Watch for a Reichstag event

Trump could give a crap about Congress - he will rule as king via executive action.

He will stretch executive power to its limits.

And, when the time comes after the first terrorist attack, he will use his executive power as commander-in-chief to start doing some scary sh!t.

The CINC role is not well defined in the Constitution, and with the Patriot Act and the GWOT mentality, he will likely be able to get away with an awful lot that 10 years ago we would have thought impossible to happen here.

Today's #RESISTANCE reading

I do so hate for you to be right about this stuff, db.

I have to say I've lost sleep on this one. Someone who comes into the US during this "ban" period goes postal and it will be seized upon as I Told You So! There we go! Scares me to death but does not scare me enough to support the ban. A Fool's Errand That.

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

There are now two threads on this similar topic. I wrote this on the other one and copy it here:

I do think if there is a largish terrorist attack there is a high probability that Trump will order a wide ranging round up of people (possibly even including elected Democrats he will charge with "colluding") who will be taken to military prisoners and Trump will declare that this is a matter of national security so the courts have no habeas corpus or other authority over these people and basically challenge Congress to either fall into line or try to impeach him.

yeah, I'm hesitant to get this specific, but sure, it could turn out something like you describe.

At this point, it's very hard to get a clue about where the line is for Congressional Republicans, as I assume and hope there must be. However, there doesn't even seem to be a line at this point, as Trump has gotten a free ride on everything so far.

Based on Republican history, I have to assume that line is not in a very comfortable place. With Republicans in control, Trump will get away with an awful, awful lot.

Look at the size of protests regarding the Muslim ban. That ain't nothing compared to what's coming in terms of protests.

And expect there to be clashes - Trump supporters have been pretty quiet so far, but they can get pretty riled up - especially if Trump.... no, when Trump blames a terrorist attack on the left.

BTW, I hate, hate, hate that I'm thinking of this stuff.

ska said:

There are now two threads on this similar topic. I wrote this on the other one and copy it here:

I do think if there is a largish terrorist attack there is a high probability that Trump will order a wide ranging round up of people (possibly even including elected Democrats he will charge with "colluding") who will be taken to military prisoners and Trump will declare that this is a matter of national security so the courts have no habeas corpus or other authority over these people and basically challenge Congress to either fall into line or try to impeach him.

He's already preparing to send the military into Chicago.

Remember the Maine.

And the assassination of Sergey Kirov.

One glimmer of hope is that I don't believe Trump has solid accomplice who will motivate the armed forces.

He's such an idiot - he thought hiring a guy with the "mad dog" nickname could have filled this position.

The big question will be - What will Milley do when Trump orders military troops to take the streets after the election.

jamie said:

The big question will be - What will Milley do when Trump orders military troops to take the streets after the election.

What Milley does is advise; the Joint Chiefs “have no executive authority to command combatant forces.” From their website:

Today, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have no executive authority to command combatant forces. The issue of executive authority was clearly resolved by the Goldwater-Nichols DOD Reorganization Act of 1986: "The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall assign all forces under their jurisdiction to unified and specified combatant commands to perform missions assigned to those commands..."; the chain of command "runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense; and from the Secretary of Defense to the commander of the combatant command."

drummerboy said:

WaPo is finally catching on

 when you have a proponent of status quo conventional wisdom like Milbank writing something like this, we know the country really is in a bad place.

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