Presidential Results Thread

mrincredible said:

I have barely been able to sleep. Now I am reading the commentary and reminded of all the things that scare me about the Trump presidency with no Democratic majorities in either chamber to stop him.

I know conventional wisdom says the Republicans will lose seats in Congress in 2018 so there is hope for only two years of unfettered Trumpocracy. But that's a faint hope right now. For years now we've had Barack Obama standing as a bulwark against a Republican Congress that would gut environmental laws, financial regulation, social services, education and arts funding. Now that's gone.

I'm worried in another four years a Democrat will get elected and be handed the smoking ruins of the economy to fix.

I feel sick.


This will unleash a million mini-Trumps running for every type of office, from dog catcher to judge, spraying the country with the same foul, ignorant language that won last night.

I weep for us.

*edited, because I'm an editor

at the end of the day, it was actually Trump who trumped hate.

Robert_Casotto said:

at the end of the day, it was actually Trump who trumped hate.

Actually, of all the talking last night, this commentary by Van Jones made me sad. For a lot of Americans, the hate is very real. If you are Black or Hispanic or Muslim or LGBT, the hate is very real. And Trump needs to put that particular genie back in the bottle if he can.

At some point before the winner was called I heard a news person make the commentary that the wages of the

middle class, I guess adjusted for inflation , had not improved in 16 years. That had to make for a deep seated

resentment of Washington and any insider of both parties. The call to "make America great again" resonated.

The old resentment against immigrants and Muslims especially played to the fears of those who hold such thoughts.

Hillary, through her various roles was almost the ultimate Washington insider. The confusion of her e mail habits

certainly did not help.

We are a great people We have survived diversity and the system of checks and balances is very much in place.

"The strongest steel is that which is forged in the hottest fire" "All things pass"

Peace Be With You

terp said:

I hope he stops poking the Russian Bear and puts us on a more sensible FP path. The jury is still out on that one as well.

Stop poking the Russian bear? What exactly does that mean? Should we stand by and allow Putin to reassemble the Russian Empire more or less along the lines of the USSR? What does sensible foreign policy mean. Do we just depart abruptly from areas where we shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place?

I suspect that his cabinet will be full of opportunists and that there will be plenty of corruption, but I don't think that he will toe the traditional Republican party line. he has been critical of foreign intervention and the defense budget, and may argue as much with his own party as he does with the Democrats. Socially this country is in trouble, though.

i wish i could read your posts without getting an eye headache because of the paragraph formation because you seem quite interesting! is there a reason? Just curious cheese

author said:

At some point before the winner was called I heard a news person make the commentary that the wages of the

middle class, I guess adjusted for inflation , had not improved in 16 years. That had to make for a deep seated

resentment of Washington and any insider of both parties. The call to "make America great again" resonated.

The old resentment against immigrants and Muslims especially played to the fears of those who hold such thoughts.

Hillary, through her various roles was almost the ultimate Washington insider. The confusion of her e mail habits

certainly did not help.

We are a great people We have survived diversity and the system of checks and balances is very much in place.

"The strongest steel is that which is forged in the hottest fire" "All things pass"

Peace Be With You

Do you mean adversity?

author said:

We are a great people We have survived diversity

Starsong said:

i wish i could read your posts without getting an eye headache because of the paragraph formation because you seem quite interesting! is there a reason? Just curious cheese
author said:

At some point before the winner was called I heard a news person make the commentary that the wages of the

middle class, I guess adjusted for inflation , had not improved in 16 years. That had to make for a deep seated

resentment of Washington and any insider of both parties. The call to "make America great again" resonated.

The old resentment against immigrants and Muslims especially played to the fears of those who hold such thoughts.

Hillary, through her various roles was almost the ultimate Washington insider. The confusion of her e mail habits

certainly did not help.

We are a great people We have survived diversity and the system of checks and balances is very much in place.

"The strongest steel is that which is forged in the hottest fire" "All things pass"

Peace Be With You

For ease of reading I try to double space my sentences. However then the computer takes over and frequently

adds one word or shortens the contents of one sentence or another. Since I am lucky to be able to even turn on

the computer I frequently simply rely on this method of printing.

I can try in the future to simplify my sentence structure to single spacing.

I am most interesting because I drink Dos Equos

FilmCarp said:

I suspect that his cabinet will be full of opportunists and that there will be plenty of corruption, but I don't think that he will toe the traditional Republican party line. he has been critical of foreign intervention and the defense budget, and may argue as much with his own party as he does with the Democrats. Socially this country is in trouble, though.

As a straight white male in a deep blue state, I'm mostly worried he's going to derp himself into a corner and drag us off to war rather than walk it back.

I suspect his relatively sane (emphasis on relative) educated cohorts like Rudy and Newt and the Guv think they are going to run the government by committee with Donald just happy to posture and party. I have my doubts. Either way, I just hope the disillusionment and buyers remorse sets in sooner rather than later. It's definitely coming. There will not be a renaissance of blue collar employment and the recriminations will begin.

My faith's been torn asunder
Tell me is that rolling thunder
Or just the sinking sound
Of something righteous going under

- B. Springsteen, "Living in the Future"

Someone mentioned putting the genie back into the bottle. Won't ever happen. He released it for a reason and needs it to serve his purpose. The purpose being to send out minions to do his evil. If you hate gays, you now feel you no longer need to be polite and hold your tongue when seeing a gay couple. He has given you the voice to antagonize and possibly become violent. If you're a mixed race couple, same thing. Same thing for anyone who is deemed as "other."

He has given subtle power to those who are sick and tired of being outsiders because of how they think and feel about what they see happening in this country. IMO, it really has nothing to do with economics - many have been poor since the Reagan administration. Poor + Animosity + Limited Education/Growth + This Man = your prayers have been answered.

terp said:

If you guys feel fearful and alienated by the country's leadership, don't worry; You get used to it.

Terp, I love ya, but if you feel fearful and alienated by the country's leadership, remind yourself that it's by choice.

His victory speech was along the same lines as previous winners. I think we might wait until he actually does something, like announce who will be in his cabinet, before panicking.

As Sharon once said when he was told that he held a different position now that he was PM of Israel, ' Things look different from up here'.

ridski said:

terp said:

If you guys feel fearful and alienated by the country's leadership, don't worry; You get used to it.

Terp, I love ya, but if you feel fearful and alienated by the country's leadership, remind yourself that it's by choice.

Right back atchya. The thing is, we don't always get our way, but we've got to keep on keepin' on as it were.

tjohn said:

terp said:

I hope he stops poking the Russian Bear and puts us on a more sensible FP path. The jury is still out on that one as well.

Stop poking the Russian bear? What exactly does that mean? Should we stand by and allow Putin to reassemble the Russian Empire more or less along the lines of the USSR? What does sensible foreign policy mean. Do we just depart abruptly from areas where we shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place?

Well it means expanding NATO(an organization that is hostile to Russia) right up to its borders. It means facilitating revolutions right on their borders. It means running military operations near their borders and calling them aggressive for reacting by running military operations on their own soil. It means threatening to shoot down their planes because they are not blowing up a country in exactly the way we would like it to be blown up.

You have to be blind to be an American and worry about a Russian Empire. They have the GDP of Italy for chrissakes.

tjohn said:

terp said:

I hope he stops poking the Russian Bear and puts us on a more sensible FP path. The jury is still out on that one as well.

Stop poking the Russian bear? What exactly does that mean? Should we stand by and allow Putin to reassemble the Russian Empire more or less along the lines of the USSR? What does sensible foreign policy mean. Do we just depart abruptly from areas where we shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place?

Poking? More like fondling the Russian bear.

tjohn said:

Robert_Casotto said:

at the end of the day, it was actually Trump who trumped hate.

Actually, of all the talking last night, this commentary by Van Jones made me sad. For a lot of Americans, the hate is very real. If you are Black or Hispanic or Muslim or LGBT, the hate is very real. And Trump needs to put that particular genie back in the bottle if he can.

Also saw him. Thought he was next to tears. How TF could we have elected this guy? And what does it say to the country and the world?

One thing we do not have to wait for is his list of SCOTUS picks and I imagine that will need to be addressed immediately as there is an empty seat. On the long list of things that people are justifiably pointing out as the pros and cons of this result, and reminders of his limitations as POTUS, very little gets discussed of the aspiration to overturn Roe v Wade. In an interview with Chris Matthews, Trump said he felt women should be punished if they violated an overturn of Roe v Wade and Pence in an interview said it was his goal to see it overturned.

What surprised me was when I asked someone who was voting for Trump if they knew how illegal abortions were performed. He did not. He answered also that he guessed women would just have to travel to some other country.

Joke's on us. Trump grabbed the nation by the pu$$y and we liked it.

GL2 said:

Joke's on us. Trump grabbed the nation by the pu$$y and we liked it.


Can we joke our way out of this? I'm not really in the mood for jokes, but looks like Orange is the new Black.

Also, I think that we should call our new President Elect, The Apprentice.

ffof said:

Can we joke our way out of this? I'm not really in the mood for jokes, but looks like Orange is the new Black.


I wonder if anyone bought the rights to the Annoying Orange after he fell out of what little popularity he had.

That would look like a good investment now.

now i need a meme. it's not true unless i have one. cheese

author said:

Starsong said:

i wish i could read your posts without getting an eye headache because of the paragraph formation because you seem quite interesting! is there a reason? Just curious cheese
author said:

At some point before the winner was called I heard a news person make the commentary that the wages of the

middle class, I guess adjusted for inflation , had not improved in 16 years. That had to make for a deep seated

resentment of Washington and any insider of both parties. The call to "make America great again" resonated.

The old resentment against immigrants and Muslims especially played to the fears of those who hold such thoughts.

Hillary, through her various roles was almost the ultimate Washington insider. The confusion of her e mail habits

certainly did not help.

We are a great people We have survived diversity and the system of checks and balances is very much in place.

"The strongest steel is that which is forged in the hottest fire" "All things pass"

Peace Be With You

For ease of reading I try to double space my sentences. However then the computer takes over and frequently

adds one word or shortens the contents of one sentence or another. Since I am lucky to be able to even turn on

the computer I frequently simply rely on this method of printing.

I can try in the future to simplify my sentence structure to single spacing.

I am most interesting because I drink Dos Equos

I've heard Trump likes to have portraits of himself so Frida Kahlo meet Donald Trump.

Robert_Casotto said:

at the end of the day, it was actually Trump who trumped hate.

No. He trumped sanity, love, compassion and joy.

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