Was that the best the nutty right wing could deliver?

Are you telling me that this lineup of noodniks is the best the right can do? Harrassing the head of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, mercilessly, shouting questions at her and then not letting her answer, how does that help?

springgreen2 said:
Are you telling me that this lineup of noodniks is the best the right can do? Harrassing the head of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, mercilessly, shouting questions at her and then not letting her answer, how does that help?

When and where?

The House Committee hearing on Planned Parenthood, Washington, D.C. Today. C-span, MSNBC.

A couple editorials:



Watch C-Span 3 if you want to try to live through this horror today.

Gowdy called it "infanticide!" They're gearing up their fight against Roe vs Wade already.

I read an article a few days ago (Washington Post?) about how Republicans are baffled because no matter what they do, Planned Parenthood keeps going up in the polls, to the point that PP is scoring higher than the Republican party itself and its presidential candidates. I'll bet it just makes them even crazier.

Don't these guys have wives?

springgreen2 said:
Watch C-Span 3 if you want to try to live through this horror today, again.
Gowdy called it "infanticide!" They're gearing up their fight against Roe vs Wade already.

Bingo. From the first editorial I linked above:

"This would appear to justify Richards’s contention that the controversy “isn’t about Planned Parenthood. It’s about allowing women in this country . . .to make other decisions about their pregnancies.”

"As if to confirm Richards’s suspicion, 28 minutes after the hearing ended, lawmakers went to the House floor to vote on legislation restricting abortion – for the 14th time this year."

These wingers are smelling red meat having driven out Speaker Boehner. They were full of piss and vinegar as they growled at the ever poised Cecile Richards. They were embarrassing their fellow Republicans. It was a Hail-Mary panicked attempt to get to their base, but it's not working. Maybe they thought the Pope would have more pro-life messages they could tailgate on, but...not.

The tape of the mother of the child Fiorina "saw" on the tape is being presented now on MSNBC.

It wasn't at Planned Parenthood. It was a stillborn child born in a hospital. It was dying, even though its heart beat for a few minutes. The mother said the baby was with her as he was dying.

The Right lied to Fiorina about the tape, and she used it in her debate response. The Right used it against Planned Parenthood. She's wrecked. False evidence used falsely against Planned Parenthood.

springgreen2 said:
The tape of the mother of the child Fiorina "saw" on the tape is being interviewed now on MSNBC.
It wasn't at Planned Parenthood. It was a stillborn child born in a hospital. It was dying, even though its heart beat for a few minutes. The mother said the baby was with her as he was dying.
The Right lied to Fiorina about the tape, and she used it in her debate response. The Right used it against Planned Parenthood. She's wrecked. False evidence used falsely against Planned Parenthood.

Why do you think this will have any negative effect on her campaign? When do facts matter to zealots?

True. Maybe in the time it takes in the lead-up to the primary some more intelligent, informed voters will see their zealotry for what it is.

springgreen2 said:
True. Maybe in the time it takes in the lead-up to the primary some more intelligent, informed voters will see their zealotry for what it is.

Don't hold your breath...... tongue wink

mumstheword said:

springgreen2 said:
True. Maybe in the time it takes in the lead-up to the primary some more intelligent, informed voters will see their zealotry for what it is.
Don't hold your breath...... <img src=">

No, but Fiorina wouldn't have a chance even if she made it to the general election. She's a good communicator, but has a problem with "truthiness."

Fiorina is starting to make Christie look principled.

They all look reptilian.

Just watch Rachel Maddow Show now if you have the time...in a few minutes.

springgreen2 said:
Just watch Rachel Maddow Show now if you have the time...in a few minutes.

I watched and howled and pounded the table the whole show long!

The only way these people are going to be stopped is if the American public smartens up and begins to be more discerning as to what crap they're going to swallow. I'm afraid I'm of the half-empty opinion....

mumstheword said:

springgreen2 said:
Just watch Rachel Maddow Show now if you have the time...in a few minutes.
I watched and howled and pounded the table the whole show long!
The only way these people are going to be stopped is if the American public smartens up and begins to be more discerning as to what crap they're going to swallow. I'm afraid I'm of the half-empty opinion....

The only bright spot is the fact that there is still tremendous popular support for Planned Parenthood.

And I'm sure donations to the organization are way up. I know I'm tempted to pull out my checkbook (and have done so several times) every time I hear these guys speak.

How Ms. Richards maintained her composure and didn't just start screaming at those idiots I'll never know. I would have just lost it! What an brilliant, elegant woman (just like her mama!)

LL_ said:
How Ms. Richards maintained her composure and didn't just start screaming at those idiots I'll never know. I would have just lost it! What an brilliant, elegant woman (just like her mama!)

That's how she got to such a high position there, I'm sure. She must get this crap alllllll the time and has to be able to publicly deal with it - and she did!

TarheelsInNj said:

LL_ said:
How Ms. Richards maintained her composure and didn't just start screaming at those idiots I'll never know. I would have just lost it! What an brilliant, elegant woman (just like her mama!)
That's how she got to such a high position there, I'm sure. She must get this crap alllllll the time and has to be able to publicly deal with it - and she did!

Her salary is well-earned, IMHO. In fact, she needs a raise.

Doesn't this belong in "All Politics" category? I was surprised to see this subject matter given I have that category blocked.

Donate to Planned Parenthood!

lanky said:
Doesn't this belong in "All Politics" category? I was surprised to see this subject matter given I have that category blocked.

It's definitely politics. Where do you suggest it should be? It affects women around the world, which you would know if you had been following it.

I suggest (again) that it be in the "All Politics" category. What is confusing?

springgreen2 said:

lanky said:
Doesn't this belong in "All Politics" category? I was surprised to see this subject matter given I have that category blocked.
It's definitely politics. Where do you suggest it should be? It affects women around the world, which you would know if you had been following it.

I stand behind my post making fun of people who don't understand what the contraction for "you are" is.


Thanks for your vote of confidence "lanky."

OP can edit the initial post and select Soapbox: All Politics to move this thread to the correct category.

I am all for PP, but the thread is political in nature.

springgreen2 said:
Thanks for your vote of confidence "lanky."

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