The Good Wife - series finale

Terrible ending.  Anyone watch?

No, I'll be watching it tonight and checking back with this thread.

When I heard it was the last one, I totally lost interest, now I want to know how it ended.

Bob Newhart was having a very bad dream.

mrincredible said:

Bob Newhart was having a very bad dream.

Still the standard.

A troubling ending for what had been a premium series

Didn't think it was horrible but wished they had 2 hours to tidy it up a bit. Wished Cary's character received better treatment than him looking like a vindictive weasel. Didn't care about seeing the Ghost of Will navigating Alicia's choices. He's dead and we've accepted that. 

LOVED when Diane smacked the ish out of Alicia. Alicia deserved it and that smack was perfection. 

BUT: What happened to the MIL and her marriage to the old lawyer? What happens to Eli and his kick ass daughter? Where was Zach? Did he marry the slightly older woman? Did Grace go to Berkeley? If we had a Will sighting, why couldn't we have a Kalinda sighting (you know, because she's alive)? What happened to Michael J. Fox's character? Does he die from his disease? Do they turn the firm into all women or does the discrimination suit stop it? 

Ambiguity thy name is The Good Wife. 

Some answers to the above questions: The MIL said she never wanted to see Alicia again when she heard she was divorcing Peter at the wedding reception, so presumably she and old lawyer ride off into the sunset somewhere. Eli is thinking he will run Alicia's campaign for office - that's why he's smiling in the audience. Alicia mentions at the end that Grace is going to go to Berkeley (now that the trial is averted). Zach and his girlfriend went to Europe, probably won't get married.

kibbegirl said:

Didn't think it was horrible but wished they had 2 hours to tidy it up a bit. Wished Cary's character received better treatment than him looking like a vindictive weasel. Didn't care about seeing the Ghost of Will navigating Alicia's choices. He's dead and we've accepted that. 

LOVED when Diane smacked the ish out of Alicia. Alicia deserved it and that smack was perfection. 

BUT: What happened to the MIL and her marriage to the old lawyer? What happens to Eli and his kick ass daughter? Where was Zach? Did he marry the slightly older woman? Did Grace go to Berkeley? If we had a Will sighting, why couldn't we have a Kalinda sighting (you know, because she's alive)? What happened to Michael J. Fox's character? Does he die from his disease? Do they turn the firm into all women or does the discrimination suit stop it? 

Ambiguity thy name is The Good Wife. 

Kalinda might have been lost in the bizarre CGI matrix used to patch her farewell scene together. 

We couldn't have a Kalinda sighting because JM hates her.  I doubt they turn the firm into an all woman firm since likely Alicia and Lucca are out.  I just don't buy (or like) this person they turned Alicia into over the last couple of seasons.  I'd love to see a new show centered around Lucca Quinn (Cush Jumbo).  

I'm surprised at all the negative reaction, not just here, but in general. I thought it was a fairly good ending. Not fantastic, but a perfectly reasonable resolution without tying everything up in a nice little bow. I give it a solid B.

I really lost interest in the show about a season ago, but I kept powering through. It was so disappointing to me- a show that was SO good was suddenly just...not. Something was off and I've never been able to put my finger on it. For one thing, it seems to be something about the pacing. Anytime Alicia was deep in thought, or typing or texting, it was almost like slow-mo. 

Also, the continued back-and-forth with Lockhart Gardner (or whatever) was really forced by the end. That they would constantly face off in court was silly. Seriously, there are no other lawyers in all of Chicago? People are choosing between a giant firm and a woman working out of her apartment?

There was some line many episodes ago that still bothers me. Alicia was having a big revelation (I'm sure with wine) and said something about being a woman "who has kids she isn't sure she even likes." Um, what? Since when?!

Also, did anyone else just not care at ALL about Jason and whether they ended up together? 

So yeah, I found the finale unsatisfying, but I have been feeling this way for a long time anyway. 

Cush Jumbo (what a name, right?) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan could have a spin off. Both are super intelligent and both are extremely easy on the eyes. That JDM is one handsome dude.

JDM is going to be busy wreaking havoc and being much less charming on The Walking Dead for the foreseeable future. 

Final shows are nearly always disappointing in one respect or another. They just can't be neatly ended in one hour, unless like a Shakespearean tragedy, no character is left alive. People were up in arms about the ending of the Sopranos, and many people were unhappy with the conclusion of Breaking Bad. Personally, I didn't love the ending of Good Wife, but it wasn't bad. I could have lived without the Will Gardener business, because I get annoyed when characters have conversations with dead people!

I was trying to pin down when these expectations for a great Final Episode began. "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," maybe?

I thought the BB finale was excellent. Sopranos terrible. But Lost- I still get angry when I think about that show and that finale.

The Good Wife lost me a few seasons ago. I agree that Alicia became so unlikeable, it was hard to watch. But as far as finales go, it was fine. Decent wrap up. Perfect example of a show that stayed around 2-3 seasons too long.

Six Feet Under is the only series to do it right. (Everybody dies.)

j_r said:

Six Feet Under is the only series to do it right. (Everybody dies.)

When you think about it we do in real life too

j_r said:

Six Feet Under is the only series to do it right. (Everybody dies.)

The finale of Justified was pretty near perfect. (Many characters lived.)

j_r said:

Six Feet Under is the only series to do it right. (Everybody dies.)

The epitome of a great series finale. Everything disappoints when compared to SFU.

No longer think viewers are looking for neat box. The Sopranos, Seinfeld and others have destroyed that. What is needed is less ambiguity. I don't have to see Alicia walk down the aisle with Jason but I would like to know if she remains tethered to Mr. Big (he'll always be Mr. Big to me!) or if Cary gets the career and life he deserves after putting up with the messiness of Kalinda and the firm. 

The spin off show I'd watch would star Carrie Preston (quirky Elsbeth Tascioni) and her ex Mike Tascioni (Will Patton). Brilliant character actors. 

The Friday Night Lights finale was perfection. 

Thinking back to other season finales of my favorite shows, I was generally pretty happy with Mad Men, Downton Abbey, Parks & Rec, Parenthood, Friends, Sex and the City... Sopranos, well...cheese

To me the disappointment is in the final season overall. Sad to see the decline of a once-great show. I used to look forward to watching, but lately it's just kind of languished on my DVR.

Yes!  Although why not on regular tv ?

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