Warren says kill the filibuster. She should get your vote just for that.

The filibuster is asinine, especially in a Senate that is already skewed towards minority control.

To me this is almost a disqualifying issue. How any Presidential candidate can be against this is mind-boggling. I'm looking at you Booker.

You can’t do anything about the filibuster if you leave the Senate to be President. 

Posted edited to add - And if you’re Mayor Pete or a Representative, you can’t do anything about it either. 

Well, everyone can do something about it by supporting it - otherwise it will never happen.

In MA, what are the rules for selecting a replacement Senator anyway, and how come I was more upset that Sherrod Brown might run than I am that Warren IS running? I'm thinking that in MA there will be a special election, but in OH the guv picks a successor for the rest of the term.

Dunno. Hmmm, how could I find out.....

South_Mountaineer said:
You can’t do anything about the filibuster if you leave the Senate to be President. 
Posted edited to add - And if you’re Mayor Pete or a Representative, you can’t do anything about it either. 

Either could be in a position to not veto such legislation.

dave said:
Either could be in a position to not veto such legislation.

 The President as no say over Senate Rules.

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