USPS strikes again

I am still working on the plantings at our 'new' (2022) house.  I ordered $100+ of modern daylilies from a grower in Georgia.

09/09  12:23 pm   Package recorded by post office in Glenville, GA

09/09  05:03 pm   Package left Glenville, GA

09/10  11:28 pm   Package reaches Atlanta distribution center

09/12  03:05 am   Package reaches Kearny, NJ distribution center

09/12  03:12 am   Package departed Palmetto, GA ??  (7 min after it got to Kearny!)

To be updated

I was thinking the mailman walked all over your recently planted day lilies, because it happened to me. 

I had that problem in Maplewood (where I converted the entire front to a perennial garden).  Here I have left a path, so he/she don't have that option.

The tracking report turned out to be in error.  The package did not go back to GA, but the package took 4 days to reach me (vs 2 days for the FL package that was shipped at the same time).

You're not alone.  I have had much longer delivery foul-ups with the USPS.  They just don't seem to be able to get it together.  It's no wonder the competition is thriving.

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