Trump tells FEMA not to send more $ to CA for forest fires

Claiming that it is CA own fault for not maintaining proper forest management.

Is there any mechanism for removing a sitting President for incompetence????????

Yes there is, by virtue of the 25th amendment. But it requires a majority of the cabinet and 75% of both chambers of Congress.

I think by "mismanagement" he means "overwhelmingly voted for Hilary".

That he is self centered, and very vindictive, is obvious to all.  

But this type of threat, in a situation where he has zero comprehension of the issues (and, as usual, is not listening to anyone trying to educate him), is a glaring example of incompetence.

What is next:

Penalizing TX & FL for not having better storm protection?

Penalizing AK for not having better earth quake prevention?

Penalizing the states in 'Tornado Alley' for not having better building codes?

Penalizing the Mississippi river states for not having better levees?

What will it take for the GOP to realize that they have Godzilla by the tail?   

When he starts doing things that affect their constituents and (more importantly) donors.

tomcat said:

What will it take for the GOP to realize that they have Godzilla by the tail?   

The GOP stands for nothing anymore except for the idea that traditional, white America is facing an existential crisis.  It will be difficult for the GOP to break their unholy tryst with Trump.  McConnell, may he rot in Hell, has himself lashed to the mainmast and is going to go down with his ship.

tomcat said:
That he is self centered, and very vindictive, is obvious to all.  
But this type of threat, in a situation where he has zero comprehension of the issues (and, as usual, is not listening to anyone trying to educate him), is a glaring example of incompetence.
What is next:
Penalizing TX & FL for not having better storm protection?
Penalizing AK for not having better earth quake prevention?
Penalizing the states in 'Tornado Alley' for not having better building codes?
Penalizing the Mississippi river states for not having better levees?
What will it take for the GOP to realize that they have Godzilla by the tail?   

 Nope. Only Blue states will be penalized.

It's not incompetence, it's maliciousness. Just like the cap on property taxes in blue states. The better question is: does CA have any legal means to fight this? For example witholding certain moneys to go to the Feds (I am sure California, like most Blue States is a net payer of federal taxes).

Another example is Trump blocking support for new Hudson river tunnels by the way.

I'd be happy to cut a deal with Trump.  $5B for his wall in exchange for making DACA the law and $10B for tunnels.

basil said:
It's not incompetence, it's maliciousness. Just like the cap on property taxes in blue states. The better question is: does CA have any legal means to fight this? For example witholding certain moneys to go to the Feds (I am sure California, like most Blue States is a net payer of federal taxes).

 They could vote to secede. Remember the present day GOP stronghold is in States with statues honoring those who fervently believed in a State's right to secede.

STANV said:

basil said:
It's not incompetence, it's maliciousness. Just like the cap on property taxes in blue states. The better question is: does CA have any legal means to fight this? For example witholding certain moneys to go to the Feds (I am sure California, like most Blue States is a net payer of federal taxes).
 They could vote to secede. Remember the present day GOP stronghold is in States with statues honoring those who fervently believed in a State's right to secede.

They will never kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. They need us in the blue states to pay for all their mis-management (like Kansas, one of these fantastic economic GOP experiments about limited government and cutting taxes to spur economic growth, except now they are $900 million in the hole and their economy sucks and they have no money for education and infrastructure anymore)

I'd say we get a good return on the money we ship off in taxes to other states. All the best, smartest, attractivest people from those other states move here and become awesome New Jerseyans.

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