Thank you Game of Thrones

It's taken me a long time to start this series. I've just watched two episodes but I'm hooked. For someone as challenged as I at keeping complicated plots and characters straight, I'd like to thank the producers of the show for making all of the blondes evil. It makes it so much easier. Oh, and narrow, chiseled noses seem to indicate bad guys. I hope nothing changes over the course of the next 6+ seasons.

Haven't yet started watching but a word of warning I heard from people: don't get attached to ANY character (once you've kept them straight in your mind of course) as they will likely be killed off. You're welcome.

When you get all caught up with my favorite show, we'll see if you agree with me about who the two most interesting characters are... No spoilers!

gerardryan said:

When you get all caught up with my favorite show, we'll see if you agree with me about who the two most interesting characters are... No spoilers!

we should start a separate thread for those discussions... especially with next season right around the corner! i caught up after last season within the course of two weeks and could not get my mind off the show!!

The show and the books are great, it's unfortunate that GRRM won't finish Book 6 until next year at the earliest (It will have been 5+ years at least)

Well, the show is great, anyway. The books are kind of meh, especially the last couple.

I think I must agree with Frank. Books are a good bit better than meh, but have a little too much wandering about and not enough advancing the plot.

Star Trek did it right. Aliens/bad guys had bad complexions or pointy facial features. Voila! Bad guy!

I am going to try to resist the urge to watch two episodes every night until exhausted (as in the series and/or me).

@jeffl -- i watched 5-6 episodes at a time -- could not stop.....

One thing I found weirdly helpful is the animated map in the opening credits. Took me a long time to realize it was a "real" map. Gives you a bit of a sense of how all of the different places relate to each other.

this is by far the best for orientation -- including pictures of characters associated with each area

Awesome! Thanks, seaweed!

seaweed said:

this is by far the best for orientation -- including pictures of characters associated with each area

whoa! what's that huge eurasia looking land mass on the right? My GOT world just grew by a gazillion percent.

I started watching the series before reading any of the books, and found that skimming the audiobooks (remedial GoT) helped fill in some of the blanks.

It was a little disorienting to take up The Wire and discover that Peytr Bailish is Councilman Carcetti... and that he is sort of playing the same character...

j_r said:

I started watching the series before reading any of the books, and found that skimming the audiobooks (remedial GoT) helped fill in some of the blanks.

what a great idea!

Be careful about comparing the books to the show, because there are quite a few places where they part company. And, since GRRM is a consultant on the show, he can (and apparent will) approve the departures from book gospel to keep the show moving along.

I have to agree... the books wander around too much without really getting anywhere. The show is much tighter and has a better sense of direction. Really, GRRM needs a strong editor to tell him when he is just making a giant mess.

gerardryan said:

It was a little disorienting to take up The Wire and discover that Peytr Bailish is Councilman Carcetti... and that he is sort of playing the same character...

Hah! Imagine the same cognitive process in reverse.

gerardryan said:

It was a little disorienting to take up The Wire and discover that Peytr Bailish is Councilman Carcetti... and that he is sort of playing the same character...

damn, I missed that completely.

You know nothing, Jon Snow. Er, Drummerboy.

yeah so i guess jon snow really did croak.

Ah, but death is often impermanent on Game of Thrones. I have high hopes he will still return. If he is really really dead, why show the body and bring in the Red Woman and all that jazz?? It feels like they are dropping giant hints. Although I'm really wondering what Melisandre's deal is now. Holy crap.

I love it that Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie are now an item in real life (his Wildling love). Wish they could bring her back, too. But then, I also want them to bring back Ned and Lady Stark and give Bran back his legs. Can't have everything, right??

j_r said:


But we all knew, didn't we?

Despite the total lack of surprise, I thought they handled it well. They didn't draw it out too long (second episode) and the actual moment was pretty dramatic. Imagine how amazing it would have been if everyone HADN'T known it was coming!

cramer said:
But we all knew, didn't we?

I know nothing.

imonlysleeping said:

Despite the total lack of surprise, I thought they handled it well. They didn't draw it out too long (second episode) and the actual moment was pretty dramatic. Imagine how amazing it would have been if everyone HADN'T known it was coming!

I agree.

My friends obviously don't know about Orthodox Easter, because they were being all coy about posting what happened and all they had to say was "He is risen!" and technically it would be spoiler-free.

In light of recent events, I must repost one of my favorite late night bits... 

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