The Daily Show guest hosts

This week we have Leslie Jones - HILARIOUS!

Here's the lineup 

  • Week of Jan. 17: Leslie Jones
  • Week of Jan. 23: Wanda Sykes
  • Week of Jan. 30: D.L. Hughley
  • Week of Feb. 6: Chelsea Handler
  • Week of Feb. 13: Sarah Silverman

Al Franken, John Leguizamo, Hasan Minhaj, Kal Penn and Marlon Wayans are also expected to take turns hosting; their dates have not yet been announced.

I've never enjoyed Sarah Silverman's style of comedy, but looking forward to the rest of the lineup!

If you asked me to name a top 5 of who I would not want to see there are 3 of them listed. Wanda Sykes can be occasionally funny, but I don't get Chelsea Handler or Sarah Silverman's appeal.

Leslie does curse a bit too much.  

Out of the list - I would look out for Hasan and Kal - possibly Chelsea.

Franken will be a fun watch.  John Leguizamo might be interesting.

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