what are bendaroos? archived

My daughter really wants bendaroos for her birthday. From what I can tell (online), they look like Wiki Sticks, which I already bought for her.

Does anyone know the difference between bendaroos and wiki sticks? I think she saw bendaroos advertised on t.v.


My kids saw the benderoos ad too and thought they looked cool. I can't recall wiki sticks clearly enough to know whether they're that different. The ad makes it look like you can make incredible things with it. Doubtful.

A restauraunt that we were at had bendaroo's that they gave away with their kids menu. They were bendable wax sticks.

Benda WHAT? Benda WHO? Bendaroos!!! My daughter has paused the tv every time that commercial comes on and writes down the name and number (it's the absolute only thing she wants). They're wax sticks you can bend and put on probably every frigging thing in your house, but they look like they don't stain - they can stick onto the windows, walls, etc, make freestanding objects, and they can be undone and used again and again.. and again.......and agggggaaaiiiin..... and agaiiiiiinn...(sigh)

I got them from the website - it's one of those as seen on tv things. Haven't seen them in stores.

My kids REALLY WANT THEM, too. I HATE infomercials for kids. We got some Wiki Sticks in a restaurant the other day, and the kids really loved them and got a lot of play out of them. Comparing the two it appears they are an almost identical product for the same price minus the crazy 'as seen on TV' shipping charges.

I got suckered into ordering them b/c of the infomercials my kids saw. They come in a plain cardboard box - I have no idea how I am going to wrap them. They are short - I'd just buy wikistix from your local craft or educational supply store and forget the Bendaroos - not worth the money IMHO.

It figures ... I ust saw the same box of Bendaroos at Walgreens for $19.99 - you can check them out there if you are so inclined .....

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