CC checks into rehab

Unavailable for the playoffs If this was April 1st I would have guessed it was a joke.

He has become a five inning pitcher so I wonder what sort of role he would have played if the team goes anywhere in the playoffs. But what crossed my mind was that there was some sort of critical incident or critical point reached that necessitated this happening today, regardless of the timing. He has always seemed like a reasonably good guy...I hope he finds the healing and the peace he needs to get better.

He needs to get his health in order or else he won't be around much longer, let alone be able to pitch.

I hope he recovers from whatever he is rehabbing.

Alcohol rehab. I just realized it's not in the original post.

Great press conference just finished that Frank Cashen conducted.

All kidding aside, I wish him the best of luck ...

wendy said:
Great press conference just finished that Frank Cashen conducted.


Dennis_Seelbach said:

wendy said:
Great press conference just finished that Frank Cashen conducted.

Wendy's autocorrect automatically is set to Mets-related names. oh oh

Doc Ellis is not impressed.

This would explain why he's had a few off-the-field confrontations in the past year or so. I hope he gets well soon.

hankzona said:

Dennis_Seelbach said:

wendy said:
Great press conference just finished that Frank Cashen conducted.
Wendy's autocorrect automatically is set to Mets-related names. <img src=">


sad to say, Frank Cashen had his day with similar problems

mlj said:
sad to say, Frank Cashen had his day with similar problems

Yeah, it was called Davey Johnson!


Was he going to be on the post-season roster? It's just so odd about the timing. Something had to trigger it so suddenly. Good luck, CC.

Everyone seems supportive of his decision, even though they're going to make do without a valuable player.

Tom_Reingold said:
Everyone seems supportive of his decision, even though they're going to make do without a valuable player.

I think there's more of an understanding than in past eras that this is an illness, and not just a matter of "will power." If Sabathia had cancer or Lyme disease, no one would look down on him for going for treatment, and these days most people react the same way if it's addiction.

I would imagine that if A-Rod had made a similar announcement, people would be a bit less kind than they are being to CC. It helps a lot that CC seems to be a generally decent guy without a lot of baggage.

I'm glad my error gave everyone laughs. I have a lot of respect for the press conference Brian Cashman conducted yesterday. Frank Cashen, not so much. confused Also kudos for CC for making this public in this way to help others going through this.

These Mets references are apt as Darryl Strawberry issued a nice statement of support for CC. Davey Johnson once told Strawberry, "There are only three things that can derail someone with talent like yours: drugs/alcohol; [relationship] trouble and a lack of sleep. At least try to pick one rather than all three."

It's easy from a baseball perspective to wonder why this couldn't be pushed to the postseason (which might start tonight), but I'm proud of the way CC and the Yankees have handled this. When you're out of control, even delaying help for a very short time can have devastating consequences for you and those around you.

tjohn said:
I would imagine that if A-Rod had made a similar announcement, people would be a bit less kind than they are being to CC. It helps a lot that CC seems to be a generally decent guy without a lot of baggage.

The problem A-Rod has is that a lot of people wouldn't necessarily believe him. They'd think that maybe he was using a rehab stint to cover up for something else. It might not be fair, but once you've been demonstrated as lying about important stuff more than once, it takes a long, long time to recover any of your credibility.

hankzona said:
But what crossed my mind was that there was some sort of critical incident or critical point reached that necessitated this happening today, regardless of the timing. He has always seemed like a reasonably good guy...I hope he finds the healing and the peace he needs to get better.

^This. I wondered if there was some kind of intervention within his family. He did mention them in his statement.

“It hurts me deeply to do this now, but I owe it to myself and to my family to get myself right. I want to take control of my disease, and I want to be a better man, father and player.”

I wish him well during his recovery.

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