Wu Ming Qigong for Breast Health @ Shakti Yoga

Event Date: November 10th, 2013 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Address : 1861 Springfield Ave. Maplewood New Jersey
Town : Maplewood

Wu Ming Qigong for Breast Health with Debra Bernath, LMT, Qigong Meridian Therapy, Reflexology, Dragon’s Way & Breast Health When: 4 Sundays, October 20 - November 10, 11:15am - 12:15pm Cost: $50 for 4 weeks or $15 drop-in Register: call 973-763-2288 or pay online Questions: debrabernath@gmail.com or call Debra at 917-353-7363 Learn 7 powerful Wu Ming Qigong for Breast Health movements and other helpful lifestyle and food tips which benefit breast health from the Chinese medicine perspective. From the Chinese medicine perspective, true health can only be gained from a strong internal energy system. When energy stagnation in the breast area is not addressed and certain conditions such as chronic stress, poor diet and life imbalances are present, it will ultimately lead to physical manifestations of disease such as calcifications, cysts, and breast lumps. Self-healing Qigong movements for Breast Health stimulate the energy flow along the key energy pathways running through the breast area. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) believes that before physical problems appear, they first occur at the energy level and then manifest on the physical level. Qigong works on this energy level, strengthening \"Qi\" or life force and supporting the immune system. New Student Special! Discounts on QMT treatments with Debra during the course, 1 hour sessions $10 off, 1/2 hour sessions $5 off.

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