What would you ask Trump?

Trump has a lot of impromptu South lawn press sessions. 

What drives me nuts is that when Trump says the Ukraine call was perfect - no one follows up with - why was Burisma and The Bidens left off the transcript?  And why was it moved to a secure server if it was perfect?

What would you ask him?

Hm. Would he be in some way compelled to tell the truth? Because otherwise it's a pointless question.

Do you want a dope slap or a kick in the nuts?

What the **** is wrong with you?

mrincredible said:

Hm. Would he be in some way compelled to tell the truth? Because otherwise it's a pointless question.

 Have to agree.  The following was literally posted on the Twitter a few minutes ago, about the latest "helicopter presser" -

Trump claims election where he lost the popular vote was "a landslide," says "my polls are up" (they're not), then adds, "everything [the whistleblower] wrote in that report was a lie" (it's broadly corroborated). He then threatens to sue whistleblower's lawyer "for treason." 


I wouldn’t ask a question.  I would simply say:   Along with the rest of the world I will celebrate your death. 

I would follow Trevor Noah's lead and ask him about relations with Wakanda.

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