Bannon Is Out 

eta - These things always happen on a Friday. 

The King of Flea Bottom is dead!   grrr Now he'll have more time to promote his skin care products.  

Thus the reason for his interview in American Prospect. He gave his resignation August 7, before the interview. He knew that he was leaving and wanted to leave his mark. 

Breitbart: "Get Ready For Bannon the Barbarian."

Hate to sound greedy but is it too soon to hope that Stephen Miller will be packing up to go and teach the Dark Arts at Hogwart's?

The only resignation/firing that truly matters is for the position of president.

When old mop top resigns there will be decades of volumes published to explain the whole phenomenon.

The thing he dislikes most is being seen in a bad light.  Freaking out and the lies about the size of the inauguration crowd should have been the first indicator.

And those who have persevered deserve the thanks of the nation and those who gave everything shall be remembered.Can we do less?

"Honey badger don't give a siht."

The Breitbart motto.

Joel Pollack, editor of Breitbart, tweeted #WAR when the news broke. 

"Following news of Bannon's exit, Breitbart started to prepare stories critical of people in the Trump White House, a person at the website told CNN. It's most likely the site will not -- for now at least -- directly attack the President, but will focus its fire on people in Trump's circle who had clashed with Bannon, or who are viewed as Democrats or "globalists."
A senior administration official told CNNMoney that Bannon will indeed fight for nationalism and populism on the from outside the White House. "He can be helpful to POTUS on the outside. Others may need to duck," the person said."

Bannon met with the Mercers and they're preparing an all-out #WAR. 

"It is unclear what Bannon’s next move will be, but Axios reported it “will be all about the billionaire Mercer family.”
The outlet reported that Bannon visited New York this week for a five-hour meeting with Bob Mercer as he “prepares for war.” The two are planning to be a “well-funded force on the outside.”

Pence 2020.  

eta - or sooner. 

pence running for re-election in 2020. I predict Trump resigns within 6 months. 

conandrob240 said:

pence running for re-election in 2020. I predict Trump resigns within 6 months. 

With or without the threat of impeachment?

not sure how it'll play out but I feel strongly his end will be resignation. 

I'm a little nervous about an unleashed Bannon. Honestly, I think DJT is too. Which is why it took so long to let him go. 

Bannon will end up hurting Trump by trying to make Trump stick to his campaign promises.

dave said:

Bannon will end up hurting Trump by trying to make Trump stick to his campaign promises.

“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg Businessweek’s Joshua Green.

eta - No decision announced yet on Afghanistan. That was the primary reason for the meeting at Camp David yesterday. Pence and McMaster want to put more troops into Afghanistan. 

Bannon and Kushner wanted to outsource it to Eric Prince. 

Yesterday, Lindsay Graham said that if the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan it would end-up like Iraq. . 

Trump wants to pull out and so far has resisted the recommendation of Mattis to put more troops in. 


So now Bannon is going to act like an independent militia? Sounds about alt-right.

Me thinks that as an ego-saving device, Bannon is projecting and suffering under a widely overblown sense of his future self importance. Is anyone really supposed to live in dread of this turd's freakin' website editorials?

I could be wrong but I think all his bluster will quickly become irrelevant, much like the ever-fading Sarah Palin. I mean who was this guy ever, really? Just another freak show. I don't think he yet realizes that his time is past and he is done already. He has zero moral or policy authority and I suspect very little ability to influence anything beyond some internet-noisy reactionary news reporting for a few months or even only weeks out.

I will grant that he may have quite a number of ugly secrets to reveal but in that regard would only be doing the country a favor by further accelerating the already accelerating fall of the fool in chief and ironically not helping his own so-called "anti-globalist nationalist agenda" at all. Quite the opposite.

All of Bannon's recent tweets amount to a child's hurt plaintive cry of "Yeah, well, just wait and see. You'll be sorry! "

I'd agree if he didn't have billion-dollar backing by the Mercers. 

Firstly, we have no idea what the conclusions of the recent conclusions of the conversation between Bannon and Mercer may be.

Regardless, regarding Mercer’s money I have to honestly say, “So what?” Fat money is often just money ill spent.

I personally think that Chartlotteville was Trump’s Waterloo. “Shame” -a very public shame is now the widening response as an incentive and reason for SO many quarters to turn their back on Trump and it is a powerful one that has lasting and growing power.

Bannon is just the latest jetsam in that sinking. He had his shot and failed. Mercer’s money won’t save his dream (nightmare for most of us) of a new world disorder.

That Bannon is out means nothing.  I expect he will still have Trumps ear, but now T can deny any responsibility for Bannons rhetoric and actions.  

I really don't understand all this talk of Trumps demise.  Disbanding of the business and arts councils?  Does anyone believe those were any more than ring-kissing committees?  Only one of the evangelicals have abandoned him, others have doubled down on his actions.  To my knowledge not a single R House member has denounced him which says that they are all secure in their gerrymandered districts.  

We need to stand by while the Mueller investigation proceeds.  The rest of this is theatrics.

Steel: Well, I hope you're right. Apparently, Kelly cut short an effort by Blackwater/DeVos/Mercer clan to privatize the war in Afghanistan. Eric Prince (Betsy's bro) was set to pitch the idea to Trump this weekend.

I think one of the keys is to see how hate radio/FOX/con websites digest Bannon's departure. What do they say to their troops now that only the "globalists" are left in the WH.

Aerial shots of Beantown are awesome. Thousands marching to the Common.

steel said:

Me thinks that as an ego-saving device, Bannon is projecting and suffering under a widely overblown sense of his future self importance. Is anyone really supposed to live in dread of this turd's freakin' website editorials?

Yes, some GOP lawmakers will live in fear of what he writes, and what he directs to be written.  They were in fear of it before.  He can provoke ire on their right, so that any GOP-ers who waiver, who might think of working towards compromise, can be threatened with a well-funded, well-supported primary opponent.  Bannon isn't trying to convince everybody, he just wants to keep the "true believers" in line and locked-and-loaded to take care of GOP apostates.

Does Sean Hannity jump ship from Fox and join Bannon? He's really the only hardcore guy left, apart from Carlson.

Unshaven and working from home in cargo shorts as he moves into "Bannon the Barbarian" mode, Steve Bannon is thinking bigger than Breitbart.

Axios' Jonathan Swan hears Bannon has told friends he sees a massive opening to the right of Fox News, raising the possibility that he's going to start a network.

  • Bannon's friends are speculating about whether it will be a standalone TV network, or online streaming only. 
  • Before his death in May, Roger Ailes had sent word to Bannon that he wanted to start a channel together. Bannon loved the idea: He believes Fox is heading in a squishy, globalist direction as the Murdoch sons assume more power.
  • Now he has the means, motive and opportunity: His chief financial backer, Long Island hedge fund billionaire Bob Mercer, is ready to invest big in what's coming next, including a huge overseas expansion of Breitbart News.

Amazing stuff in Boston. My bro-in-law, among the throng from Roxbury group, has yet to arrive and the "Free Speech Rally" is already done.

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