Their coy approach to negotiating a better deal on the backs of Maplewood taxpayers is a transparent farce. Avoid this place until they grasp the reality that their most profitable store isn't located in a town of illiterate dolts. Make them feel your intelligence by avoiding their store in Maplewood until they understand that the residents of Maplewood are not people to be played with. Work it, Maplewood. Push Kings into negotations on real terms.

Um. OK.

*I don't normally shop there anyway.

Oldstone said:


You are on fire today! oh oh

Maplewood is more profitable than short hills? Wow.

dave, please provide specifics for those of us unfamiliar with the deceptive tactics you claim Kings employed. Also what is your source that Maplewood is their most profitable store. I can see that on a per square foot basis, but on a total profits basis it seems less plausible.

Knowing what little I do, I'm not the least bit surprised Kings backed out. I never expected a deal without significant incentives thrown in. Supermarkets operate on possibly the lowest profit margin in retail. Isn't it possible after crunching the numbers, profits would not have increased when relocation costs and higher rents are factored in? If there's more to the story, please share.

Well no one invited me to sit down at the negotiating table, wonder why?, but if you think about it ,
why should Kings move ? They have never given any indication other than one tepid statement that they were interested. It has been the city fathers going back many generations of TCs that just assumed the little chain that could would jump across the street and make every one happy

Life does not work that way

"Nothing is written

T.E. Lawrence
Lawrence of Arabia

That has to be the worst line in the entire 4 hour movie, but then again Lawrence did bow down to Kings.

How deeply must I delve into this King's controversy before I'll know for sure whether dave is joking? I'm hoping not very deeply, because my god, it's boring.

It's their most profitable per square foot.

Winky said:

Dave, What is your goal?

'Bout time we got an answer.

NoraCharles said:

It's their most profitable per square foot.

They make a little less on round feet, because they are shade-grown.

One door closes another opens.....

Meanwhile in Montclair they are building a first class hotel, residential and office project on Bloomfield Ave where the car dealer used to be.
Why not a hotel as part of this Project, with an nice restaurant, bar and space for catering. Seems like a natural to me.

But if I don't shop at King's, where will I illegally turn left into a parking space and/or jaywalk?

NoraCharles said:

It's their most profitable per square foot.

Again i'm still shocked.

I think the name Kings is too elitist anyway for our Democratic community.

Right, it should just be Humans.

A hotel and catering facility sounds great...with parking at the site formerly known as the Woman's Club.

As always a porn, bail bonds, cash for gold, check cashing superstore gets my vote.

dave said:

That has to be the worst line in the entire 4 hour movie, but then again Lawrence did bow down to Kings.

As does most of the populace. But in the meantime he changed history

A few options:

A 30 storey car park.
Meeting space for Rotary clubs (free).
A rare and used book store.
Apple Store.
Craft beer tap room.

hankzona said:

I think the name Kings is too elitist anyway for our Democratic community.

We shouldn't have a "Kings"; that suggests a dictatorship or a self-perpetuating autocracy. We should have a "Autonomous Collective" or "Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune" supermarket.

"How can you tell he's not a king?"

"He's not covered in sh**"

If Kings doesn't want to move - they would need a big incentive to move. Back when this was first an idea - Kings was and probably still is perfectly happy where they are.

I believe revenues at St. James' Gate and the Reservoir actually increased owing to MOL boycotts against them. oh oh

It's a pain in the ass to've accumulated so much stuff over the years then you have to find (often costly) ways to get rid of it. I can see why they aren't hot to move. Maybe the town can give them a free garage sale permit as an incentive.

if Kings doesn't want to move at the terms offered, the township and the developer should just move on. no need for boycotts, just get another tenant.

I think a Guitar Center would be a great addition to the village.

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