What series should I watch next?

I wasn't a big fan of series, would eventually watch Seinfeld every time I'd see it or even a couple of friends episodes long long time ago.
Then I started watching Mad Men because the 60's wardrobes and furniture a looked so nice, plus I'm in advertising. Love it, but at this point it's gotten a tad boring. Then Breaking Bad (loved it, except all the killings) and Game of Thrones (except all the battles). Quickly watched Orange is the New Black in two sittings - one for each season, nice and easy but nothing too memorable. Then The Sopranos. Loved it, loved it, loved it!
Now I need something else but something really good! Sopranos and Mad Men-like. I have been trying The Wire but I fall asleep within 15 min every single time. Still couldn't finish the first episode so I'm guessing might not be for me. Send me your recommendations! Please! And thank you!

The Honorable Woman. Loved it.

If it is still available on demand check out True Detective. It was really good. Great acting. I can't wait for the next season although it will have a whole new set of actors and an entirely new plot.
Another one that I have found interesting, although not for everyone, is Orphan Black on BBC America.

Oh, I forgot! I did watch True Detective too. Very good!

Friday Night Lights

The Killing. Superbly acted. I've watched three of four seasons. It's not a horror series. It's a detective series set in Seattle.

The Americans: very compelling, great writing and acting; my current favorite
Orphan Black: Tatiana Maslany is amazing: plays multiple roles, often simultaneously, and you would swear there are several actresses in the same scene.
Downton Abbey: didn't think I'd like it, but became a big fan
Homeland: first season was the best
Nurse Jackie: Edie Falco is terrific
Sons of Anarchy: you probably will find this too violent, but it's a good series. (Just ended, after 7 seasons)

While the series just ended look for The Newsroom. Love Aaron Sorkin's writing and it got me watching the entire West Wing series on DVD again.

The Fall. I have a huge crush on Gillian Anderson now.

Black Mirror. Not really a series, but separate episodes a la the Twilight Zone. Disturbing plot lines, but nothing that a person who has watched Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, etc. can't handle.

Transparent on Amazon tv. Wonderfully written and acted.

I also just abandoned my second attempt to watch the Wire. I feel like a failure since everyone says its so great, but I have no idea what is going on, probably because I sleep through the second half of each episode.

My colleague (a guy) just started watching Wentworth Prison. He says it is really good. It is on Netflix.

Also can't get into the Wire.
Still love Game of Thrones.
Looking forward to the new True Detectives although I will miss the original cast.

And how's this Downton Abbey?
I guess I had my dose of detectives and women's prison cheese I guess what I really enjoy is the characters, getting to know them throughout the series, like with Toby soprano or don draper.

House of Cards.

From someone who has watched:
Mad Men (really liked it)
The Wire (loved it)
The Sopranos (loved it)
The Corner (loved it)
Weeds (ok)
Dexter (liked it)
Nurse Jackie (liked it)

Homeland, True Detectives, House of Cards, Downton Abbey. Hubby addicted to Sons of ANarchy but i never got into it.

and we like Shameless too. (William H Macy)

House of Cards

Or you could watch all 7 Seasons of the Gilmore Girls which my wife and I are doing now (We are on season 6).

Shameless for sure. Ray Donovan too.

The Shield.
like Scifi? Star Gate is good

Six Feet Under! Best ending I've ever seen!

I forgot about Ray Donovan. . . that's a good one too. I like it because it doesn't get overly violent.

I can not get into Downton Abbey for the life of me! All of my friends insist that I would love it. Tried to watch it (multiple times even!) and it is simply not my cup of tea. I feel like Elaine in that episode of Seinfeld with "The English Patient". I just want to see "Sack Lunch".

Agree on Homeland and Friday Night Lights. I also enjoyed Enlightened but I'm a huge Laura Dern fan.

skadave said:

I forgot about Ray Donovan. . . that's a good one too. I like it because it doesn't get overly violent.

Unless you count your own ears bleeding every time Abby says something.

Many excellent shows have already been mentioned, but I would add Justified and The Good Wife.

Check out the dozens of good suggestions in this thread:

PetuniaBird said:

Many excellent shows have already been mentioned, but I would add Justified and The Good Wife.

Second on Justified. It's an awesome show.

Orange is the New Black. Very powerful.

I like The Good Wife a lot (loved a lot of the actors and even though it was a bit role, Carrie Preston is amazing). And I enjoyed watching Scandal and The Blacklist (really liked James Spader in that).

Nikita is good for some mindless action. The 100 was also interesting.

Nothing gets better than The West Wing, though. Newsroom is fine for some filler replacement cheese

ridski said:

skadave said:

I forgot about Ray Donovan. . . that's a good one too. I like it because it doesn't get overly violent.

Unless you count your own ears bleeding every time Abby says something.

Oh thank you. I had to stop watching.

Ik, r? And she's from Belfast.

eliz said:

Friday Night Lights

This times a million. And The West Wing if you never watched! It's on Netflix

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