Diagnosing Obamacare

Event Date: November 23rd, 2013 at 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Address : 516 Prospect St.
Town : Maplewood

Diagnosing Obamacare: How to Navigate the New Health Care Law. The community is invited to this presentation aimed at demystifying the Affordable Care Act. Former geriatric social worker and health insurance counselor Esther Barcun has received extensive training in the new health care law. She will explain the provisions of the Affordable Care Act and how it aims to meet three goals: provide affordable health insurance, promote better healthcare and wellness, and reduce the cost of healthcare. In addition, Barcun will clarify some of the more confusing aspects of this complicated law. Among the topics Barcun will cover are enrollment periods, the individual mandate, the marketplace, premium tax credits, reduced cost sharing, Medicaid expansion, and the implication for employers. This event is free, though an RSVP is appreciated.

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