Wisdom Tooth Extraction at 43

Anyone have a lower wisdom tooth removed after 40. I need to have a partially impactes lower wisdom tooth extracted. A couple of years ago an oral surgeon told me there is a risk of nerve damage and permanent paralysis. Any other options? 

I had an upper and lower wisdom tooth pulled at 50 with no complications and a quick recovery.  Highly rec Kevin Corry:  http://www.unionoms.com/

It seems to be a function of where the tooth lies. When I had mine out, I was told it could be a problem but that being so informed was a formality.

If it looked likely that it could result in a problem, the dentist would have further advised me.

agree about corry. I was back at work two hours later. totally nbd, and I am older.

My husband had a lower wisdom tooth pulled about a month ago. He is mid-50s. Didn't even take a half-day; had it out at 8:30, was at his desk by 10. He hasn't said anything about residual pain, but not sure he would. Good luck.

the likelihood of getting a paresthesia in your lips is totally dependent upon the proximity of the root tip to the inferior alveolar nerve. If the root tip of the tooth is near the mandibular nerve or possibly encompassing it,  then the oral surgeon has a responsibility to advise you that there is a distinct possibility of the consequence of a paresthesia. If the wisdom tooth is located away from the mandibular nerve, then this does not present a problem. So everyone's case, and experiences, is different depending upon the proximity of the truth to that lip nerve. It bears little relevance to age. It could be, relevant to medical history and background of the patient and whether or not they are medically compromised. But age is self is not so much a factor as the actual proximity of the root tip to the nerve itself.

I did, no problem, but it was not impacted.

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