherever they go.

Gotta love em. When they talk, people listen. People scrutinize. People analyze. People obsess. People come out smarter than when they entered.

Apparently so, because they chose Obama.


Well, noone likes the schoolmarm, but where would be we without them.

TA DA !!!!!!!!!


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