Best way to Citi Field from SOMa?

I've got travelling to Yankee Stadium down pat. However, I have never been to Citi Field - I am looking for recommendations / experiences - driving, taking the train, parking recos etc. I'm sure some of you local die-hard Mets fans have tips and tricks that you might be willing to share with this old Cubs fan...

Possibly NJTransit to Penn Station and LIRR from there to Willets Point/CitiField. We have done that for day games and for US Open. If driving, plan for traffic tie ups on GW, follow basic google map directions, and pay to park in the lots at Citi Field. Used to do that at Shea. Worth it for convenient location.

I've found the best way is pretty vanilla, take the George Washington Bridge to the Deegan south (Exit 1C on the CBX) over the Triboro (now RFK) Bridge to the Grand Central Parkway East to the Citi Field exit.

If you're driving, I recommend skipping the stadium parking in Flushing instead. There's a shopping mall/hotel complex about 1/2 mile down Roosevelt Ave. It's self-parking and a lot cheaper and easier than stadium parking.

Yes don't park at stadium and if you do drive go early and park where bub said. Turnpike to GW (via 46 short cut) then Major Deegan. Do not take NJ Transit since last trains are too early! For night games I've been driving to and parking at Port Authority and taking 7 line there and back. Best way by far except for non play off Sunday games and then I drive to stadium and park for free at chop shop city.

Turnpike to 15X. 15X to Penn Station to LIRR to Mets/Willets Point.

Every train from NYC to NJ stops at Secacus Junction on the way out ...

Follow up question - is there a decent pre-game scene in the neighborhood? A buddy of mine is flying out from LA for the game and inquired. Obviously, we are somewhat used to Wrigley where Wrigleyville is hopping for hours before and after the games. If Citi Field neighborhood is similar to the Bronx/Yankee Stadium, I'd say we'd skip it....

There's plenty of tailgating in the parking lot. Surrounding neighborhood is crap though.

If you are unfamiliar with the area and/or plan to be drinking, public transit really is a better idea. There is a 1:58 a.m. train from Penn Station to Maplewood tonight. The game starts at 8:07. Time should not be an issue.

drive to Port Authority and park there. Take 7 to the ballpark. It's been my best alternative on the way home. Takes longer to get there, but no train connections to make on the way home. And you drive right out of the parking deck into the tunnel.

lanky said:
Follow up question - is there a decent pre-game scene in the neighborhood? A buddy of mine is flying out from LA for the game and inquired. Obviously, we are somewhat used to Wrigley where Wrigleyville is hopping for hours before and after the games. If Citi Field neighborhood is similar to the Bronx/Yankee Stadium, I'd say we'd skip it....

McFadden's (attached to the stadium) is a good spot ... You enter from the outside. No ticket required.

grayhill2 said:
If you are unfamiliar with the area and/or plan to be drinking, public transit really is a better idea. There is a 1:58 a.m. train from Penn Station to Maplewood tonight. The game starts at 8:07. Time should not be an issue.

Maybe you mean the train that departs Penn at 1:19 a.m. and arrives in Maplewood at 1:58?

ml1 said:
drive to Port Authority and park there. Take 7 to the ballpark. It's been my best alternative on the way home. Takes longer to get there, but no train connections to make on the way home. And you drive right out of the parking deck into the tunnel.

Didn't do the parking after I asked this question in the Mets thread last month, but I did take the 7 and agreed it was more convenient than the LIRR. Thanks.

(I'll try the PA or Secaucus next time. Just worked out better last time riding the train in all the way.)

Just did this trip a week ago first by train then drove the next day, train to penn station connect to the 7 train. 90 minutes total. Driving will definitely take you just as long and results in endless frustration.

lanky said:
However, I have never been to Citi Field

Exciting night! Another long time Mets fan?

I would suggest taking the LIRR over the 7. I took the 7 for years when I used to go to Shea. Then one time I took the LIRR and thought "This is SOOOO much better." Not only is it quicker, it's also a lot more comfortable. Yes, it's a little more money but not that much.

Best way to CitiField from SoMA? Interstate 80 to Chicago!

NJT to LIRR takes a loooooooooooooooooong time after the game ends. I went to Game 1 and didn't get home til almost 2AM

Best if not imbibing - Drive to Secaucus, NJT to Penn, LIRR to Citi. Reverse coming home. Many more trains stop at Secaucus so you won't be stuck waiting at Penn coming home.

Best if imbibing: Walk or dropoff at local station, NJT to Penn, LIRR to Citi. Reverse coming home and prepare to wait up to an hour at Penn if you just miss the train, as always seems to happen.

BubbaTerp said:
NJT to LIRR takes a loooooooooooooooooong time after the game ends. I went to Game 1 and didn't get home til almost 2AM

this has been my experience. long, long wait in a long, long line to board an LIRR train. The 7 seems to run much more frequently than LIRR.

No doubt if you're lucky enough to get an LIRR train immediately after the game ends, it would be much quicker than the subway. But I don't recall ever having that kind of luck.

It's probably easier for a night, playoff game, to drive. If there is a Game 6, that's how I'll do it next time

back in the day, we used to drive to Queens and park near the 74th & Broadway 7 stop. You'd beat the parking lot traffic on the way home.

I've never had a problem in the parking lot. Just park near the back exit. Traffic moves out of there pretty quickly.

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