What has Jimmy Dore been up to?

I can't bring myself to look.  Also, is it worth addressing those who warned us against Biden not having a chance like Bernie would?

Not looking, but I imagine they're having a field day with Biden's cabinet picks, pulling all kinds of weird **** and crazy board connections from their past and letting us know what that truly means now.

Jimmy's doing very well for himself.

He's "capitalist to his bones".  

Here's an example of his pique at AOC for reasons which hardly make sense.  

@jamie, what about inviting everybody back who has drifted away for 2021? 

This thread made me think of it.

New administration, new things to debate!

Jimmy Dore's anger management issues were evident during a recent "M4A" Zoom event.

All of the Bernie boosting "stars" you heard about here during the primaries, were together to push their latest scheme - something about threatening to vote against Nancy Pelosi for Speaker unless there's a roll call vote on their M4A bill.  The point isn't to get a bill passed, it's just to "take names" to see who to go after on the Democratic side.

Jimmy was losing his sh*t, and sounds like someone suffering with a serious substance-abuse problem and evidencing chronic misogyny. 

[Edited to add] And at about 1:50 into the first clip, the African American guy in the middle Zoom square must have had enough, because he must have dropped off since he "disappears" from the array. 

Jimmy's got something in a brown liquid, on-the-rocks, to sustain him on this call.

In my house, we have a name for brown liquid in a tall glass with that much ice: tea.

Don’t let our domestic habits, though, get in the way of anybody’s slander.

Why is this thread alive?

Are some of you just incredibly bored?

DaveSchmidt said:

In my house, we have a name for brown liquid in a tall glass with that much ice: tea.

Don’t let our domestic habits, though, get in the way of anybody’s slander.

 That's not a tall glass in Mr. Dore's hand.

Also, in your house you probably don't shout "F*CK" over and over at your laptop camera.

Tall enough for tea, in any case, but I’m happy to withdraw the adjective. As for taking a fifth, that’s what I’ll plead on what we shout at our laptops.

Not bored, STANV. Simply curious.

Also, this is also (regretfully) a matter of current events.

These Bernie remnant is badgering members of the House and almost literally having a temper tantrum because they're being ignored by people who actually are working for the improvement of the lives of the less fortunate.

It's shocking his comedy career didn't take off.

Jimmy's spending time with some of the only friends he has left - Boogaloo Boys.  

nohero said:

Jimmy's spending time with some of the only friends he has left - Boogaloo Boys.  

 That was actually a very interesting interview. Thanks for posting!

Jimmy got trolled is "interesting"?  I'd go with hilarious.  

Let's check in on Jimmy Dore, just for fun.

On second thought, let's not.

To be fair to Dore, Dmitri's statement has nothing to do with whether the government is run by neo-Nazis.

I know nothing about the Ukranian government. Who should I believe?

drummerboy said:

To be fair to Dore, Dmitri's statement has nothing to do with whether the government is run by neo-Nazis.

I know nothing about the Ukranian government. Who should I believe?

Dore was commenting on Tucker's guest saying, "Ukraine is a democracy, Russia is an authoritarian regime".

And you should believe whoever is pointing out how wrong Jimmy Dore is. If you're still not sure, you could look up some background on the last election in Ukraine.

2019 Ukrainian presidential election - Wikipedia

I'm pretty sure that if I looked up the wiki entry on the 2020 election, it wouldn't say much about the growth of fascism in the U.S. either.

drummerboy said:

I'm pretty sure that if I looked up the wiki entry on the 2020 election, it wouldn't say much about the growth of fascism in the U.S. either.

Wikipedia should only be used for the footnotes, to read the sources of what's in the entries. If you look at the entry, there's a lot of detail about the candidates and the events.

Also, with respect to the 2020 U.S. election - "One exchange that was particularly noted was when Trump did not directly denounce the white supremacist and neo-fascist group Proud Boys, which explicitly engages in political violence, instead responding that they should 'stand back and stand by'."

2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

Is Tulsi Gabbard still living in the US or has she moved to Russia?

Here is a recent video from Jimmy Dore which includes mention of Oleh Tyahnybok.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (R) shakes hands with Oleh Tyahnybok, head of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda (Freedom) Party, as he attends a meeting with deputies of the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, April 22, 2014. Biden told Ukrainian members of ...

nan said:

Here is a recent video from Jimmy Dore which includes mention of Oleh Tyahnybok

Never heard of him, care to tell us what he's doing today - I don't have time for any Dore nonsense.

Can you post the video on Dore’s thoughts on Putin’s invasion?

I had to stop watching, I felt like I’m looking at a B rated sci-fi flick… where Jimmy comes out of my screen and pulls my brain out , through my nostrils. 

jamie said:

Can you post the video on Dore’s thoughts on Putin’s invasion?

Ukraine is a U.S. "neo-colony", not an "independent nation" being attacked, and it's all the fault of the U.S. and Ukraine.

Enough with Jimmy Dore.   

sbenois said:

Enough with Jimmy Dore.   

I thought we said that a long time ago.

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