Yesterday's obits: life long resident of Newark graduated from CHS '09

Hmmm, I thought you had to live in town to go to CHS?

(May he rest in peace)

You could attend CHS as a tuition student, space permitting.

joan_crystal said:

You could attend CHS as a tuition student, space permitting.

That was my thought when I read the obit.

Yes, I believe one of my mother's best friends lived in Newark (at least at first) when she attended C.H.S.  This would have been the class of 1942.

Just saw the obit, if it's the relevant one.  He graduated in 2009?  I thought it was a long time since C.H.S had the room to accept paying students from outside the district.  Maybe not since, um......1942?

Unless an obituary is bylined by a staff writer, it might not be fact-checked. Seems possible that the "lifelong resident" part is exaggerated, or even the CHS part.

@glover your brother graduated with a tuition student from Millburn.

newspapers are often wrong, even when it is supposedly a researched article by a staff writer.....and this is just an announcement submitted by a funeral director based on facts given by the family.

If he were a special education student, it is possible Newark paid to send him to Columbia.  I had a friend who lived in a semi urban town that was sent to another public school 4 towns away because she had dyslexia....even tough her local public school had other students with dyslexia...I don't know how her mother got them to agree..but they did...that other public school didn't normally accept regular ed tuition paying students.

Glover said:

Hmmm, I thought you had to live in town to go to CHS?

Maybe he lived in south orange.

Maybe his parents were divorced with one living in MapSo.

SuzanneNg said:

Maybe his parents were divorced with one living in MapSo.


Joint custody  

Unlikely he paid 

Tuition to go to school

One parent legal.

2009?  What is his name?

Glover said:

(May he rest in peace)

Apparently not.

Is this a gag thread? Is this leading to an exhumation and a rifling through of his pockets for loose change and jewelry or something? C'mon, get lives. A little ways down the page there's a link for an eagle's nest with eggs about to hatch- check it out.

More Newarkers coming to Columbia High (with some irresistible photos):[group]/6/

His name can be found here. (Survived by, among others, his parents, two sisters, and nieces and nephews, whose chances of stumbling upon this thread through an online search made me think better of spelling it out.)

This issue is that it could be a sign of students illegally attending public schools...paid for by local tax payers...and some of the kids could be great, but others could be dangerous...and its not right for local taxpayers and students to have to put up with that....If i remember correctly its over $11k/year per student.

jmitw said:

This issue is that it could be a sign of students illegally attending public schools...

The district instituted a re-enrollment process; and the BOE meeting minutes occasionally state:

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that, as to the students identified below, the parents or guardians are not domiciled within the District or the children are not kept in the home of another person domiciled within the school district pursuant to the affidavit pupils statute; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby orders the transfer or removal of the students identified below...

So, rejoice. We already order the transfer and removal of non-resident students as they are rooted out using various techniques. Happy now?

If it is indeed a "sign" (and I don't believe it is), it's a very, very old sign.  I fail to see any relevance.

The notion that illegal students "cost" a district the equivalent of its per-pupil expenditure was debunked long ago, I thought.

That bit of poor cost accounting understanding will live on forever.

what's more likely -- that this person had a parent who lived in SoMa, or was a life-long resident of Newark with no legitimate ties to the district, and managed to evade detection for all four years of a high school career and graduate from CHS?

sprout said:

jmitw said:

This issue is that it could be a sign of students illegally attending public schools...

The district instituted a re-enrollment process; and the BOE meeting minutes occasionally state:

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that, as to the students identified below, the parents or guardians are not domiciled within the District or the children are not kept in the home of another person domiciled within the school district pursuant to the affidavit pupils statute; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby orders the transfer or removal of the students identified below...

So, rejoice. We already order the transfer and removal of non-resident students as they are rooted out using various techniques. Happy now?

No method of catching all non residents is perfect, families still manage to sneak kids in....there was a post recently about a homeowner getting school mail for the previous resident..obviously that kid was still registered to that address even though they did not live there.

2009 was not long could still be happening..just as it has happened for decades before and will continue for decades to come..

jmitw said:

2009 was not long could still be happening..just as it has happened for decades before and will continue for decades to come..

Everyone loses in these scenarios, no matter whether non-resident students are removed or are not removed. The young non-resident students lose multiple times. 

And they are our in-person evidence that the larger educational structure is dysfunctional -- unless one considers the function of education to try to maintain the status quo.

jmitw said:

2009 was not long could still be happening..just as it has happened for decades before and will continue for decades to come..

It is still happening.  No one disputes that.  The BOE still addresses the issue.  No one should be disputing that (check regular BOE minutes, an example of which is mentioned above).  The cost factor has loooooong been debunked.  No one should still be disputing that either.  So what, exactly, is the issue again?

Sounds like it's time for one of you to organize a field trip. You have a name and getting a home address shouldn't be too difficult. Maybe check with the local library to see if there are outstanding fines out there as well. Best find somebody to go with you first then prepare your invoice, gas up the ride and head on out. Rehearse your lines before you knock on the door, especially the part about how you're being taken advantage of and don't forget to take a plate it's the polite thing to do.

I assume that wasn't directed at me and merely a coincidence of sequence... I think I've been pretty clear here and elsewhere that this "issue" isn't much of an issue.  (Notwithstanding the fact that this particular former student's demise shouldn't have been a trigger for this conversation in the first place.) 

Stand down my friend. We are in agreement here.

Folks, last time I looked University Court was in South Orange.   

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