The NY Jests

Apart from everything else that might be said about the Jets, I have to think they have lost more games as a result of muffed punt/kickoff catches than any team in NFL history.

Smith - he's got some talent (some, not great) but he gets to thinking that he can throw a ball at any time to anyone, especially after he's had a good stretch of completions, and thats why he's not the right guy. Also, strangely since he's a good runner, he has poor pocket sense when he's resolved to throw a pass. Waits to long, doesn't know how to step up into the pocket to avoid the outside rush. blah blah blah.

Well, he is still better than Mr. Butt-Fumble (although that is not saying much).

Im not a Jets fan...I enjoy making fun of them actually, but this is my observation...what makes Ryan a "great players' coach" makes the Jets a flawed team. I think season to season one of their biggest problems is on field discipline, which you see manifested in seemingly a lot of unnecessary penalties (how do they rank among teams in penalties and yards penalized?) and in a lack of fundamental play. The more tightly run teams don't seem to have these issues game to game and season to season. I don't watch every game, but its just my observation when I have watched and from what I have read. What makes them at times fun to watch also makes them excruciating to watch at times too.

The penalty thing is a hallmark of the Rex era. And its not just the exuberance type of penalties, roughing etc. It's bone head, squarely on the coaches things, like too many men on the field, illegal formations.

When they signed Michael the dog killer Vick, I vowed to stop following and rooting for this team. It was heartening to hear that they lost again last night. I can only hope that divine retribution causes them to lose every other game this year.

I wouldn't mind if they lost every other game if the losses were well played. It's just that they lose like such . . . losers. Embarassing implosions.

dodgerfan1 said:

When they signed Michael the dog killer Vick, I vowed to stop following and rooting for this team. It was heartening to hear that they lost again last night. I can only hope that divine retribution causes them to lose every other game this year.

Give it up. He paid a huge price and by every account I can find, he is a changed man.

I hate the Jets. Even when they lose, they score enough points that I only netted 5 points by having the New England defense this week in my fantasy lineup.

Train_of_Thought said:

Percy Harvin. Hmmm...

one has to wonder who Percy pissed off in the Seattle organization.

jeebus. I've got Harvin on my team too.

Harvin must be a loser to be that talented and bounced from two organizations already.

golden tate slept with russel wilsons wife (reason for the divorce) and harvin stuck up for him by giving tate the black eye last year.

OUCH! I guess Russell Wilson's "bullying" days are over.

Strategy for 2015: keep Ivory and the D line and trade everyone else for draft picks.

That aborted trick kickoff return was probably my favorite play this season, even more so than the Rams' trick punt return that worked. Seeing Graham lying down in the end zone trying to blend in with the green turf was pretty priceless. Points for creativity, and credit to Harvin for recognizing NOT to throw the lateral pass as intended.

Train_of_Thought said:

That aborted trick kickoff return was probably my favorite play this season, even more so than the Rams' trick punt return that worked. Seeing Graham lying down in the end zone trying to blend in with the green turf was pretty priceless. Points for creativity, and credit to Harvin for recognizing NOT to throw the lateral pass as intended.

I would give points for stupidity. TCU ran this same play but did it when the kickoffs were arriving short of the endzone. Here, even if the Bill's fell for it (and after watching Seattle give up a touchdown via special teams fakery, you know everyone was watching for return tricks), Harvin had no time to turn and throw.

This business of catching a ball in the back of the endzone and going for it is getting out of hand, and not just with the Jets, though other teams seemed to do a better job than the Jets of at least clawing their way to the 20.

It would have been priceless if the Bills had kicked the ball towards Graham while he was laying on the turf.

A trick play like this done by a team so weak in fundamentals only makes them look either desperate or like they are not taking things seriously. It is one thing if done by a team that is hitting on other cylinders--but the Jets are so bad in so many facets of the game. I would prefer to see the coaches working on things like blocking.

I am also tired of hearing announcers making excuses for Geno by saying that he is "young" or needs more experience. At what point do we just say he is the wrong guy and move on?

Same happened with Sanchez.

Smith now has 24 games under his belt and a QB rating of 66.2 for his career. This year he is at 65.6 through 8 games. At least he is consistently bad.

He had a neat clean QB rating of 0 yesterday. It's not all his fault but its a lot his fault. He is not the QB of the future, including next week. Hell, I'd give the Simms kid a shot. Why not?

Most effective thing anyone in a Jets jersey did all day.

I agree with Mike Francesca. The press conference going on right now with Idzik is "very sad" and I'm not even a Jets fan.

I will not watch this team anymore until some wholesale changes are made ... What a joke. Yesterday was a new low.

bub said:

... Hell, I'd give the Simms kid a shot. Why not?


Simms , why not . Vick is just all about that cash. This team is going nowhere with Idzik running it . "What a Idzik" would become a pop phrase for losser if he was the least bit intresting . NY will hate this guy with Rex pealed away. I wish rich kid Woody would just sell it to someone who cared . I'd take Trump in a second over this chump.

With you except for the Trump part. I would root against any team, any thing, owned by him.

I think Woody cares but I don't think he knows anything about football. My theory is that he is easily swayed by others with more "football knowledge."

OK Jet fans : Would you take Jameis Winston ?

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