What's the worst thing Trump has done so far?

I admit, the list to pick from is long, and I won't bother to enumerate the contenders. It's unlikely I'll argue with anyone else's choices.

For me, the single thing that got me most depressed was his rejection of the Iran deal, because it was just so monstrously stupid and the thing most clearly to guarantee a bad and deteriorating result with worldwide consequences. Which it most certainly has. It's something he could have just left alone and decided to just gripe about, but he's so caught up in his own myth as a deal-maker and his hatred of Obama, that he just couldn't resist pissing on the whole thing. 

What's your pick?

Stacking the courts of this country. This will affect Americans for decades.

The Iran deal is a hit contender for second place because it will affect the world. Hopefully we can get back on track after he's kicked out of the Casa Blanca....

I agree his racist views and hatred for Obama will be to his detriment.

Stoking N.Korea to lead them to escalate nuke missles.

Jaytee said:
Stacking the courts of this country. This will affect Americans for decades.
The Iran deal is a hit contender for second place because it will affect the world. Hopefully we can get back on track after he's kicked out of the Casa Blanca....
I agree his racist views and hatred for Obama will be to his detriment.

 I think the courts would have been stacked in the same way By Cruz, Kasich, or Jeb Bush had they been the GOP nominee and won the general.  I’m not sure any of those would have pulled out of the Iran deal.  

Obstructed a legitimate investigation into foreign interference in the 2016 election to protect his own tender ego. In the course of so doing attacked and eroded confidence in American intelligence and law enforcement institutions.

His "No obstruction no collusion" mantra cones with a hefty dose of "burn down anything that contradicts me, at any cost to the rule of law."

attacks on the media and law enforcement such that a large segment of the population simply rejects the facts placed before them.

He was ill-conceived.

Raping a 13-year-old is pretty bad, imo.

Gosh, do I have to pick 1?  Alienating and destroying our reputation with the rest of the world.

US reputation will take years to recover from this presidency.

grob2 said:
Raping a 13-year-old is pretty bad, imo.

 er, what?

Red_Barchetta said:

Jaytee said:
Stacking the courts of this country. This will affect Americans for decades.
The Iran deal is a hit contender for second place because it will affect the world. Hopefully we can get back on track after he's kicked out of the Casa Blanca....
I agree his racist views and hatred for Obama will be to his detriment.
 I think the courts would have been stacked in the same way By Cruz, Kasich, or Jeb Bush had they been the GOP nominee and won the general.  I’m not sure any of those would have pulled out of the Iran deal.  

 Yeah, I agree with this too. It's unlikely any other Republican would have produced a better judiciary over the last few years.

The worst thing he has done is in International Trade.  His tariff regime is having an immediate impact.  This coupled with his sanctioning could undermine the US dollar status as the international currency in the long term.  

drummerboy said:

grob2 said:
Raping a 13-year-old is pretty bad, imo.
 er, what?


I suppose all his sexual assaults are not good, but maybe the "Katie Johnson" rape is the worst thing he's done. 

I'll also vote for putting people in concentration camps. 

terp said:
The worst thing he has done is in International Trade.  His tariff regime is having an immediate impact.  This coupled with his sanctioning could undermine the US dollar status as the international currency in the long term.  

 If the allegations about the 13 year old have merits, then I would say that is obviously worse.  I was thinking more about as president. 

Another thing that ranks high with me is that he has given the assh0les of the world a leader they can truly look up to.

I'll have to go more deeply into my Theory of the Assh0le.

Assh0les exist. We all know some. We know who they are. (In this context, assh0les are the people who show up and cheer at Trump's rallies.)

Normally, and the whole reason they're called assh0les in the first place, is that society disapproves of assh0le behavior. It tries to not reward it, in the hopes that it will diminish general assh0lery. Like racism and other forms of behavior that are bad and destructive to society.

Assh0les, in their heart, know they're largely rejected by society, but most of them just can't help it. At the very least though, society's admonishment keeps a lid on their behavior.

Today however, the assh0les of the world now have one of their own implanted as the most powerful man in the universe. All this does is embolden their assh0lery. So one of the lasting effects of the Trump presidency will be an increase in assh0le behavior. 

This is a very bad thing.

Red_Barchetta said:
 I think the courts would have been stacked in the same way By Cruz, Kasich, or Jeb Bush had they been the GOP nominee and won the general.  I’m not sure any of those would have pulled out of the Iran deal.  

 While Trump campaigned on overturning Roe, Kasich believes its settled law. He did sign the 20 week limit but vetoed the heartbeat bill, which is gaining momentum and is usually 6 to 8 weeks so I can't see him picking the nightmare that is Kavanaugh.  Bush and Cruz are for overturning Roe so yes, they would be just as bad.

Throwing in my vote for the SCOTUS picks. Adding the treatment of immigrants at the border.

This weekend's planned Gestapo roundups have potential.

mapso_dino said:

 perfect, since babies have no clue what's going on and don't know any better.

mapso_dino said:

 With your pants full of feces and urine. Not surprising.

grob2 said:
Our President!

 Just wow...

drummerboy said:
Another thing that ranks high with me is that he has given the assh0les of the world a leader they can truly look up to.

I'll have to go more deeply into my Theory of the Assh0le.
Assh0les exist. We all know some. We know who they are. (In this context, assh0les are the people who show up and cheer at Trump's rallies.)

Normally, and the whole reason they're called assh0les in the first place, is that society disapproves of assh0le behavior. It tries to not reward it, in the hopes that it will diminish general assh0lery. Like racism and other forms of behavior that are bad and destructive to society.
Assh0les, in their heart, know they're largely rejected by society, but most of them just can't help it. At the very least though, society's admonishment keeps a lid on their behavior.

Today however, the assh0les of the world now have one of their own implanted as the most powerful man in the universe. All this does is embolden their assh0lery. So one of the lasting effects of the Trump presidency will be an increase in assh0le behavior. 

This is a very bad thing.


ml1 said:

drummerboy said:
Another thing that ranks high with me is that he has given the assh0les of the world a leader they can truly look up to.

I'll have to go more deeply into my Theory of the Assh0le.
Assh0les exist. We all know some. We know who they are. (In this context, assh0les are the people who show up and cheer at Trump's rallies.)

Normally, and the whole reason they're called assh0les in the first place, is that society disapproves of assh0le behavior. It tries to not reward it, in the hopes that it will diminish general assh0lery. Like racism and other forms of behavior that are bad and destructive to society.
Assh0les, in their heart, know they're largely rejected by society, but most of them just can't help it. At the very least though, society's admonishment keeps a lid on their behavior.

Today however, the assh0les of the world now have one of their own implanted as the most powerful man in the universe. All this does is embolden their assh0lery. So one of the lasting effects of the Trump presidency will be an increase in assh0le behavior. 

This is a very bad thing.

Hey! He stole my thing!

He crashed Twitter. (OTOH, maybe that's a good thing.)

drummerboy said:
Hey! He stole my thing!

recognizing that being an ******* is a defining characteristic of Donald Trump is like recognizing that wetness is a defining characteristic of water.

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