Trump's "Press Conference" today

Just need to start a thread here as I've used up my self-imposed limit of allowing only one Trump/GOP-Rant Posting on Facebook per week.

Trump's press conference was so incredibly frightening, I'm now actually hoping that they do impeach him quickly to put Pence in place. And Pence scares the bejeesus out of me too, but Trump....he spent 3/4 of the time congratulating himself and the remaining time berating others. THAT was his press conference.

There was so much absurdity spewed in that "plan" and that whole thing, I'm at a loss to understand how anyone thinks he's the right fit for the office of POTUS.

It was not a press conference in any sense of the term. It was a stream of consciousness babble of self-congratulatory drivel with occasional slams at Hillary and other "enemies." He did name David Shulkin, MD, former president of Morristown Medical Center, to Undersecretary of the VA. Said his name about 10 times.

Welcome to the next four years.

Unless one of these Trump stories turns out to have some basis. In that case, the role of President Underwood will be played by Mike Pence.

He still couldn't help bashing HRC several times, gloating about his win, and putting in a plug in for all his "fantastic" businesses that "do very well." We get it, you won the election and you're the (self-proclaimed) world's greatest businessman. To me, his behavior shows that losing the popular vote and not winning by a landslide really eats at him.

Did anyone notice how "magnanimous" he was in saying as President he is not legally subject to conflict of interest laws so he does not have to divest or give up control of his businesses, but since he is such a great guy he's going to do it anyway and give control to his two sons. He said several times that he is under no legal obligation to give up control and even said he is capable of running his businesses and running the country at the same time.

Translation: He's not going to give up control. So when he's inevitably caught engaging in his private business while POTUS he can say I told you I was able to do this back in my first press conference on 1/11/17. The promise to not be involved will fade into the ether like all his other promises.

its unreal.

but the questions were also stupid. does anyone really give a damn if Trump cavorted with hookers in Russia? I mean who cares?

there were good questions related to the wall that he dodged while claiming it would be built and reimbursed somehow there were false claims of how he saved so many jobs and that he was going to penalize companies who move out of the US.

he did say one thing regarding the ACA repeal and replace, that did register as a good thing, and that was that he wanted to negotiate pharma costs. -- thats only been the biggest issue to costs since the Clinton administration -- but he treated it as if he was the sole person who understood it. lol, lets see if anything gets done regarding that issue.

overall, nothing he said, nothing, holds up as sincere.

I wish a reporter or multiple reporters would actually press him on HOW and by WHAT MOTIVATION Mexico would pay for a wall. Instead, he trails off into "First of all, it's a WALL not a fence" criticisms.

It's crazy - here's a couple quotes that stuck out to me:

"No one cares about my taxes"

"If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what folks, that's an asset. Not a liability."

Regarding a 2 billion dollar deal: "I turned it down. I didn't have to turn it down. Because, you know, I have a no conflict situation because I'm president."

"I will be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created."

The big question for Trump, at least since last Friday when he was briefed by Intelligence officials about Russia's hacking of the DNC and Podesta emails, was whether he now thinks that Russia hacked. He responded "I think Russia hacked."

When asked whether he thinks Putin was personally involved, Trump responded "If Putin likes Donald Trump, I consider that an asset and not a liability." In other words, yeah, I think that Putin was personally involved.

My favorite was something along the lines of, "It's the greatest story in the history of stories." I kid you not.

jamie said:

It's crazy - here's a couple quotes that stuck out to me:

"No one cares about my taxes"

"If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what folks, that's an asset. Not a liability."

Regarding a 2 billion dollar deal: "I turned it down. I didn't have to turn it down. Because, you know, I have a no conflict situation because I'm president."

"I will be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created."

Lets see. There is so much to digest Real unemployment he said there are 93 million people unemployed. If accurate that would be 39% of the adult population

And why isn't there a unity among the reporters?WhenTrump would not recognize the CNN reporter why didn't all the other report just stop asking questions? They play right into his hands

And, does the US Treasury take "donations" now? He claimed that all foreign dignitary stays at his hotels will be "donated to the US Treasury" ya his businesses will actually be helping the American people. Is that even possible? Can we make our charitable donations to the US Treasury???


this can't possibly end well...

Actually you can make a donation to the U.S. Treasury and sometimes it does happen. But it is not "charitable". It can not be deducted for tax purposes.

93 million is the number of people that are not in the labor force - not unemployed. I guess Trump is expecting babies and the elderly to get jobs.

TigerLilly said:

Trump's press conference was so incredibly frightening, I'm now actually hoping that they do impeach him quickly to put Pence in place. And Pence scares the bejeesus out of me too, but Trump....he spent 3/4 of the time congratulating himself and the remaining time berating others. THAT was his press conference.

There was so much absurdity spewed in that "plan" and that whole thing, I'm at a loss to understand how anyone thinks he's the right fit for the office of POTUS.

I read the transcript, there was nothing freighting except maybe his idiosyncratic patter

lord_pabulum said:

TigerLilly said:

Trump's press conference was so incredibly frightening, I'm now actually hoping that they do impeach him quickly to put Pence in place. And Pence scares the bejeesus out of me too, but Trump....he spent 3/4 of the time congratulating himself and the remaining time berating others. THAT was his press conference.

There was so much absurdity spewed in that "plan" and that whole thing, I'm at a loss to understand how anyone thinks he's the right fit for the office of POTUS.

I read the transcript, there was nothing freighting except maybe his idiosyncratic patter

I don't think there could have possibly been a transcript for that....seriously. You're either lying or a masochist for reading a transcript of that.

maybe it's not "frightening."

but the guy is obviously in way over his head. How could people have voted for this guy, even as a big FU to the "elites." We should pay close attention to what Pence and Flynn are up to, because I don't think the Donald is going to really be running the executive branch.

If your goal is to show that you will be distant from and uninvolved with a business run by your two sons, why have them standing practically next to you at the podium?

The clapping you heard was not from the reporters. I understand it was personnel from Trump Tower.

lets say lord P isn't frightened by the reading the transcript, certainly the performance at this so-called press conference should at least be concerning as regards to presidential communication. it was alarming to me that we will have a simpleton like this as the leader of the free world.

galileo said:

The clapping you heard was not from the reporters. I understand it was personnel from Trump Tower.

At this point, the way the press is cowering half the time, it's the same thing.

In other words, the people he claims he will be distancing himself from ...

"I'm not going to have any dealings with these people. If you're wondering who these people are, here they are, next to and in front of me."

galileo said:

The clapping you heard was not from the reporters. I understand it was personnel from Trump Tower.

librarylady said:

And why isn't there a unity among the reporters?WhenTrump would not recognize the CNN reporter why didn't all the other report just stop asking questions? They play right into his hands

For one thing, the news media are not a bloc, nor should they act like one; we'd all be poorer for the unity. Also, what really plays into any leader's hands is to stop asking questions.

What does freighting mean? Transportation of goods?

lord_pabulum said:

TigerLilly said:

Trump's press conference was so incredibly frightening, I'm now actually hoping that they do impeach him quickly to put Pence in place. And Pence scares the bejeesus out of me too, but Trump....he spent 3/4 of the time congratulating himself and the remaining time berating others. THAT was his press conference.

There was so much absurdity spewed in that "plan" and that whole thing, I'm at a loss to understand how anyone thinks he's the right fit for the office of POTUS.

I read the transcript, there was nothing freighting except maybe his idiosyncratic patter

DaveSchmidt said:

librarylady said:

And why isn't there a unity among the reporters?WhenTrump would not recognize the CNN reporter why didn't all the other report just stop asking questions? They play right into his hands

For one thing, the news media are not a bloc, nor should they act like one; we'd all be poorer for the unity. Also, what really plays into any leader's hands is to stop asking questions.

It would have been nice show of unity if the the other reporters would have continued to ask the CNN reporter's question.

CompassRose said:

DaveSchmidt said:

librarylady said:

And why isn't there a unity among the reporters?WhenTrump would not recognize the CNN reporter why didn't all the other report just stop asking questions? They play right into his hands
For one thing, the news media are not a bloc, nor should they act like one; we'd all be poorer for the unity. Also, what really plays into any leader's hands is to stop asking questions.
It would have been nice show of unity if the the other reporters would have continued to ask the CNN reporter's question.

Give up my own question, if I'm called, so I can continue to ask a question that got no further than "Can you state categorically ..."? Not likely.

As it turned out, the CNN reporter, Jim Acosta, tweeted this: "Fortunately ABC's Cecilia Vega asked my question about whether any Trump associates contacted Russians. Trump said no."

CompassRose said:

DaveSchmidt said:

librarylady said:

And why isn't there a unity among the reporters?WhenTrump would not recognize the CNN reporter why didn't all the other report just stop asking questions? They play right into his hands

For one thing, the news media are not a bloc, nor should they act like one; we'd all be poorer for the unity. Also, what really plays into any leader's hands is to stop asking questions.

It would have been nice show of unity if the the other reporters would have continued to ask the CNN reporter's question.

Media Matters agrees with you (and so do I). They're so hungry to lick up any last drop of a headline, they're killing themselves off.

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