DUMP TRUMP (previously 2020 candidates)

Klinker said:

It says a lot about Booker's candidacy that the reaction of a forum full of New Jersioids is a collective shrug.

 yeah, well, he's been struggling from the get go. It was just a matter of time. 

drummerboy said:

Klinker said:

It says a lot about Booker's candidacy that the reaction of a forum full of New Jersioids is a collective shrug.

 yeah, well, he's been struggling from the get go. It was just a matter of time. 

 I preferred Rush Holt.

Klinker said:

 I preferred Rush Holt.

Me too. When he said he wasn't going to run again, that was about as saddened as I'd ever been with a politician's decision to retire.

Klinker said:

Smedley said:

Bernie's notoriously bad with old folks

Pretty much everyone in my family that burns for Bernie is over 60.  My 96 year old step mom is hardcore. Kind of like Nan on steroids.

 I have to somewhat agree with Smedley on this one. My MIL and friends (the over 80 crowd) are NOT Bernie fans. Same with the 60 and over that I know of. In the AA community, he trails Biden by a pretty wide margin, especially among older voters.

Bernie appeal seems to go with the younger voters.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders came in second with 20 percent of support and led the field among black voters aged under 35."


Based on my own random sample (okay, my 94-year-old mom), most of the older, long-term Democratic voters aren't as impressed with Bernie (to put it mildly) as his younger supporters.

nohero said:

Hey, Maplewood and South Orange folks.  If you own a home here, you might be considered relatively better off, compared to some other people in other parts of the country.  Also, you might have a college degree.  Well, if that's the case, and you support Senator Warren, the Bernie campaign says that's a negative for her. 

The script instructs Sanders volunteers to tell voters leaning toward the Massachusetts senator that the “people who support her are highly-educated, more affluent people who are going to show up and vote Democratic no matter what” and that “she's bringing no new bases into the Democratic Party.

"I like Elizabeth Warren. [optional]” the script begins. “In fact, she’s my second choice. But here’s my concern about her.” It then pivots to the criticisms of Warren.

The Sanders campaign did not challenge the authenticity of the script, but it declined to comment.

Bernie campaign slams Warren as candidate of the elite

This is what I call divisive campaigning. Sickening and a cheap shot that is NOT true.

When Warren first announced her candidacy for Senator in Massachusetts, the announcement was made at a predominately African American college in the heart of Roxbury. Most of the folks who attended were low to middle class voters. She has reached out to ALL demographics regardless of income. Bernie and the staff working for him must feel threatened. 

Why Ex–Sanders Supporters Are Backing Warren

“They have affection for Sanders and appreciate what he’s done for the movement, as roughly one dozen voters explained to me this week. But Warren, they argued, is proffering a kinder, gentler version of progressivism—one that is rooted in her experience, simple to understand, and compelling enough to attract a broad swath of voters.

“She’s everything Bernie is—but a bit more electable,” said Joe Piluso, a 71-year-old former Sanders supporter and former social-services worker living in San Diego.”

I hope this sway some voters her way.

Klinker said:

sbenois said:

It's become very apparent today that Bernie is really a low-life.   Bernie only cares about Bernie.


 Its been apparent for a long time that you would still hate Bernie if he started walking on water, raising the dead and turning water into wine.  I have my reservations about his candidacy (mainly related to his age)  but he can't possibly be as bad as you portray him.  

I mean, its not like he is running around and touching people inappropriately or something.  


phenixrising said:

In the AA community, he trails Biden by a pretty wide margin, especially among older voters. 

Bernie appeal seems to go with the younger voters.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders came in second with 20 percent of support and led the field among black voters aged under 35."

I understand that, in many African American communities, the rotary phone poll generation makes up a disproportionate share of the voting public but these two statements obviously contradict each other.  Add to that the fact that polling suggests that much but not all of Biden's support amongst African American voters rests on the misconception that he is electable. 

Klinker said:

phenixrising said:

In the AA community, he trails Biden by a pretty wide margin, especially among older voters.

Bernie appeal seems to go with the younger voters.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders came in second with 20 percent of support and led the field among black voters aged under 35."

I understand that, in many African American communities, the rotary phone poll generation makes up a disproportionate share of the voting public but these two statements obviously contradict each other.

I don’t see the contradiction. Among black respondents in that poll, Biden led Sanders 48% to 20% — “a pretty wide margin.”

I couldn’t find the 18-to-34 age margins, but Biden could easily trail Sanders by a few points, or even several, among that group (a 16-year range that is, what, less than one-third of the electorate?) and still build a 28-point advantage over all.

Maybe highly educated people support Elizabeth Warren because they are highly educated.

Shorter version: The Bernie people got caught.

The controversial talking points attacking Elizabeth Warren that Bernie Sanders' campaign deployed were given to teams in at least two early voting states on Friday, three Sanders campaign officials confirmed.

Volunteers and staffers used the script on Saturday while canvassing for votes. But later in the day, after POLITICO reported on language in the script describing Warren's appeal as limited to the highly educated and financially well off, the campaign pulled it back. 

Sanders camp admits anti-Warren script was deployed in multiple early states

Smedley said:


 also not really the point I was trying to make, but whatever 

The lede was that the two sides are not tearing each other apart, as much as that might be the narrative 

ml1 said:


 Despite the example of the current office-holder, that's like a full-time job, so he's probably not interested.

[Edited to add]  For reference, see "Growin' Up" from "Springsteen on Broadway":

"I've never worked nine to five. I've never worked five days a week until right now. I don't like it."  


ml1 said:

This may not quite fit with anyone's narrative about the followers of the respective candidates, but...

Progressive groups call for Warren-Sanders unity after tense Iowa debate 

"Best chance" to beat Trump "does not lie with an establishment or corporate Democrat," progressive groups argue

 Trump is a Bully and has bullied many Democrats to believe he is going to be re-elected despite his low approval ratings, revulsion against him by many who voted for him or did not vote, disappointment or "buyer's remorse" by others who voted for him and the "perfect storm" including Hillary's baggage and Comey's "October Surprise" that led to his very narrow victory.

I will try my best to remain optimistic and positive.

I liked Yang on Bill Maher last night.  I know he has no chance but enjoy his approach to defeating Trump.

His Slogan: MATH - Make America Think Again

STANV said:

 For your consideration:


 The article, which I mostly agree with, does not reflect your optimism. Isn't the conclusion that the odds are on Biden or Trump? 

Another interesting article


jamie said:

I liked Yang on Bill Maher last night.  I know he has no chance but enjoy his approach to defeating Trump.

His Slogan: MATH - Make America Think Again

 If we had to choose a candidate with no experience whatsoever I would choose Yang over Buttigieg in a heartbeat.

Seems like the Bernie Bros are just as bad as the MAGA disciples on Twitter. How and why did Bernie go down this path that Trump paved? 

STANV said:

Jeff Greenfield on Joe Biden's candidacy:


There’s a lesson here: If you're a former vice president, you’re a cut above the typical default candidate. First, the nomination is yours for the taking. George H.W. Bush’s vice president, Dan Quayle, is the only former veep to have sought and lost the party nomination in the primary era. Second, you’ve got a real shot in November. The general-election losers in this category were nearly winners: Nixon in 1960 effectively tied JFK in the popular vote; Humphrey in 1968 lost by less than a percentage point; Ford would have won in 1976 with the shift of a few thousand votes in Mississippi and Ohio; Gore won the popular vote in 2000 and lost by 537 votes out of 6 million in Florida.

And Mondale in 1984?

The exception proves the rule.

DaveSchmidt said:


And Mondale in 1984?


drummerboy said:

The exception proves the rule.

DaveSchmidt said:


And Mondale in 1984?


 What exception? All those guys lost.

George H. W. Bush was the first incumbent VP to be elected in his own right since Martin Van Buren.

Of course Joe Biden is an ex-VP, like Nixon in 1968.

STANV said:

 What exception? All those guys lost.

See the two sentences I boldfaced. Fritz didn’t nearly win.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren cheered the KC Chiefs win today.

Ba dum tss.  

Is it too late to boldface a syllable?

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