Who won?

Twitter reported 33,000 new Bernie followers. Hillary got 13,000 new followers.

I think the democrats won.

better to say, no one lost last night.

I was disappointed. Not a single Democrat came out in favor of gratuitous confrontation with Russia that might lead to war. We don't need a Democrat now. We need a decisive leader like Chris Christie who will tell bullies like Putin to sit down and shut up.

I think Clinton won. Here's my reasoning:

1. Clinton entered the race as the commanding front-runner

2. The overwhelming majority of coverage of her has been negative - ie the email scandal

3. With the debate, the media is no longer talking about the emails all the time. So I expect her polling troubles to slow, stop, or even reverse.

(This is regarding the primary. I don't have any insight into the general, and honestly I don't think anyone really does yet)

Not exactly on topic, but did you see that Ron Reagan Jr said that Nancy is supporting Hillary?

It's Las Vegas. The House always wins.

Webb and Chafee lost. That's for sure.

I guess first you have to define "won" in this context. There is no explicit score, so everyone is going to claim their candidate won. But I agree that Webb and Chafee lost.

Time Magazine poll with over 200,000 votes.

Bernie 53%

Hillary 13%

Yet many main stream media give the "win" to Hillary


But CNN thinks its only "kids" who use Facebook. I thought facebook was so yesterdays technology and kids are on instagram, twitter and snapchat.

Those who watched the debate won. They got confirmation that there will actually be at least 1 adult running next November.

Every article that I read in the NYT called it a huge win for Hillary. Everything on the Op Ed pages. For what it's worth...

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
Time Magazine poll with over 200,000 votes.

Bernie 53%

Hillary 13%

Yet many main stream media give the "win" to Hillary

This really pisses me off.

Tom_Reingold said:

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
Time Magazine poll with over 200,000 votes.

Bernie 53%

Hillary 13%

Yet many main stream media give the "win" to Hillary
This really pisses me off.

Why? The number of tweets or a Time magazine poll is hardly a reliable barometer.

Everyone has an opinion on how the candidates performed. There is no way to actually measure "who won?", so everyone weighs in with their thoughts.

HRC certainly did very, very well. I'm probably more politically aligned with Sanders, but I'm OK with giving credit where credit is due, and HRC deserves credit for doing an excellent job. It reassured her supporters, who were starting to worry, and this in itself is a huge win for her.

I only saw about 30 minutes of the debate before CNN cut me off (I don't have a paid subscription or cable).

From what I saw, Clinton did a professional job, and showed she can be forceful and polished under pressure. She seemed very experienced and ready. However, I think that also went against her because she also seemed like a well rehearsed mouthpiece. At one point, I think when he was talking about billionaires and oligarchs, I thought Bernie Sanders gave a slight nod in her direction. But maybe it was just me looking over at her and thinking that she probably works for "them." I guess I don't find her genuine.

In contrast, Sanders was wooden and rough and kind of geriatric---but his blunt message was refreshing and hopeful and he was saying what I have always dreamed someone would say in a national forum. I also thought he handled her attack on his gun control policies well. He said the NRA gave him a D-, which was a good point. She gave him a hard time, but he made some comments about having to be flexible and work with others on a consensus when crafting regulations. So I think he came out on top in that discussion, because he was able to show a more emphatic, less rigid side.

Also, I though Hillary was being obnoxious when she said being a capitalist, rather than a Democratic Socialist meant she supported small business, implying that Sanders did not. That was low.

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