What type of bird is this?

New bird at the bird feeder today.

It's a parakeet or Budgie

Absolutely a parakeet.  Small wonder that he is still alive.  They are great domestic in house pets but are not adapted to outside survival like their cousins the Monk Parrots .

It can survive the current mild weather, but it won't have the skills to survive the predators.

Sad. No doubt, someone's pet that got out.

Not good.  It was at the bird feeder again this morning. I had another blue parakeet at our bird feeder one day last summer, but I never saw it again.  I wonder if it is the same bird.  I wish I could catch it.

I breed parakeets.  I have 14 in my miniscule apartment..............they are in two flight cages.   Of my birds 11 are a result of my breeding attempts,  which started out quite accidentally.  Actually and obviously the birds did most of the work.  I furnished the nesting boxes and over sized cages.  Parakeets fly side to side more so than up and down.  A cage of about three feet in width is necessary to keep them happy and healthy.

Once a parakeet has been outside and exposed to other birds and possible diseases it is best to isolate it in a cage by itself if anyone is fortunate enough to catch it.  Since parakeets  are flock animals it would need attention by its keeper who would

then become  the friend the little guy requires.

I have a long handled net, maybe three or four foot long pole attached.  Sort of like a giant butterfly net but tailored for birds.

More than happy to loan it out if someone wants to take a shot at catching the little guy.

PM me if interested.

If you want to catch it, using a sheet thrown over it could help.  We had a parakeet walk down our driveway 8 years ago, and we caught it that way, and we never found the owner (put it on our neighborhood eloop, called animal control) so we kept her and she was a wonderful pet.  She just died recently.

Yes,  of course.  Outside a sheet would be ideal.  They are wonderful pets and great little companions.

We bought a cage and put mirrors and food in it, but so far he has not come any where near the cage.  I also put a sheet by our front door in case we can catch it that way.  I read that they can survive in temperatures down to 40 degrees, so hopefully he will be ok tonight.

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