where to buy hardwood or bamboo flooring?

Not much selection at HD - looking for good quality materials for use in kitchen... probably going with a good engineered wood, but want to see what's out there... TIA

There is a lot of reclaimed wood in the Albany area. Factories made of wood are being dismantled, and the floor boards are being planed and tongued-and-grooved. We got some, and it's pretty fantastic since the oils have set in for decades.

But it takes work to do the research and to have it delivered.

Try Hannon floors in Union on Liberty ave. Hannonfloors.com

Also jasco tile, on Rt 22

Lumber Liquidators in Fairfield, Union

Does nobody here know about Boards & Beams in Fairfield? That is the best place for wood, imho.


Thanks everyone. Orzabelle, that place looks amazing... Will check it out!

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