The Strollers Presents "The Day the Rainbow Broke Up"

The Strollers community theater continues its 87th season with a new production of the family favorite,The Day the Rainbow Broke Up, by Casey Bell. The story poses the question of what might happen if all the colors of the rainbow decided to strike out on their own. As each single-color rainbow encounters a colorful creature from nature, it learns about cooperation, friendship, and the beautiful power of diversity. All ends well as the rainbow is once again united and brilliantly arched across the sky.

The Day the Rainbow Broke Up will be presented for two weekends at The Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts in Maplewood.Evening performances will take place on Friday, February 1 and 8 at 7:00 p.m. Matinee performances will be held on Saturday, February 2 and 9, and Sunday, February 3 and 10. Each day will feature two performances, at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 each. Visit www.thestrollers.orgfor information and to purchase tickets, or call 973-761-8453 to reserve tickets.

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